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The  University  Of 







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I've  always  wanred  ro  have  o  roommare  v^ho  ploys 

rhe  Porrridge  Family  or  0:00AM. 

I've  olwoys  wanred  ro  share  a  borhroom  wirh  40 


I've  always  war^red  rod^y  furnirure. 

I've  always  wanred  more  rules  and  regulorions  rhor  I 

could  ever  remember. 
I've  always  wanred  "home"  ro  be  one  room  .... 
or  leasr  ir's  "home." 
Dorm  Life  pp.  18-37 

I'vg  olwoys  wonted  to  be  o  "Greek." 

I've  olwoys  wonred  ro  hove  my  morher  pur  on  hold 

when  she  colls  "rhe  house." 

I've  always  wonred  ro  weor  o  pin  on  my  chesr 


've  olwoys  wonred  a  "home"  I  could  come  bod^  ro  for 

rhe  resr  of  my  life 

or  leasr  ir's  "home." 

Froremiries  And  Sororities  pp.  39-47 


I've  always  wanted  to  live  off  campus. 

I've  always  wanted  ro  do  my  own  shopping 
and  cooking. 
I've  always  wonred  ro  wonder  how  I'm  going 
ro  pay  rhe  renr. 
I've  always  wonred  ro  roke  rhe  bus  ro  "compus." 
I've  olways  wonred  ro  deon  five  rooms. 
I've  always  wonred  o  "home"  rhar  feels  like  "home' 
...  or  leosr  ir's  "home"  .  . . 
Aportmenr  Living  pp.  52-53 


The  Gome  of  Lifesryles  pp.  20-21    ^^ 

A  Lifesryles'  Closeup:  Srudying  p.  22 

A  Lifesryles'  Closeup:  Weorher'.p.  30 

A  Lifesryles'  Closeup-.  Porrying  pj5,  06-37^ 

The  Year  Toward  Civiliry  p.  3,^.,^-. 

A  Lifesryles'  Closeup:  Sleeping  p.  39 

Homecoming  pp.  44-45 

Nighrlife  pp.  48-49 
Leisure  Time  pp.  50-51 



I've  always  wanted  to  be  a 

I've  always  wonred  ro  borrle  for  peoce 

and  quier. 
I've  always  wonred  ro  sir  on  a  Campus 

Cenrer  lounge  for  hours. 
I've  always  wonred  ro  blow  my  enrire 

paycheck  on  gas. 
I've  always  wonred  my  morher  ro  nog 

me  obour  .  .  .  EVERYTHING. 
I've  always  wonred  a  "home"  wirh 
my  family.  Ar  leosr  ir's  "home." 

Living  Our  of  a  Cor  pp.  54-55 










The  10  dorms  rhar  moke  up  rhe 
Cenrrol  Residenriol  Area  create  on  ex- 
ceprionol  communiry  ormosphere. 
The  Hill,  Qs  Ir  is  offecrionQrely  known, 
offers  o  geography  unique  ro  rhe 
compus,  and  rhe  climb  is  long  remem- 

The  beginning  of  rhe  school  year  is 
marked  wirh  greor  welcome  back 
parries,  where  everyone  rrodes  sro- 
ries  of  rheir  summers  and  meer  rheir 
new  floormares.  In  rhe  smaller  dorms, 
groups  idenrify  more  wirh  rhe  dorm 
as  a  unit,  while  in  rhe  larger  dorms, 
halls  ond  floors  form  rhe  righresr 
groups.  Floor  srudy  breaks  wirh  cook- 
ies and  hor  cocoa  or  rhe  beginning  of 
rhe  week  give  way  ro  friendly  floor 
happy  hours  on  Fridays. 

The  firsr  snow  brings  abour  a 
change  in  rhe  Hill,  wirh  everyone's 

holiday  ond  end-of-rhe-semesrer  spirit 
srorring  plenty  of  snowball  fighrs.  The 
climb  up  rhe  icy  hill,  luckily  avoided  by 
the  residenrs  of  lower  Cenrral,  gers 
longer  and  more  difficult  wirh  each 
snowsrorm.  While  going  up  requires 
efforr,  no  Cenrrol  residenr  can  forget 
sliding  down  the  iced  over  Doker  Hill 
on  everything  from  srolen  D.C.  troys 
ro  pieces  of  cardboard.  Many  stu- 
dents hove  even  skied  down  the 
path  righr  inro  rhe  New  Africo  House 
parking  lot  on  only  the  soles  of  rheir 
shoes.  Another  fovorire  winrer  event 
is  the  lighting  of  rhe  Christmas  Tree  in 
Cenrral  Area,  accompanied  by  carol- 
ing and  snow  man  building. 

The  coming  of  spring  and  rhe 
flowering  of  rhe  Orchard  gets  every- 
one in  on  ourdoor  mood.  Sunbarhing 
in  front  of  Von  Merer,  as  well  as  fris- 

bee  and  sofrball  rossing  become  ele- 
menrory  in  every  residenr's  curricu- 
lum. Floor  organized  and  sponrane- 
ous  parties  on  rhe  hill,  or  locrosse 
gomes,  and  or  nearby  Puffers  Pond 
highlight  the  spring  semester.  Special 
evenrs  like  Central  Area  Picnic  ond  the 
Orchord  Hill/Central  Area  Concerr 
bring  o  fun  and  rowdy  spring  ro  a 

Overall,  the  ormosphere  of  Central 
is  one  of  good  friends  having  good 
rimes.  In  rhe  lounges  ond  academic 
centers  everyone  works  hard  ro  ger 
rheir  srudying  done  so  rhey  con  head 
our  onro  rhe  hill  to  relax,  ro  Dutterfield 
for  o  movie,  or  ro  Greenough  for 
munchies,  carrying  on  the  great  Cen- 
rral rrodirions. 

Rira  McAndrews 

Losr  your 

pledge  pin. 

Go  bock 

3  spaces. 


loses  your 


Begin  ogoin. 




You've  been 
0  Spaces. 

Pick  0  number, 

any  number. 

ir's  your  new 


Welcome  ro 

"The  Yeor  Toward 


Too  much 


Go  ro 


Your  local 




Go  ro 


Forgot  your 

'Money  One"  cord. 

Go  to 

Check  Cashing. 



Pay  $50.00 




Caught  in  a 

wind  storm 

by  the 

Tower  Library. 

Lose  Q  Turn. 

Join  the 

Greek  System. 

Pay  $200.00 

Your  cor 
has  been  towed. 

Go  ro 

Amherst  Towing. 

Pay  $30.00 

Semester  Di 




Add/Drop  ends 

While  you  wait  in 

Rhetoric  line. 

Passed  our 
in  stairwell. 
Lose  a  turn. 

Fight  with 

your  roommate. 


2  Demerits. 

Your  Civility  essay 

wins  contest. 
Go  to  Whitmore. 

Coughr  in  o 

2  Demerirs. 


(Top  of  rhe 


You've  mode  rhe 
Dean's  Lisr. 

Go  ro 

Harassed  a 

fellow  srudenr. 


1  Dennerir. 

Change  your 

Begin  again. 


'General  Hospiral." 

Go  bock 

2  spaces. 

"Cloy  for  on  A' 

fulfills  lasr 


Go  to 

Lore  lob  fee. 

Foil  course  and 


1  Dennerir. 


Lond  on 
2  spaces. 

Give  your  seor 

on  Shurrle  ro 

Person  on  crurches. 

Lose  all  Demerirs. 

Time  for 

Lose  0  rurn. 

Rules  For  Existence 

Here  ore  rhe  rules.  If  you  want  ro  ploy,  greor.  Firsr 
garher  some  friends,  preferably  UMA5S  srudenrs  —  posr 
or  presenr  (furures  mighr  ger  scared).  Nexr,  sreol  o  die 
and  some  ploying  pieces  from  your  lirrle  brorher's  boord 
gome.  Use  some  ploy  money  —  obour  $5,000  for  each 
player.  The  ideo  of  rhe  game  is  ro  land  on  groduorion. 
Keep  going  around  unril  you  hir  ir,  once  you  hove  landed 
on  groduorion  you  can  srop  playing  and  lough  ar  your 
friends.  If  you  run  our  of  money  or  ger  15  demerirs,  you 
w\\\  be  rhrov^n  our  of  rhe  gome.  Ar  rhe  end,  rhe  groduore 
v^irh  rhe  mosr  money  and  leosr  demerirs  wins. 



ChancdW  s  Commission  on  Civilihy 
Un1vc^5l^y  of  Ma^sjcHuscIIs  at  Amhrrsl 

Found  0  grear 



2  spaces. 

Buy  a 

school  ring 

Pay  $150.00 

Flor  rire 
on  rhe  woy 
ro  your  doss. 
Lose  a  rurn. 


Lose  your 


Go  ro 


Ger  on  R.A. 


1  Demerir. 

Mono  srrikes! 
Lose  Q  rurn. 

No  A.D.P. 

Venrure  ro  T.O.C. 

ro  ger  one. 


Library  book. 


1  Demerir. 

Senior  yeor? 

Don'r  forger 

your  yearbook 




O.K.,  whor  do  I  have  ro  do  firsr?  My  english  poper-5-7  pages,  1  con 
handle  rhor  .  .  .  Spanish  quiz  on  Wednesday  .  .  .  Oh  .  .  .  some- 
one's worching  nne  ...  Hi  ...  I  wos  jusr  making  our  a  iisr  of 
"whor  1  hove  ro  do"  ro  remind  me  of  "whor  I  hove  ro  Do".  Ir's 
rhe  eosiesr  woy  ro  keep  my  prioriries  srroighr,  if  I  con  keep  ro  my 
Iisr,  srudying  becomes  jusr  onorher  parr  of  my  busy  doy.  Some- 
rimes  I  rhink  rhor  profs  scheme  rheir  ossignmenrs  wirh  rhe  weorh- 
er,  rhough  .  .  .  ir  seems  like  I  always  hove  on  assignmenr  due 
when  rhe  roys  ore  prime  for  ronning  ...  I  suppose  I  could  olwoys 
srudy  by  rhe  pond  .  .  .  how  obour  rhe  sreps  or  rhe  Compus 
Cenrer  .  .  .  There's  always  my  fovorire  desk  by  rhe  windows  in 
Goodell,  1  could  ger  major  srudying  done  rhere  .  .  .  maybe  I'll 
roke  Q  break  and  read  a  choprer  in  rhe  Horch  . .  .  rhere's  always 
my  room,  I  jusr  hope  no  one  disrrocrs  me  rhough,  rhe  folks  on  rhe 
floor  ore  always  going  somewhere  ...  rhe  Blue  Wall?  .  .  .  THE 
BLUE  WALL!  .  .  .  moybe  I  con  finish  my  reoding  over  some  brew 
.  .  .  Yes,  I  rhink  I'll  pur  rhe  Blue  Wall  firsr  on  my  Iisr  .  .  . 

Veronica  Smith 

Orchard  Hill  ResideririQl  Area  has  many  oursrondlng  feo- 
rures  which  orrrocr  rhe  srudenrs  ro  live  rhere.  One  feorure  is 
seclusion,  ir  mokes  rhe  residenrs  of  rhe  four  dorms  o  close- 
knir  communiry  rhor  connor  be  found  anywhere  else  on 
campus.  During  my  orienrarion,  I  was  informed  obour  rhe 
different  oreos  ro  live  in,  ond  rhe  counselor  said  rhor  when- 
ever people  rolk  obour  Orchard  Hill  rhey  coll  ir  "home." 

Anorher  nice  feorure  obour  "rhe  hill"  as  ir  is  known,  is  rhe 
balconies.  Every  floor  has  rwo  balconies  affording  rhe  sru- 
denrs on  excellenr  view  of  rhe  surrounding  campus.  In  rhe 
spring,  rhey  ore  o  greor  place  ro  relax,  srudy,  and  worch  rhe 
proceedings  in  rhe  courryord,  berrer  known  os  "rhe  bowl." 

"The  Dowl"  is  whor  Orchard  Hill  is  besr  known  for.  Ir  is  rhe 
focal  poinr  of  mony  ocriviries.  On  any  given  day  you  will  find 
rhe  srudenrs  playing  a  voriery  of  sporrs,  such  as  frisbee, 
sofrball,  football,  and  soccer.  One  only  has  ro  walk  ourside  ro 
become  involved  in  rhese  and  orher  evenrs. 

One  besr  known  evenr  usually  occurs  afrer  midnighr.  Ir  is 
"The  Lore  Greor  Dowl  War."  All  you  need  is  someone  ro 
shour  somerhing  like,  "Hey  Websrer,  Wake  Up!"  and  rhere 
will  be  hundred  of  screoming  voices  coming  up  with  some 
very  creorive  explerives  while  rrying  ro  prove  dorm  super- 

Losr  winrer,  rhe  bowl,  on  rwo  separare  nighrs,  become 
rhe  sire  of  o  few  snow-browls.  Orchard  Hill  wos  orrocked 
rwice  in  one  nighr  by  Sylvon,  Cenrrol,  and  Norrheosr  and 
rhen,  finolly,  by  Sourhwesr.  The  hill  dwellers  responded  well 
by  repelling  rhe  orrockers  wirh  o  combinorion  of  snow  and 
warer.  The  second  snow-brawl  occured  on  rhe  losr  nighr  of 
classes.  This  fighr  preceeded  rhe  one  in  rhe  Quod  of  Norrh- 
eosr before  evenruolly  finishing  or  Amhersr  College. 

Acriviries  in  rhe  bowl  ore  nor  resrricred  ro  sporrs  and 
shouring  morches.  Each  spring,  rhe  Orchard  Hill  Area  Gov- 
ernmenr,  OHAG,  sponsors  o  series  of  evenrs,  including  o 
spring  concerr.  The  rumours  for  rhese  hove  been  large  and 

A  residenriol  area  is  more  rhon  jusr  buildings  ond  grounds, 
ir  is  people.  The  Orchard  Hill  people  ore  rhe  freindliesr,  and 
wormesr  around.  I'm  glad  ro  be  a  parr  of  ir.  "The  Hill,"  I  coll  ir 

Michael  Alrneu 

\  \ 



rT^!F!FlF]r:i  u 

.   4 










'  * 





Winners  of  rhe  Deouriful  Room  Conresf;  5ruorr  Sojdok  end  Perer  Holschuh,  rm  623 



f  f 

University  of  AAossochuserrs;  o  ciry  simi- 
lar ro  any  metropolis  in  this  world.  An 
orroy  of  skyscrapers  and  lowrisers  .  .  . 
each  with  their  own  personality.  Like  any 
ciry,  a  major  port  of  the  aura  is  the  resi- 
dential areas;  tall  oportment  complexes, 
condos  ond  garden  apartments.  Then 
agoin,  the  inner  city  is  in  no  woy  com- 

plete without  its  outskirts.  Suburbia  has 
always  added  great  flavor  to  any  city's 
style.  Close  enough  to  the  heart  of  the 
gotham  os  to  utilize  all  the  facilities  ovoil- 
oble,  but  for  enough  away  from  the  fou- 
cous  to  still  remain  aloof  .  .  .  separate 
from  the  clotter  of  life  in  the  fost  lone. 
Suburbia  is  not  absent  from  the  city  of 
UMass.  As  a  matter  of  fact,  it  exists  with  all 
the  traditional  exhuberonce  in  the  oldest 
living  area  on  compus;  Northeost. 

For  those  who  have  resided  around 
the  Quad,  no  explonotion  is  needed. 
Within  the  hallowed  halls  of  the  nine  resi- 
dential houses  in  the  orea,  many  people 
have  lived,  studied,  worked,  and  played. 
Each  on  individual  community  Northeast 
prides  itself  on  being  a  whole,-  one  entity 
amidst  o  vast  realm  of  confusion.  Just 
walk  through  the  Quad  in  the  early 
Spring,  and  a  difference  is  blotently  obvi- 
ous. Volleyboll,  frisbee.  Ultimate,  bodmit- 
ton,  ond  baseball  ore  just  a  few  of  the 
extra-curricular  activities  that  the  suburban 
residents  are  engaged  in.  More  often 
than  keeping  out  of  o  path  of  o  stray 
frisbee,  watching  your  step  seems  to  be 
more  in  order.  When  the  snow  melts 
away,  and  sometimes  before,  the  private 
beaches  open  for  sun-bathing  ond  gener- 
al time-passing.  The  seclusion  of  the 
Quad,  along  with  the  U.U.V.'s  (Ultimate 
Ultraviolet  Pvoys)  which  ore  not  present 
anywhere  else  on  campus,  lend  them- 
selves to  0  relaxed,  sedate,  and  comfort- 
able woy  of  life. 

Veronica  Smith 



P«.V-3!»!a*fey"i!""   ' 





Morher  Nature  was  playing  o 

cruel  joke  on  us  rhis  year.  Ir  would 

seem  rhor  jusr  when  we  rhoughr 

ir  was  safe  ro  walk  pasr  rhe 

library,  a  greor  gusr  of  wind  came 

by,  and  blew  us  right  bock  into 

rhe  birrer  December-like  weorher 

rhor  included  o  surprise  blizzard  in 

April.  A  snow  day  in  April,  APRIL!? 

.  .  .  Yes,  bur,  never  fear,  no 

more  rhon  two  weeks  larer  those 

infamous  UMoss  sunworshippers 

found  the  weorher  worm  enough 

to  bosk  in  the  60  degree 

remperotures  and  improve  their 

Florida  tons  by  the  Campus  Pond. 

Well,  finally  when  the  duck  boots 

and  down  vests  were  put  away, 

(in  early  May,  MAY!,  no  less)  .  .  . 

it  was  a  sure  sign  rhat  spring  wos 

finally  here! 

Diane  Clehane 




Sylvan  .  .  .  The  Suite  Life 
High  crop  Eosmnon  lone  sirs  Sylvan,  rhe 
newest  and  most  modern  style  of  living 
or  UMoss.  In  each  8  Srory  building,  rhere 
are  8  suites  per  floor,  each  v/irh  6-8 
people  living  there.  But  this  is  v/here  rhe 
similoriries  end.  Eoch  suite  is  unique.  The 
people  create  their  ov^n  style,  odapted  to 
rhe  v^oy  rhey  wonr  ro  live.  And  wirh 
living  in  places  like  "The  Penrhouse"  and 
"Seventh  Heaven"  —  hov^  can  you  go 

While  all  the  buildings  ore  physically 
identical,  their  personaliries  surely  ore  nor. 
McNomoro  wirh  "The  Subway"  on  irs 
found  floor,  carers  ro  all,  especially  rhose 
lore-nighr  munchers.  Drown  houses  rhe 
crafr  room  and  dork  room,  for  all  Sylvan 
residenrs  ro  use,  and  Cashin  enrerroins  rhe 
enrire  campus  wirh  music  from  VSYL 
(97.7  on  your  dial)  ond  WSYL-TV. 

A  major  follocy  obour  Sylvan  is  rhor  ir  is 
the  quietest  ploce  to  live.  True,  ir  is  quier 
when  ir  hos  ro  be,  bur  when  Sylvan 

comes  olive-Warch  Our! 
In  rhe  early  spring. 
Sylvan  beoch  really  gers 
going.  Playing  frisbee, 
rennis,  sun-borhing,  and 
people  warching 
become  rhe  major 
occuporions  of  many 
Sylvonires.  Wirh  music 
provided  by  rhe 
residenrs  of  Drown,  and 
a  cold  brew  or  gin  and 
ronic  in  hand,  the  beach 
is  the  place  to  be.  (bur 
you'd  better  get  there 
early  if  you  wonr  a 
good  spor!) 

So,  for  0  new  sryle  of 
living,  wirh  all  rhe 
comforrs  of  home,  check 
our  Sylvan.  Or  jusr  stop 
by  and  visit.  Everyone 
will  probably  be  on 
Sylvan  Deoch.  Hope  ro 
see  you  rhere. 

Ilene  Kessler 


^  ^ 



IT  IS! 

r  ¥ 



Sourhwesr-Q  dry  of  rhousonds  of  people,  oil  generally  rhe  some  oge. 
Ir's  Q  very  srronge  concept,  bur  rry  ro  occepr  Ir.  Where  else  on  campus 
con  you  find  people  on  pyramids  jusr  ready  ro  rolk  or  break  into  ojom 
session  wirh  their  guirors?  Or  jusr  bop  inro  Hampden  and  srudy  ...  or 
or  leosr  sir  and  warch?!  Dur  in  rhe  spring,  worchour!  This  ciry  in  rhe  midsr 
of  cowfields  blooms  inro  o  rombuncrious  rowdy  coomopoliro:  Sourh- 
wesr  Week  is  rhe  greoresr  orrirude  rime  wirh  people,  places,  things  ro 
do,  rhings  ro  see  .  .  .  everywhere  ...  for  an  enrire  week!!!  Sourhwesr 
. . .  Whor  a  rerrific  ciry  to  live  in. 

Veronica  Smith 






w  ^ 





-  -  -M 





Top  Center  Phoro:  Winners  of  rhe 
Beouriful  Room  Contest;  Erico 
Chenousky  and  Michel^  Sorgent.  200 


>    •••     •!♦ 

1    ft     •»■ »  • 
»         .»       « 

1   *•>«     •« 

!     ♦-  '    T-l* 

1   •     «  iiw^ 
I-            i  ••    »• 
1           !  •••.»-  . 

^ags;.i:::.;i  ••    ••••*    ■ 


1       •                *»•:<■    1 

**  .•  • 

1     .■•*••.       «' 


The  New  York  rimes  rored  UMoss  q  four-sror  universiry 
for  social  life,  dubbing  us  o  perry  sclnool.  Well,  or  leosr  we 
rare!  .  .  .  Dur,  for  rhose  of  us  who  know  berrer,-  rhose 
people  who  ploy  hard  do  so  because  rhey  hove  worked 
hord.  We  know  rhor  over  rhe  years,  rhe  UMoss  communi- 
ry  ond  Amhersr  or  large  hove  conrinued  ro  "rise  ro  rhe 
occasion",  never  leaving  us  wirh  roo  much  rime  on  our 

Old  fovorires  such  as  rhe  Pub,  Dorselorri's,  ond  Time 
Our,  doubrlessly  hold  many  memories  for  rhose  upper- 
classmen  who  may  recall  rhe  wall  ro  wall  people  rhor 
could  be  found  or  rhe  local  happy  hours,  bur,  rhen  again, 
Amhersr  come  rhrough  one  more  rime,  wirh  Joey  D's 
inceprion  losr  spring,  adding  o  new  dimension  ro  rhe 
overage  UMie's  sociol  life. 

Ir's  rhe  underclassmen,  specifically  rhe  srudenrs  under 
20  who  hove  been  faced  wirh  a  major  problem:  ro  on- 
compus  parry,  or  ro  off  campus  porry!  The  borrle  is  a 
conrinuum,  one  rhor  con  only  be  solved  under  rhe  slighr 
sedarion  rhor  alcohol  olone  con  provide  .  . . 

Dione  Clehone  (conmburing  author) 



"Year  Toward  Civility" 


The  "Year  Toward  Civility"  or  UMoss/Amhersr  began  offi- 
cially wirh  rhe  convocorion  rhor  opened  rhe  1981-82  academic 
year.  Dur  rhe  hisrory  of  rhe  civiliry  effort  on  campus  dares  from 
rhe  formation  in  eorly  1980  of  the  Chancellor's  Commission  on 
Civiliry  in  Human  Relations. 

The  Commission,  appointed  by  Chancellor  Henry  Koffler  and 
headed  by  scienrisr  Vincent  Dethier,  was  chorged  wirh  ossisting 
rhe  chancellor  in  fosrering  "o  high  level  of  discourse  and 
behavior"  on  campus  addressing  issues  of  rocism,  sexism,  onti- 
semifism,  and  other  inhumane  ocrions  and  attitudes.  Their 
mission  was  to  plan  ond  direcr  the  coming  "Year  Toward 

The  firsr  event  of  the  year  was  rhe  September  24  convoca- 
tion, during  which  the  "Year  Toword  Civility"  was  dedicated 
by  the  Choncellor  and  endorsed  by  Universiry  President,  David 
Knapp.  The  second  major  evenr  was  rhe  "Aworeness  Days", 
in  November  during  which  lectures,  workshops,  concerrs,  ex- 
hibirs,  films,  speakers,  and  special  programs  in  student  residen- 
tial areas  on  issues  of  civility  were  presented.  Some  of  the 
highlights  of  "Aworeness  Days"  were  a  speech  by  Dill  Russell, 
arhlere  and  educator,  as  porr  of  o  student  series  colled  "In 
Appreciorion  of  Difference",  a  presentation  of  "The  Black 
Soldier  of  rhe  Civil  ^or  in  Literature  and  Art"  by  Professor 
Emeritus  Sydney  Kaplan,  and  a  photographic  display  on 
"Women  Under  Aporrheid". 

Other  Achievements  of  the  Chancellor's  Commission  were 
the  estoblishment  of  Women's  Studies  and  Judaic  Studies  as 
academic  programs,  program  changes  to  meet  Hispanic  com- 
munity needs  at  the  UMoss  radio  station  WFCR,  the  Horace 
Mann  Bond  Center  and  W.E.D.  DuDois  dedications,  more  securi- 
ry  relephone  and  light  installations  and  the  formarion  of  on 
escort  service  to  improve  campus  safety,  a  Compus  Lonscope 
Improvement  Project,  ond  the  development  of  o  sexual  hor- 
rossment  greivance  procedure. 

The  main  principle  behind  rhe  Choncellor's  Commission  on 
Civiliry  to  disband  racism,  sexism  and  onti-semitism  is  greor  ond 
could  hove  been  potentially  powerful  if  token  with  all  serious- 
ness and  understanding,  bur  do  we  really  undersrond  what 
"Civility"  is? 

Deborah  Coyne 

The  Smeor  For  Civiliry" 

The  1982  school  year  was  fairly  rurbulenr  Injusr  nine 
short  months,  UMoss  lost  both  Spring  Concert  ond  it's 
Choncellor.  We  had  snow  in  April  ond  no  "Dead"  in 
October.  Yet,  despite  these  obstacles,  the  drudgery  of 
the  S.A.P.  patrol,  ond  all  those  administrative  tangles  at 
Whitmore,  there  were  gains  to  be  mode;  and  make 
them  we  did.  The  Graduating  Class  of  '82  can  boost 
that  they  lived  to  see  a  renovated  Hatch  and  the 
"Smear  for  Civility". 

Some  say  that  the  'Smear  For  Civility"  was  a  nice 
idea  with  all  sorts  of  benevolent  thoughts  behind  it 
Others  say  it  was  the  State  Government's  way  of 
dealing  with  the  unfavorable  press  coming  from  Bos- 
ton Magazine  and  some  doily  newspapers.  Whatever 
its  intention,  let  it  suffice  that  the  "Smear  For  Civiliry" 
was  a  tremendous  flop. 

Ir  should  probably  be  noted  here  rhor  what  was  to 
haunt  UMoss  that  year  was  not  reolly  called  the 
"Smear  For  Ciniliry".  No.  In  real  life,  officially,  and  all 
that,  the  "Smear  For  Civility"  was  called  the  "Year 
Toward  Civility".  As  a  matter  of  facr,  on  opening 
convocation  wos  held  to  name  the  little  sucker. 

With  r/ior official  nonsense  out  of  the  way,  Universiry 
leoders  wondered  whor  to  do  next.  Armed  wirh  rhe 
knowledge  that  every  good  promorion  needs  a  logo, 
rhey  set  forth  to  find  one.  In  order  to  aid  their  quest, 
they  decided  to  hold  o  civility  symbol  contest  open  to 
all  UMoss  students.  The  powers-thot-be  hoped  that 
somehow  a  sign  of  civility  would  rise  from  rhe  uncivil 
masses.  Shortly  thereofrer,  the  "civility  campaign"  wos 
instituted  and  thus  the  story  really  begins,  for  this  wos 
no  ordinory  campaign,  this  was  rhe  smeor  for  civility. 

The  Smear  srorted  with  the  moss  distribution  of  hun- 
dreds of  red-ond-white  posters  that  displayed  our  new- 
ly born  symbol.  Once  these  posters  hod  been  pinned 
to  defenseless  buildings  and  commuters  sleeping  on 
Campus  Center  couches,  people  began  wear  that 
some  damn  symbol  on  their  T-shirts.  Yes,  what  hod 
once  started  out  os  on  observance  innocuous  as  Verer- 
on's  Day,  turned  out  to  be  a  commercialized  venrure. 

The  Smear  escalated  as  the  semester  wore  on.  At  its 
most  civil,  the  Smeor  sponsored  rhe  "Maze  of  Aware- 
ness" (orherwise  known  as  "Awareness  Days")  which 
occurred  somerime  between  October  and  December. 

As  the  administration  sow  their  grand  schemes  fade 
into  the  Arizona  sunser,  rhey  began  to  deliberore  their 
nexr  move. 

The  escort  service  was  the  perfecr  tool  for  o  new 
publicity  campaign.  It  was  birthed  on  the  series  of  ropes 
that  had  occurred  over  the  post  year  and  on  the 
growing  concern  of  rhe  communiry  that  feared  for  the 
sofety  of  women  walking  the  campus  clone  ot  night. 
The  escorr  service  is  dedicared  to  the  proposirion  that 
the  solution  to  the  rape  problem  constitutes  having 
everyone  walk  around  in  organized  groups.  This  solu- 
tion has  one  inherent  fault:  no  one  wonted  to  do  it, 
and  almost  no  one  does. 

Mary  Deth  Hebert 



College  srudenrs  appear  ro  have 
an  affiniry  for  sleeping.  Ar  UMoss,  rhe 
slumber  sires  are  counrless.  Depend- 
ing upon  rhe  season,  men  and 
women  are  found  sprawled  ourside 
rhe  Srudenr  Union,  snoozing  by  rhe 
pond,  sacked  our  under  a  rree  or 
sunning  or  one  of  rhe  impromptu 
beaches.  In  colder  months,  rhou- 
sands  resort  to  dozing  in  commuter 
lounges,  rhe  solirude  of  their  own 
dorm  rooms,  or  between  rhe  stocks 
or  the  library.  Bur  undoubtedly,  the 
leading  contender,  winter,  spring, 
summer,  or  foil,  is  the  back  of  a 
lecture  hall. 

This  nop  rime  for  many  is  often  a 
riruol;  a  fix  in  order  ro  endure  rhe 
remoinder  of  whor  rhe  ofrernoon  or 
evening  will  bring.  Dur  why  all  rhis 
sleep?  Is  rhe  pressure  roo  grear?  The 
ploy  too  strenuous?  What  is  the  pop- 
ular couse  to  escape  to  this  blissful 
state?  WHO  KNOWS?!  Moybe 
they're  just  o  bit  tired.  Dur  onywoy, 
on  wirh  rhor  wonderful  diversion 
rhor  allows  a  view  of  life  in  a  differ- 
enr  perspecrive.  Sleep  replenishes, 
rejuvenores  and,  besr  of  all,  it's  abso- 
lutely free! 

Michelle  Stein 




Tracy  McDonald 

A  Greek:  From  rhe  Hatch  ro  rhe  Pub,  from  the  Newman 
Center  ro  Time  Our,  you  can  always  find  this  individual 
usually  accompanied  by  on  array  of  "brothers"  and  "sis- 
ters," studying,  partying,  and  enjoying  rhe  ormosphere  of 
college  life.  A  Greek  is  a  student  of  the  University  of  Mosso- 
chusetts,  just  as  you  and  I,  only  a  greek  chooses  ro  roure  his 
or  her  life  here  in  another  direction.  A  Greek  is  an  individual 
who  will  take  the  opporrunity  to  develop  him  or  herself  as  o 
whole  person,  expand  themselves  beyond  dorm  life,  and 
incorporate  scholastic,  cultural,  and  social  moturiry  os  a 
young  adult  and  a  cohesive  member  of  their  group. 

Winner  of  rhe  Deouriful  Room  conresr;  Jeff  Toylor,  Pi  Kappo  Alpha. 


Where  ore  rhe  Greeks?  Mony  con  be  seen  on 

sroge,  on  rhe  orhleric  field,  in  Srudenr  Senore,  giving 

campus  rours,  serving  on  Morror  Board,  rallying  for 

srudenr  righrs  or  jusr  plain  relaxing  in  rheir  choprer's 

house.  Wherever  you  go  on  campus,  you  can  alwoys 

find  a  Greek,  for  contrary  ro  popular  imoges,  rhe 

members  of  rhe  Greek  system  don'r  contain 

themselves  into  qualified  cliques.  Rather,  rhe  Greek 

image  emphasizes  overoll  campus  involvement  in  all 

student  activities. 

What  do  they  do?  As  parr  of  a  group,  a  Greek  con 

porricipore  in  all  Greek  Area  evenrs  like  Homecoming 

v/ith  the  float  parade  and  Alumni  receprion,  Greek 

Week,  Spring  and  Winrer  formals,  fundraisers, 

barbeques,  coffeehouses,  intromurals,  and  many  more 

system  evenrs. 


Dur  rhor's  nor  oil  being  a  greek 
is.  Being  q  Greek  is  o  bond,  o  link 
in  Q  chain  of  rrodirion  carried  on 
from  one  sisrer  or  brotherhood  ro 
rhe  nexr.  Each  individual  choprer 
represents  rheir  own  meaning,-  rhe 
Greek  lerrers  ore  more  rhon 
awkward  symbols  rhor  ore  difficuir 
ro  esrablish.  Each  lerrer  srands  for 
a  word  rhor  is  represenrarive  of 
rhe  ideals  behind  eoch  house.  The 
ideals  rhor  live  on  forever  in  ell 
who  groduore. 





The  Greek  System  prides  itself  on  the  ermphosis  of  alumni 
correspondence  and  involvement.  No  other  group  depends 
so  much  upon  their  olumni,  and  in  return  recieves  so  much. 
UMoss  is  G  large  university  composed  of  many  various  indivi- 
duals; it  is  often  difficult  to  find  a  niche,  a  nest  of  familiar 
componions  that  v^ill  carry  on  after  your  college  years.  As  a 
member  of  a  Greek  chapter,  one's  college  years  don't  end 
after  graduation.  The  memories  vv^ill  perpetuote  on  into  their 
careers  and  additional  fomily  life.  This  is  evident  at  every 
onnual  Homecoming  celebration  where  Greek  alumni 
come  from  all  over  the  country  to  shore  with  their  chapter 
the  reminiscence  of  their  college  years  here  at  UMoss. 

We  hope  that  the  groduotes  of  1982  will  carry  on  the 
tradition  of  successful  Homecomings  and  return  to  us  often 
with  their  enthusiasm  of  the  past  and  their  aspirations  of  the 
future.  You  have  all  meont  so  very  much  to  us  in  the  Greek 
system  and  have  taught  us  all  well  how  to  be  the  great 
leoders  on  this  campus  as  yourselves. 

Tracey  MocDonald 


A  quore  from  o  poem  by  Pvoberr  Frosr  seems 

ro  CQpsulize  whcr  many  of  rhose  in  rhe  Greek 

system  feel  obour  rheir  choice  ro  join  a  Frorerniry 

or  Sororiry  and  how  ir  hos  mode  oil  rhe 

difference  in  rheir  college  career. 

Two  roods  diverged  in  o  wood,  end  1  — 
I  rool^  rhe  one  less  rroveled  by, 
And  rhor  has  mode  all  rhe  difference. 






Leisure  Time.  Ir's  on  innoculous  lirrle  phrase  rhor  con  be  found  in  rhe  UMoss  corologue,  and  nowhere  else.  Thor's  nor 
ro  soy  rhor  leisure  rime  doesn'r  exisr  around  here,  ir'sjusr  rhar  many  people  see  rhis  school  os  four  srroighr  years  of 
leisure  rime,  with  on  occassional  break  for  acodemics  and  laundry. 

UMies  don'r  view  leisure  rime  rhe  way  rhe  real  world  does.  People  here  do  nor  wolk  our  of  closses  and  rurn  ro  rheir 
friend  ro  enquire  "Soy,  Phil,  whor  ore  you  going  ro  do  wirh  your  leisure  rime  rhis  ofrernoon?"  More  ofren  rhon  nor, 
people  who  ask  quesrions  like  rhor  ore  likely  ro  sroy  or  home  on  Sorurdoy  nighr  and  warch  rhe  freezer  frosr. 

Undoubredly  rhere  ore  people  our  rhere  who  ocrually  indulge  in  leisure  rime  ocriviries.  For  rhem  UMoss  is  olive  wirh 
Qcriviry,  ranging  from  rheorer  ro  sporrs  ro  clubs  and  orgonizorions. 

Mony  srudenrs,  asked  how  rhey  spend  rheir  leisure  rime,  will  sip  on  rheir  Blue  Woll  beer  as  rhey  rry  ro  rhink  of  how 
rhey  spend  ir.  More  ofren  rhon  nor  They're  srumped  for  on  answer,  and  rhey  dejecredly  rerurn  ro  rheir  beer,  mournful 
of  rhe  leisure  rime  rhor  has  passed  rhem  by.  And  jusr  rhink.  Only  or  UMoss.  Dur  rhor's  whor  leisure  rime  is  all  obour. 

Dave  Cline 



I'm  sronding  or  rhe  Fine  Arrs  Cen- 
rer,  peering  posr  rhe  hordes  of  people 
who  ore  crowded  or  rhe  bus  srop.  For 
in  rhe  disronce,  o  bus  rounds  rhe 
bend,  and  rhe  crowd  surges  forward. 
Is  rhis  my  bus,  I  wonder?  I  hove  only 
been  woiring  rwenry  minures  for  rhe 
Sourh  Amhersr,  while  every  orher 
PVTA  bus  known  ro  mankind  has 
cruised  by. 

As  rhe  bus  approaches,  I  fighr  my 
way  ro  rhe  srreer,  in  a  vain  orrempr 
ro  ensure  rhor  I  ger  on.  The  bus  srops, 
ond  several  people  srruggle  ro  ger  off, 
while  I  rry  and  posirion  my  self  for 
oprimal  enrry.  The  crowd  pushes  To- 
ward rhe  doors,  ond  in  o  panic  I  ma- 
neuver myself  wirh  rhe  experrise  of  a 

skilled  bus  passenger.  There  appears 
ro  be  no  room  lefr,  bur  wirh  one 
mighry  shove,  I  grab  onro  rhe  person 
in  fronr  of  me  and  hold  on  for  dear 
life.  "If  rhe  bus  doesn'r  srop  unril  Drir- 
rony  Manor  I  mighr  have  a  chonce  of 
survival",  I  mumble  ro  myself. 

My  sromoch  leaps  inro  my  rhroor 
OS  rhe  bus  lurches  forward.  My  life 
flashes  before  my  eyes  as  rhe  bus 
coreens  around  o  dangerous  corner, 
rhe  kind  rhor  srrikes  fear  inro  rhe 
heorrs  of  simple  car  drivers,  bur  is  only 
a  chollenge  ro  rhe  overage  PVTA 
driver.  Woe  ro  rhe  car-less  off  campus 

Arriving  home  barrered,  bur  srill 
alive,  I  rrudge  ocross  rhe  muddy  fields 

AND  HERE  .  . 

of  Drirrony  Manor  ro  my  humble 
Sourhwood  abode.  Enrering  my 
Qporrmenr,  I  shield  my  eyes  from  rhe 
wrerchedness  of  rhe  living  room  as  I 
moke  my  way  ro  rhe  kirchen  in  a 
desperore  orrempr  ro  nourish  myself.  I 
open  rhe  refrigeroror  ro  examine  rhe 
possibiliries:  one  con  of  beer,  some 
wilred  lerruce,  a  crusry  piece  of 
cheese,  rwo  pieces  of  moldy  breod, 
ond  some  lef rover  onion  dip. 

"I  rhink  ir's  rime  we  wenr  shop- 
ping", I  yell  ro  my  roommores  who 
ore  locked  in  rheir  rooms  srudying, 
oblivious  ro  rhe  focr  rhor  I  have  only 
ren  minures  ro  live  unless  I  ger  some 
food.  Wirh  Q  sigh  of  resignorion  I  grab 
rhe  beer.  Ar  leosr  ir  has  some  viramins 


Winner  of  rhe  Deouriful  Room  Conrest;  Donna  Esrobrooks,  Hodley. 

and  minerals.  Somerimes  ir  seems  rhor 
living  in  rine  dorms  was  mucin  simpler, 
Ar  leosr  you  hod  guoronreed  meols! 

The  srereo  in  rhe  opcrrmenr  is  blar- 
ing rhe  Go-Go's,  and  ir  mokes  nne  feel 
like  parrying.  Shucks,  why  is  ir  rhor 
whenver  I  heor  someone  else  parry- 
ing, do  I  feel  rhor  I  should  be  able  ro 
also?  The  presence  of  my  roommores 
srudying  upsroirs  sways  me  back  inro 
realiry.  I  con'r  porry,  I  hove  ro  read  on 
enrire  500  page  book,  ond  wrire  o  20 
poge  reporr  on  ir  by  8:00  romorrow 
morning!  Ar  leosr  irs  easier  ro  pull  on 
oil  nighrer  in  on  oporrmenr  —  fewer 
disrrocrions  rhon  in  a  dorm. 

I  serrle  myself  in  rhe  living  room, 
ofrer  plowing  a  parh  on  rhe  floor,  and 

shoveling  deor  o  space  on  rhe  couch. 
I  begin  reoding  or  a  furious  poce  of 
1000  words  per  minure  when  my 
roommores  rroop  downsroirs.  "Hi, 
how's  ir  going?  We  come  down  ro 
worch  Dynasty,  we  hope  you  don'r 
mind."  Keeping  conrrol  I  reply  calmly: 
"Why  no,  nor  or  all",  os  I  dimb  rhe 
sroirs,  rhe  Dynasty  rheme  ringing  in 
my  eors. 

Dur  don'r  ger  me  wrong,  off-cam- 
pus living  does  hove  irs  odvonroges, 
rhere  is  more  privacy,  despire  rhe  focr 
rhor  rhe  walls  berween  rhe  oporr- 
menrs  are  mode  of  cardboard.  Ofren 
rhe  food  you  ear  is  berrer,  rhor  is 
when  you  remember  ro  buy  ir,  and 
when    your    roommores    ore    kind 

enough  ro  leave  you  some.  Srudying 
is  eosier,  if  you  happen  ro  find  rhe 
rime,  ond  if  your  roommores  are  co- 
operorive.  Off-campus  living  is  o  real 
resr  of  your  moruriry. 

All  in  all,  I  feel  rhor  oporrmenr  shar- 
ing is  on  imporronr  lesson  in  living  wirh 
orhers,  ond  ir  promores  indepen- 
dence while  srrengrhening  human 
chorocrer.  The  fun  and  exdremenr  of 
dorm  life  is  somerhing  I  would  nor 
give  up,  bur  I  rhink  oil  srudenrs  should 
be  required  ro  poss  oporrmenr  living 
101  before  groduarion-  we  oil  mighr 
learn  somerhing  if  we  did. 

Suzanne  Peters 



Now  cIqss;  ler  us  explore  rhe  phe- 
nomenon of  "rhe  commurer".  No! 
No!  Nor  compurer  —  connmurer. 
There  ore  many  porrs  ro  o  commur- 
er's  personoliry  rhor  ore  essenriol  for 
proper  commuring. 

1)  A  commurer  needs  srrong  arms 
and  Q  srrong  will.  Muscles  on  rop  of 
muscles  will  grow  as  rhe  srudenr  car- 
ries oil  rhe  necessary  marerials  for  a 
doy  or  camp  UMie.  An  example  of  o 
doze-oh  day's  worth  of  marerials 
mighr  include  rwenry  pounds  of  rexr 
books,  nore  books,  appoinrmenr 
books,  handbooks,  lunch,  calculators, 
gym  clorhes,  and  rheir  pet  snake  Al- 
vin  who  is  afraid  of  being  left  alone. 
As  you  can  surmise,  ar  rhe  end  of  o 
semesrer,  rhe  once  90  lb.  weakling 
will  have  become  the  1801b.  person. 
Atlas  .  .  .  eat  your  heart  out! 

2)  As  bus  service  is  cur  down  ond 
the  number  of  commurers  on  rhe  rise. 

a  problem  of  firring  seventy  people 
into  0  spoce  meont  for  fifty  occurs. 
The  phone  booth  and  cor  crowding 
marathons  of  the  fifties  would  hang 
their  heods  in  shame  if  they  only 
knew  what  UMoss  students  could  do 
in  a  bus!  As  a  resuir  of  rhis  overcrowd- 
ing, a  shy  individual  quickly  becomes 
very  sociable  as  he  or  she  is  squished 
and  shoved  against  many  other  shy 
individuals  to  the  bock  of  the  bus. 

3)  Commuter  must  out  of  necessi- 
ty, become  super-sleuths.  They 
search  our  all  of  rhe  many  nooks  and 
crannies  available  indoors  for  passing 
rhe  rime  berween  rheir  dosses.  Why 
indoors?  Decouse,  ir  is  very  difficuir  to 
keep  o  cheery  disposirion  while  eating 
lunch  under  a  rree  when  rhere  is  six 
feer  of  snow  between  you  and  the 
grass.  Yes!!  Winter  approaches  quick- 
ly. The  commuter  insrincrively  knows 
rhis  and  finds  his  or  her  personol  ha- 

ven. (NOTE;  One  should  realize  that 
finding  empty  clossrooms  to  relax  in  is 
not  odvisable.)  After  a  while,  as  you 
get  run  out  by  incoming  classes  every 
45  minutes,  you  begin  to  feel  like  a 
fugitive-olwoys  on  the  run.  Remem- 
ber thot  the  mark  of  a  classroom  sirrer 
con  be  found  in  rheir  speech.  The  firsr 
words  usually  spoken  ore,  "Is  rhere  o 
class  in  here  now?" 

Much  more  can  be  said  about  the 
commuter  and  their  ways.  Bur  the 
most  imporronr  thing  to  remember  is 
the  sincere  love  that  these  students 
hove  for  their  education.  They  ore 
willing  to  put  up  with  over-developed 
arms,  crowded  buses,  super  sleuthing, 
and  inconvenient  hours  ro  ochieve 
rheir  dreams. 

Cynrhia  Kelly 




Pg.  68-75 

Pg.  84-8 



1981  marked  the  beginning  of  nation  wide  crackdown  on  drunk  driving.  In 
Amherst  this  trend  took  the  form  of  the  Speed  Alcohol  Enforcement  Program  or  SAP 
as  it  would  become  known. 

Amherst  Police  Chief  Donald  N.  Maia  announced  the  program  which  would  consist 
of  special  four  man  teams  on  duty  in  high  risk  areas,  would  be  instituted  on  the 
weekend  of  September  11  and  12  from  9pm  to  3am  and  would  continue  until 
no  longer  necessary. 

The  local  courts  and  police  began  the  crackdown  after  11  deaths  in  the  Amherst 
area  which  were  related  to  alcohol  and/or  speeding. 

To  enforce  the  new  trend,  Justice  Alvertus  Morse  of  the  Hampshire  County  District 
Court  said  anyone  found  driving  under  the  influence  will  automatically  lose  their 
license  for  one  year  without  the  benefit  of  taking  an  alcohol  rehabilitation  class. 


University  officials,  in  an  attempt  to  head  off  the  problems  of  racism,  sexism,  anti- 
semitism  and  anti-social  behavior,  launched  the  Year  Toward  Civility  as  students 
returned  from  summer  break. 

The  campaign  which  officially  began  on  September  24th  consisted  of  awareness 
days,  community  activities,  media  advertisements,  tee  shirts  and  bumper  stickers. 

"We're  not  sitting  here  as  dewey-eyed  liberals  thinking  we  can  get  rid  of  racism, 
sexism  and  every  other  'ism."  T.O.  Wilkinson  dean  of  the  school  of  social  and 
behavioral  sciences. 

The  campaign  was  not  aimed  at  students  alone. 

"Incivility  doesn't  belong  to  students,"  Johnetta  Cole,  associate  provost  for 
undergraduate  education  and  an  original  member  of  the  200  member  Civility 
Commission  said. 



Roy  Wilkins  former  executive  director  of  the  National  Association  for  the  Advance- 
ment of  Colored  People  who  helped  gain  many  of  the  legal  and  legislative  victories  for 
the  civil  rights  movement  during  the  1950s  and  1960s  died  September  9th  in  the 
New  York  University  Hospital  of  kidney  failure  at  age  80. 

Rev.  Joseph  Lowery  of  the  Southern  Christian  Leadership  Conference  hailed 
Wilkins  as  a  "statesman,  scholar,  and  servant  in  the  area  of  civil  rights." 

President  Ronald  Reagan  said,  "Roy  Wilkins  worked  for  equality,  spoke  for 
freedom  and  marched  for  justice.  His  quiet  and  unassuming  manner  masked  his 
tremendous  passion  for  civil  and  human  rights." 


The  days  of  drinking  in  the  stadium  and  at  all  other  sporting  events  came  to  an 
end  in  September.  On  the  9th  Chancellor  Henry  Koffler  officially  announced  the  new 
policy  reversing  an  administration  trend  to  ignore  alcohol  consumption  at  athletic 

"I  think  its  a  good  decision.  Ninety-five  percent  of  the  universities  of  this  size  in 
the  country  have  a  definitive  policy  concerning  alcohol  at  campus  athletic  events 
..."  John  Voipe,  associate  director  of  athletic  facilities  said. 

The  student  reaction  to  the  policy  was  either  one  of  love  or  hate. 

"I  think  it  (the  rule)  would  help  curb  any  problems  which  might  occur  at  the 
game."  William  Perron,  a  junior  mechanical  engineering  student  said. 

"It's  a  good  policy,  people  have  a  tendency  to  get  out  of  hand  and  it  does  not 
present  a  good  impression  of  the  school  to  others  who  attend  the  games."  Brad 
Guilleim,  a  sophomore  plant  and  soil  major  said. 

On  the  opposite  end  of  the  spectrum  were  those  who  vehemently  opposed  the 
Chancellor's  historic  policy. 

Former  football  tri-captain  Robert  Manning  said,  "The  rule  is  senseless.  It's 
supposed  to  be  a  cure  to  a  problem  that  was  small  to  begin  with.  There  will  be  more 
drinking  before  the  games  now  and  the  whole  rule  could  easily  backfire." 

Other  students  felt  the  administration  should  have  more  faith  in  their  ability  as 
college  students  to  conduct  themselves  maturely. 

Stadium  gateworker  Jim  Weller  said,  "It's  a  stupid  rule  and  I  hope  they  don't  do  it 
at  the  lacrosse  games.  Uninhibited  fans  help  boost  the  teams." 




Women's  rights  received  a  boost  in  the  arm  in  September  when  the  Senate 
unanimously  confirmed  President  Reagan's  appointment  of  Sandra  Day  O'Connor  as 
an  associate  justice  to  the  Supreme  Court. 

O'Connor  sworn  into  the  court  on  September  25th  became  the  102nd  associate 
justice  in  the  191-year  history  of  the  court. 

A  small  group  of  conservative  senators  who  had  questioned  O'Connor's  appoint- 
ment due  to  a  less  than  clear  position  on  the  abortion  issue  joined  the  vote  echoing 
Jesse  Helms  R-NC  who  said  he  believed  O'Connor  privately  opposes  the  1973 
Supreme  Court  decision  legalizing  most  abortions. 

The  new  justice  graduated  from  Stanford  University  Law  School.  She  worked  as  a 
state  prosecutor  in  Arizona  before  serving  time  in  both  houses  of  the  state's 
legislature  and  finally  serving  as  a  state  appellant  judge. 



While  watching  a  military  parade  to  commemorate  Egypt's  1973  war  with  Israel, 
Egyptian  President  Anwar  Sadat  was  shot  and  killed  by  men  dressed  in  army  fatigues 
who  lept  from  a  jeep  which  was  part  of  the  parade.  Nine  others  were  killed  and  22 
wounded,  including  foreign  diplomats  and  dignitaries  as  well  as  3  American  officers. 

The  attackers  ran  toward  the  reviewing  stand  shouting  "Glory  to  Egypt"  as  they 
fired  automatic  weapons  at  the  spectators.  It  was  reported  that  3  of  the  six 
attackers  were  killed  and  the  others  were  arrested. 

Vice  President  Honsi  Mubarak,  who  was  slightly  wounded  in  the  attack,  announced 
a  one  year  state  of  emergency  and  in  a  television  address  said  that  Egypt  will 
continue  Sadat's  policies  toward  Israel.  Mubarak  was  later  named  President  of  the 
country  by  Egypt's  parliament. 

News  of  Sadat's  assassination  ranged  from  a  deep  loss  to  spontaneous  displays  of 
jubulation  in  Beruit  and  Tripoli. 

Sadat  had  made  many  enemies  since  taking  power  after  Abdul  Nassar's  death. 
Most  of  his  problems  stemmed  from  his  peace  effort  with  Israel  and  the  sad  shape  of 
the  Egyptian  economy  as  well  as  a  crackdown,  shortly  before  his  death,  on  Islamic 



Angered  by  a  lack  of  input  into  decisions  that  effect  their  lives,  800  students  held 
a  rally  in  front  of  the  Student  Union  Building  and  then  marched  on  Whitemore  to 
confront  administration  officials  with  six  demands  aimed  at  student  rights,  co-ed 
living  and  in  particular  co-ed  bathrooms. 

Student  Government  Association  co-President  Larry  Kocot  said  that  if  the  adminis- 
tration did  not  accept  student  demands  within  three  days  they  would  occupy 

"My  judgement  right  now  is  that  co-ed  bathrooms  do  not  make  sense  by 
University  policy."  Vice  Chancellor  for  Student  Affairs  Dennis  Madson  said. 

Keeping  to  his  promise  Kocot  did  lead  an  occupation  four  days  later  and  about 
100  students  occupied  the  building  for  about  five  hours  before  a  compromise  was 
worked  out  by  administrators  and  student  leaders. 

The  compromise  centered  on  the  acceptance  of  four  of  the  five  demands.  The 
demands  accepted  by  the  administration  were:  Reverting  to  the  previous  year's  code 
of  student  conduct;  a  promise  by  the  administration  to  investigate  and  prosecute 
groups  calling  for  anti-social  behavior  —  UTOPIA;  the  Student  Activity  Trust  Fund  be 
dispersed  by  the  Student  Government  Association  as  set  forth  in  the  statement 
passed  by  the  Board  of  Trustees  the  previous  May;  and  that  student  input  be 
considered  before  the  administration  makes  decisions  regarding  student's  lives. 

The  administration  did  not  accept  the  final  demand  which  would  have  overturned 
the  ruling  eliminating  co-ed  bathrooms  which  they  instituted  against  the  opinion  of 
94.5  percent  of  the  voters  in  the  previous  year's  student  elections. 




^H**^*      ^^^HSf 


Leaflets  found  in  various  areas  on  campus,  advocating  white  supremacy  and  other 
right-wing  policies  sparked  an  impromtu  rally  of  about  300  students  outside  the 
Student  Union  Building. 

The  leaflet  called  for  the  elimination  of  Nummo  News  —  the  third  world 
newspaper  for  the  University;  abolition  of  the  Radical  Student  Union;  suppression  of 
gay  rights;  increased  military  spending;  construction  of  nuclear  power  plants; 
support  for  nuclear  war  and  the  elimination  of  anti-U.S.  activists. 

Tony  Crayton,  director  of  the  Office  of  Third  World  Affairs  said.  "These  are  the 
issues  that  are  about  to  split  this  country  apart." 

UMass  police  officials  began  an  investigation  into  the  authors  of  the  leaflet  who 
called  themselves  UTOPIA,  but  as  of  this  writing  the  case  was  still  open. 

Dean  of  Students  William  F.  Field  called  the  leaflet  a  "cruel  and  boorish  hoax." 
Field  was  not  alone  in  his  assessment  many  on  campus  echoed  his  sentiments. 


Two  graduate  students  experimenting  in  polymer  research  accidently  created  a 
new  substance  which  due  to  its  instability  caused  the  Graduate  Research  Center  to 
be  closed  for  22  hours. 

The  substance  —  thallium  acetylide  —  was  removed  by  a  State  Police  bomb 
disposal  squad  and  exploded  it  in  a  cinder  ash  dump  off  of  Governor's  Drive  behind 
the  PVTA  garage. 

State  Police  Bomb  Squad  Commander  said  the  few  miligrams  of  the  substance 
was  equal  to  about  2  pounds  of  TNT. 

The  substance  also  gave  off  a  toxic  gas  along  with  its  explosive  force,  Sainato 

The  two  graduate  students  were  shaken  by  the  amount  of  publicity  that  surround- 
ed the  incident,  "I  am  very  disturbed  that  everything  has  gone  through  such  an 
uproar.  Things  like  this  happen  in  research.  The  reaction  went  the  wrong  way  and  we 
ended  up  with  something  that  wasn't  supposed  to  happen."  Spink  a  second  year 
graduate  student  in  organic  chemistry  said. 



The  space  shuttle,  Columbia  made  its  voyage  into  space  leaving  Cape 
Canaveral  on  the  twelveth.  The  shuttle  had  only  been  in  tlight  for  6V2  hours 
vi/hen  the  crew  was  ioid  that  the  mission  would  have  to  be  shortened  by 
three  days  because  of  a  malfunctioning  fuel  cell. 

The  crew  of  the  shuttle  Richard  Truly  who  called  the  mission  "fun"  and 
Commander  Joe  Engle  became  the  second  pair  of  pilots  to  fly  in  America's 
first  reusable  space  craft. 

After  their  return  to  Earth  on  the  fourteenth  the  two  astronauts  dined 
with  Vice-President  George  Bush  who  quizzed  the  two  about  the  capabili- 
ties of  the  shuttle  and  remarked  that  the  shuttle  proves  "the  United 
States  is  the  greatest  country  there  is." 


University  officials  finally  decided  to  re-build  the  roof  of  Gorman  dormitory 
after  several  incidents  of  flooding. 

Assistant  director  of  housing  services  John  R.  Findley  said  that  he  hoped 
the  project  could  be  completed  by  the  beginning  of  Spring  semester. 

The  project  would  include  a  whole  new  surface  for  the  roof  of  single-ply 
membrane  of  poly  vinyl  chloride  (PVC)  a  type  of  plastic  designed  to  expand 
and  contract  to  changes  in  weather,  he  said. 

The  University  is  suing  Inner  City  Roofing  which  built  the  old  roof  using  an 
asphalt  and  tar  combination  known  as  bitunem,  claiming  the  company  did  an 
inadequate  job. 


student  Government  Association  Treasurer  Richard  Goldman  was  cleared 
of  any  wrong  doing  by  a  University  of  Massachusetts  student  judiciary 

The  incident  which  caused  Goldman  to  be  brought  before  the  tribunal 
occurred  during  a  campaign  in  October  when  Goldman  secured  funds  to  place 
advertisments  in  the  Collegian  asking  for  student  support  of  a  referendum 
which  would  allow  a  $10  increase  in  the  Student  Activities  Trust  Fund. 
Advocat  Peter  Graham  cited  this  as  an  illegal  use  of  student  funds. 

The  tribunal  disagreed  and  said  that  they  believed  Goldman  "expressed  his 
professional  opinion"  in  the  use  of  the  funds. 

Goldman  said,  "I  am  very  happy  with  the  decision.  The  tribunal  realized 
there  was  no  malicious  intent,  it  is  my  responsibility  and  job  as  manager  of 
the  trust  fund  to  go  out  and  inform  students  of  this  cause." 


The  Reagan  administration's  budget  director,  David  A.  Stockman,  who 
dealt  severe  blows  to  many  programs  in  the  1981  budget  found  himself  on 
the  receiving  end  in  the  month  of  November  after  the  December  issue  of 
Atlantic  magazine  hit  the  news  stands. 

Stockman  met  with  President  Reagan  on  the  twelveth  and  offered  his 
resignation  because  of  what  he  called  his  "poor  judgement  and  loose  talk" 
concerning  his  statements  in  the  Atlantic  article. 

Reagan  refused  to  accept  Stockman's  resignation  in  a  meeting  which 
Stockman  referred  to  as  a  visit  to  the  President's  woodshed. 

"I  deeply  regret  any  harm  that  I've  done,"  Stockman  said,  adding:  "1 
am  grateful  for  this  second  chance  to  get  on  with  the  job  the  American 
people  sent  President  Reagan  to  do." 

In  the  article  Stockman  expressed  doubts  about  the  Reagan  administra- 
tion's budget  plans  and  suggested  that  the  administration  may  have  tried 
to  mislead  the  American  people. 

November  was  a  bad  month  for  Hollywood  as  two  of  the  more  well  known 
stars  died  in  separate  incidents. 

Actor  William  Holden  was  found  dead  in  his  Santa  Monica  apartment  on 
the  16th.  He  was  best  known  for  his  oscar  winning  performance  as  the  tough 
cynical  prisoner  in  "Stalag  17."  Holden  was  63. 

Natalie  Wood  was  found  floating  in  the  Pacific  Ocean  off  Catalina  Island  in 
California  on  the  29th.  Wood's  on  screen  credits  included  the  role  of  Maria  in 
West  Side  Story.  She  is  survived  by  her  husband  Robert  Wagner. 




On  the  13th  the  communist  government  of  Poland  declared  a  state  of 
Marshal  law  in  that  country  and  arrested  approximately  1000  members  of 
the  union  Solidarity  including  its  leader  Lech  Walesa. 

The  Kremlin  —  which  had  insisted  a  tough  stance  against  Solidarity 
since  its  conception  in  the  Gdansk  shipyards  in  the  summer  of  1980  — 
was  pleased  with  the  decision  of  General  Wojciech  Jaruzelski's  govern- 

"It's  high  time  they  took  this  action,"  an  unidentified  member  of  the 
Soviet  government  said. 

Solidarity  had  intended  to  force  a  referendum  on  Poland's  form  of 
government  before  marshel  law  was  declared. 

The  Jaruzelski  government  used  the  threat  of  Soviet  intervention  if 
marshel  law  failed  but  was  still  plagued  with  numerous  outbreaks  of 
rioting  and  strikes  throughout  Poland  during  the  rest  of  the  Winter  and 


President  Reagan  clashed  with  Lybian  dictator  Col.  Moammar  Khadafy  in  a 
battle  of  words  and  threats  in  December  following  a  report  that  Khadafy  had 
dispatched  death  squads  to  assisinate  high  ranking  U.S.  officials. 

Khadafy  denied  the  existence  of  death  squads  even  after  Reagan  claimed 
to  have  the  evidence.  "I  wouldn't  believe  a  word  he  says,"  Reagan  said 
adding:  "We  have  the  evidence  and  he  knows  it." 

Khadafy  responded  by  calling  Reagan  "silly"  and  "Ignorant"  to  believe 
assassination  reports  and  "a  liar"  to  spread  them. 

This  was  the  latest  clash  between  the  two  which  started  when  Reagan 
took  office  and  climaxed  when  Navy  planes  from  a  U.S.  aircraft  carrier  shot 
down  two  Libyan  Migs  over  the  Mediterrian  last  summer. 






Arms  talks  between  the  Soviet  Union  and  the  United" States  got  under  way 
in  Geneva  Switzerland  on  December  1st. 

"Everything  is  okay,"  Yuli  A.  Kvitsinsky  leader  of  the  Soviet  delegation 
said  upon  leaving  the  meeting  with  representatives  of  the  United  States. 

Both  sides  agreed  to  place  a  black  out  on  everything  that  they  discussed 
in  order  to  allow  the  negotiations  to  proceed  effectively.  "We  have  concured 
that  the  details  of  the  negotiations  must  be  kept  in  the  negotiating  room." 
U.S.  leader  Paul  H.  Nitze  said. 

Nitze  did  describe  the  meeting  as  "cordial  and  business  like." 


The  Undergraduate  Student  Senate  demanded  the  termination  of 
contract  negotiations  with  the  Director  of  the  Division  of  Student 
Affairs  Randy  Donant  and  authority  over  the  writing  of  an  appropriate 
job  description  for  the  position  of  director. 

The  motion  passed  on  the  second  of  December  stated:  "In  so  far  as 
Randy  Donant,  Director  of  the  Division  of  Student  Activities  was  hired 
under  the  job  description  that  had  no  student  input,  we  demand  the 
termination  of  contract  negotiations  and  demand  decision-making 
authority  in  the  job  description." 

Senate  Speaker  Ed  Lee  said  this  was  the  first  step  in  gaining  student 
input  over  University  decisions  that  effect  them.  Lee  said  "It  is  not  the 
person  but  the  position." 

Donant  was  re-hired  at  the  end  of  the  semester. 

I  I 

Gas  lines  are  not  just  a  part  of  American  life.  Soviet  motorists  line-up  for  gas  in  Moscow  in  anticipation  of  price  hikes 
in  that  country  in  1981.  AP  LASER  PHOTO 

The  memories  of  Pearl  Harbor  surfaced  in  the  hearts  and  minds  of  Americans  as  memorial  services  were  held 
throughout  the  country  to  commemorate  the  fortieth  anniversary  of  that  battle.  Pictured  here  is  the  battleship  California 
as  it  settles  to  the  bottom  of  the  harbor.  AP  LASER  PHOTO 


The  nation's  first  Trident  Class,  nuclear  powered,  submarine  was  launched  in  Groton  Conn.  The  ship  carried  the  name  Ohio  as  it  made  its  way  to  the  sea. 




Actor  Robert  Wagner  reached  for  a  flower  from  the  casket  of  his  wife,  Natalie 

The  space  shuttle  Columbia  powers  its  way  toward  space  from  the 
Kennedy  Space  Center  in  Florida.  The  shuttle  is  the  world's  first  reusuable 
space  craft.  AP  LASER  PHOTO 




On  February  second  inter-session  ended  and  the  semester  began  with  the 
usual  long  lines  and  botched  schedules.  The  new  semester  was  not  even 
twenty  days  old  when  Chancellor  Henry  Koffler  accepted  the  position  as 
president  of  the  University  of  Arizona. 

"I  have  certain  magnets  that  pulled  me  in  that  direction,"  Koffler  said 
when  he  formally  announced  his  decision  to  leave  the  University  of  Massa- 
chusetts. He  added  that  it  would  be  "very  hard,  and  very  painful"  to  leave  his 
friends  in  Amherst. 

The  59  year  old  Koffler  graduated  from  the  University  of  Arizona  in  1943. 
He  said,  it  was  a  combination  of  professional  advantages  and  returning  to  his 
alma  mater  that  prompted  him  to  accept  the  post  at  Arizona. 

Koffler  had  said  earlier  in  the  month  that  he  had  "No  plans  to  leave 

At  the  time  of  his  announcement  he  said  "One  never  knows  until 
confronted  with  a  final  decision."  and  added:  "I  was  honest  at  the  time  (of 
the  statement)." 

Koffler  did  not  assume  the  duties  of  president  at  Arizona  until  July  1st  and 
continued  for  the  rest  of  the  semester  to  oversee  searches  for  the  2  vacant 
vice-chancellor  positions  and  drafting  of  the  long-range  budget  plan  for 
UMass  Amherst. 




The  Board  of  Trustees  were  sworn  into  office  by  Governor  Edward  J.  King 
in  February  and  among  them  was  Larry  Kocot  co-president  of  the  University 
of  Massachusetts  Student  Government  Association. 

This  was  the  second  time  Kocot  was  sworn  in.  Secretary  of  State  Micheal 
J.  Conoiiy  had  previously  gave  Kocot  the  oath  so  he  could  vote  on  the  board 
before  the  ceremonies  in  Boston. 


A  falling  piece  of  cement  which  struck  the  limousine  of  Vice  President 
George  Bush  caused  an  office  to  office  search  and  the  closing  of  several 
streets  in  Washington  on  the  first  day  of  the  new  semester. 

The  cement  caused  a  V-shaped  gash  in  the  roof  of  the  Vice  President's 
armored  limousine  which  Secret  Service  agents  first  thought  was  made  by 
a  bullet. 

"We  heard  a  loud  bang  and  drove  on  to  work  and  that  was  it  I  asked 
what  it  was  and  nobody  was  sure  ...  I  thought  it  might  be  a  gun."  Bush 


On  February  11th  some  of  the  activism  which  had  been  absent  from 
college  campuses  since  the  Vietnam  era  returned  when  20  UMass  students 
were  arrested  along  with  25  others  during  a  sit-in  at  U.S.  Representative 
Silvio  Conte's  office  in  Holyoke. 

The  sit-in  was  staged  to  bring  pressure  on  Conte  R-Pittsfield,  to  oopose  a 
proposed  $55  million  aid  package  to  the  government  of  El  Salvador  the 
Reagan  administration  had  requested. 

"We  are  protesting  the  aid  to  the  El  Saivadoran  junta  and  asking  Conte  to 
vote  against  the  additional  economic  and  military  assistance.  U.S.  aid  bought 
the  wholesale  slaughter  of  over  700  people  of  the  Morazan  province  in 
December  of  1980,"  Sarah  Kemble,  member  of  the  protesting  coalition  said. 


Barry  M.  Locke  former  Massachusetts  transportation  secretary  was 
found  guilt  of  2  counts  of  conspiracy  to  commit  bribery  and  3  counts  of 
conspiracy  to  commit  larceny. 

The  jury  of  7  men  and  5  women  only  took  4  hours  to  find  Locke  guilty 
because  they  didn't  believe  his  testimony  jury  Foreman  Richard  Gallant 

"I  thought  the  prosecution  presented  its  case  very  well,  and  we 
believed  almost  everything  we  heard,"  Gallant  said. 

Locke  was  sentenced  to  a  maximum  of  25  years  imprisonment  for  his 



The  month  opened  with  the  unveiling  of  the  Long  Range  Plan.  The  plan 
evaluated  the  various  areas  of  study  of  the  University  and  w/as  immediately 
met  v/ith  stiff  resistance. 

The  plan  called  for  the  elimination  of  comparative  literature,  communica- 
tion studies,  fashion  marketing,  professional  preparation  in  physical  educa- 
tion and  public  health  programs.  It  also  called  for  various  faculty  cuts  in 
several  areas  including  liberal  arts,  entomology  and  food  science,  among 



Two  men  posing  as  FBI  agents  overpowered  an  armed  guard  of  a 
Purolater  armored  car  and  stole  an  estimated  $2  million  in  cash. 

The  men,  dressed  in  trench  coats,  snap  brim  hats  and  wearing 
aviator  sun  glasses  slipped  into  the  Purolator  building  as  the  electric 
garage  door  was  closing.  They  then  identified  themselves  as  FBI  agents 
flashed  the  guard  "some  form  of  ID"  and  were  able  to  get  close  enough 
to  grab  him,  Special  Agent  Jeff  Kimble  of  the  FBI  said.  The  men  pulled 
off  the  entire  job  without  ever  producing  a  weapon. 


Amherst  Police  statistics  show  there  was  a  50%  decrease  in  accidents 
from  last  year  since  they  instituted  the  Speed  and  Alcohol  Patrols  (SAP). 

"We  are  getting  compliance;  people  are  not  getting  behind  the  wheel  and 
driving  drunk.  There  has  also  been  an  increase  in  ridership  on  late  night 
weekend  buses,"  Amherst  Police  Chief  Donald  Maia  said. 

Between  the  hours  of  9pm  and  Sam  on  Fridays  and  Saturdays  the 
number  of  vehicular  accidents  decreased  from  68  in  1980-81  to  33  in  1981- 
82  —  during  the  school  year.  Accidents  with  injury  went  from  28  to  10  and 
number  of  persons  injured  went  from  43  to  12,  the  police  said. 


Residents  of  North  Village  apartment  complex,  tired  of  having  their  homes 
broken  into,  formed  a  "crime  watch  force"  as  March  ended. 

Mark  Parent,  last  semester's  manager  for  the  University-run  complex  and 
crime  watch  organizer  said  residents  had  spoken  to  him  about  the  problem 
on  many  occasions.  He  then  designed  a  plan  for  the  new  patrols. 

Residents  patrol  the  area  during  their  free  time  and  approach  anyone  who 
looks  out  of  place.  They  offer  the  person  assistance  or  directions.  Parent  said 
those  people  who  refuse  are  probably  the  ones  contemplating  committing  a 


Leftist  guerillas  in  El  Salvador  struck  local  polling  places  in  Usulutan 
making  voting  nearly  impossible.  Despite  the  guerrilas'  efforts,  turn  out  for 
the  election  has  been  considerably  high.  There  were  reports  that  running  gun 
battles  and  explosions  were  taking  place  around  the  polling  areas. 

In  other  areas  of  El  Salvador,  however,  brass  bands  were  the  only  things 
voters  had  to  contend  with.  Centrist  on  the  U.S.  backed  ruling,  Junat  said 
general  elections  could  be  held  as  early  as  next  year  if  they  won.  Leftist 
boycotting  the  election  called  the  whole  thing  a  farce. 


Speaker  of  the  House  of  Representatives,  Thomas  P.  "Tip"  O'Neill  Jr.  was 
on  campus  in  April. 

His  son,  Lt.  Governor  Tom  O'Neill  said  in  introducing  his  father,  "He's  not 
here  to  sign  autographs  . . .  he's  here  to  enlist  your  support  for  higher 

The  elder  O'Neill  said,"  No  one  knovi/s  the  president  like  I  do.  I  like  Reagan 
to  be  perfectly  honest  with  you,  but  I  don't  agree  with  his  principles,  and  I 
don't  agree  with  his  policies  ...  as  a  matter  of  fact  I  think  his  policies  are 
the  worst  ever  in  this  country." 

O'Neill  said,  he  was  pleased  when  the  UMass  SAFA  (Students  Advocating 
Financial  Aid)  group  showed  up  in  his  office.  "I  said  then  you  were  the  first 
college  group  to  come  to  me  and  protest." 

He  said  he  came  to  UMass  because  he  "saw  the  light  in  the  eyes  of  SAFA" 
and  he  knew  the  movement  against  the  Reagan  policies  could  be  started  here. 

"This  is  the  first  time  in  the  history  of  this  country  that  the  present 
generation  will  have  less  education  than  their  parents."  O'Neill  said. 


As  the  snow  fell  in  a  freak  mid-spring  blizzard  students  took  to  the  polls 
once  again  to  decide  once  and  for  all  who  would  be  the  Student  Government 
Association  president  for  1982-83.  The  original  elections  held  in  early  March 
failed  to  give  either  of  the  two  top  vote  getting  teams  a  plurality  of  331/3 

The  race  between  Jim  Murpy,  21,  junior  psychology  major  from  Weymouth 
and  the  only  single  candidate  for  the  job  in  recent  memory  and  Steve 
Robinson,  21,  junior  math  and  economics  major  from  Beverly  and  his  partner 
Harvey  Ashman,  19,  junior  business  and  economics  major  from  Brockton  was 
finally  decided  on  April  6th. 

Even  though  the  weather  was  bad  the  voter  turnout  was  basically  the 
same  as  the  original  election  -  4043  in  the  first  and  4013  in  the  runoff. 
Murphy  won  the  second  election  by  1084  votes  and  took  the  election  with  a 
63  percent  margin.  Both  sides  agreed  to  consider  the  election  valid  even 
though  the  University  closed  early  and  buses  stopped  running  at  2  p.m. 


On  Sunday  the  4th  a  tuck-in  service  began  which  was  the  brain  child  of 
the  Grayson  House  Council. 

"We  did  14  people  the  first  night  and  planning  to  do  six  people  a  night 
every  week."  Clary  said. 

The  service  provides  a  tucker  of  the  opposite  sex,  a  lollipop  and  a  bed 
time  story. 

"About  25  people  have  volunteered  to  be  tuckers,"  Clary  said,  "and 
since  we  have  virtually  no  expenses  except  for  an  add  in  the  'Collegian'  we 
should  be  able  to  make  a  good  bit  of  money  for  the  dorm." 


On  April  2nd  Argentina  invaded  the  Falkland  and  Georges  islands  in  the 
South  Atlantic. 

The  Argentines  maintained  that  the  Malvinas  (Falklands)  had  been  stolen 
from  them  by  the  English  in  the  early  nineteenth  century. 

After  several  aborted  attempts  to  reach  a  settlement  the  United  States 
came  out  firmly  in  favor  of  the  English,  while  it  also  became  apparent  that 
the  Soviets  had  decided  to  back  the  Argentines. 

After  losing  several  ships  and  inflicting  severe  casualties  on  the  Argentine 
air  force  the  English  managed  to  retake  the  Falklands/Malvinas  through 
miliary  means  by  the  end  of  June. 


As  most  students  prepared  for  spring  nature  held  one  last  trump  card 
which  it  played  on  April  6th.  Most  of  the  northern  parts  of  the  nation 
found  themselves  buried  under  a  covering  of  snow  as  winter  had  the  last 

Western  Massachusetts  was  hit  with  ten  inches  of  snow  which  Channel 
22's  staff  meterologist  John  Quill  said  was  the  worst  he  had  seen  in  his 
29-year  career  at  the  station. 

Quill  said  the  day's  weather  broke  many  records  throughout  the 
Pioneer  Valley  for  snowfall  and  temperature  lows,  for  both  the  entire 
month  of  April  and  any  single  day  during  the  month. 

UMass  which  closed  after  only  half  a  day  on  Tuesday  did  not  reopen 
until  Thursday  morning. 


The  year  1982  was  an  election  year  in  Massachusetts  and  on  April  20th 
the  3  democratic  candidates  for  governor  squared  off  on  a  telivised  debate. 
The  race  which  the  third  candidate  —  Lt.  Governor  Tom  O'Neal  —  had 
insisted  was  wide  open  would  eventually  narrow  itself  down  to  the  great 
rematch  between  former  governor  Micheal  Dukakis  and  present  governor 
Edward  J.  King. 

At  the  time  of  the  debate  though  all  three  were  in  the  race  and  ready  to 
sling  mud.  The  debate  was  lively  one  with  most  of  the  action  centering 
around  King's  accusations  that  Dukakis  lived  by  the  gospel  of  taxation  and 
Dukakis'  attacks  on  the  King  administrations  so-called  "corruption  tax." 

Not  being  one  to  be  left  out  O'Neill  took  the  opportunity  to  fire  ruthlessly 
at  both  candidates  who  seemed  more  busy  attacking  each  other  than  even 
acknowledging  O'Neill's  existance.  O'Neill  —  who  wanted  to  sell  the  MBTA  to 
private  corporations  and  bust  up  the  teachers"  union  in  Massachusetts  — 
failed  to  catch  the  needed  public  support  and  was  forced  by  a  bad  showing  in 
the  polls  to  withdraw  from  the  race  shortly  afterward. 

The  rest  of  the  Spring  and  Summer  were  left  to  Dukakas  and  King  to 
continue  their  battle  to  the  death  which  would  only  be  decided  in  the 
democratic  primary  in  the  Fall. 


The  Argentines  dealt  the  English  a  stiff  blow  to  their  pride  early  in  the 
month  of  May  as  they  managed  to  sink  the  destroyer  Sheffield. 

A  single  Argentine  jet  fired  a  French  made  missile  from  a  distance  of  20 
miles.  It  struck  the  Sheffield,  starting  an  uncontrollable  fire  which  claimed  the 
ship  and  the  lives  of  280  seamen. 

The  HMS  Sheffield  had  been  one  of  the  most  modern  ships  in  the  English 


Former  Governor  Michael  Dukakis  was  on  campus  to  speak  about  the 
condition  of  higher  education  in  Massachusetts.  Dukakis  spoke  at  Memorial 
Hall  to  a  crowd  of  about  180. 

"Without  our  reputation  for  education  excellence,  Massachusetts  would  be 
an  economic  wasteland,"  Dukakis  said  in  reference  to  what  he  termed  the 
low  priority  approach  that  public  education  has  received  from  the  King 


Former  Governor  Michael  Dukakis  swept  2064  votes  out  of  a  possibh 
3383  cast  in  a  mock  gubernatorial  election  held  at  the  University  o 
Massachusetts  in  May.  The  closest  runner-ups  were  Foster  Furcolo  with  43! 
and  Lt.  Governor  Thomas  O'Neill  with  421.  Governor  Edward  King  receivei 
150.  The  remaining  votes  were  divided  between  write-in  candidates  and  th 
three  Republican  candidates. 


Lt.  Governor  Thomas  P.  O'Neill  III  dropped  out  of  the  race  for  governor  in 
May  because  the  "money  vi/as  drying  up."  O'Neill  had  found  it  hard  to  make 
people  believe  that  his  was  a  credible  candidacy  and  campaign  contributions 
were  hard  to  come  by  in  the  end. 

O'Neill  had  expected  the  campaigns  of  Governor  King  and  former  Governor 
Dukakis  to  falter  on  some  of  the  issues  but  instead  he  feels  both  campaigns 
have  been  run  fairly  well  up  until  this  time. 




-     ^^^^ 






V    X 

President  Anwar  Sadat  of  Egypt  smiled  for  a  pliotographer  at  a  celebration  for  Egypt's  war  dead.  Sadat  was  murdered 
by  a  group  of  Moslem  fundimentalists  sfiortly  after  this  photo  was  taken. 


Astronauts  Gordon  Fullerton,  left,  and  Jack  Lousma  hold  a  model  of  the  space  craft  they  will  pilot  into  the  Earth's 
orbit.  They  were  the  third  crew  of  the  shuttle  Columbia. 



Members  of  the  24th  Infantry  Division  board  a  plane  which  will  take  them  to  Egypt  to  participate  in  the  joint  Egyptian-American  military  manuevers  — 

"Operation  Bright  Star." 


Shuttle  astronauts  Joe  Engle  (L)  and  Richard  Truly  pose  in  front  of  the  ship  that  will  carry  them  into  space.  They  were  the  second  team  of  astronauts  to 

pilot  the  shuttle. 





Five  month  old  Matthew  Lloyd  Berkowitz  decided  he  had  enough  of  that  "caged-up"  feeling.  Matthew  was  put  in  the 
cage  by  his  mother  for  some  much  needed  rest  at  the  Philadelphia  dog  show. 


"T^  ^^'yji I 

-"■■■'  u  — " 



•  ***"ff5*''-' 

A  Soviet  destroyer  cruises  the  waters  off  Sweden  during  the  crisis  that  erupted  there  when  a  Soviet  spy-sub  ran 
aground  near  the  Karlskrona  naval  base  in  Sweden. 



Gale-force  winds  whipped  up  the  waters  of  Lake  Washington  seen  here  in  November  of  1981,  stril(ing  the  floating  bridge  between  Seattle  and  Mercer  Island. 


Louis  Eisenberg,  who  used  to  change  light  bulbs  for  $225  a  week  in  New  York, 
won  $5  million  in  the  New  York  Lotto. 

Mick  Jagger  of  the  Rolling  Stones  entertains  fans  in  Dallas,  Texas  during 
the  groups  American  tour. 



Princess  Diana  made  the  news  when  she  became  pregnant  in  1981.  The  Prince  and  Princess  of  Wales  had  their  son 
William  in  the  summer  of  1982. 


Labor  leader  Lech  Walesa  was  among  the  many  leaders  of  the  Polish  union  Solidarity  who  were  arrested  in  a 
crackdown  by  Poland's  military  government  in  December  of  1981.  While  many  of  the  others  were  eventually  released, 
Walesa,  the  founder  of  the  union,  still  remains  captive  at  this  writing.  AP  LASER  PHOTO 


The  four  crewmen  of  the  famed  Double  Eagle,  the  first  balloon  to  successfully  cross  the  Pacific  Ocean,  meet  with  the  press  upon  their  arrival  in  Albuquerque, 
New  Mexico.  They  are  (L  to  R)  Ben  Abruzzo,  Rocky  Aoki,  Ron  Clark  and  Larry  Newman. 


The  first  woman  appointed  to  the  Supreme  Court  of  the  United  States  is  seen 
here  appearing  before  the  Senate  Judiciary  Committee  at  her  conformation 
hearings.  AP  LASER  PHOTO 

David  Stockman,  budget  director  for  the  Reagan  Administration,  made  the 
news  of  the  year  when  he  attacked  the  administration's  economic  programs. 
Stockman  offered  his  resignation  but  the  President  refused  it. 



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The  Artist 

Staying  later,  long  after  hours,  the  painter 
paints  a  face,  a  'scape,  or  a  vase  of  flowers 
But  the  vision  blooms  from  the  Human  Spirit: 
What's  theirs  becomes  ours. 

h^^  "> 


The  Dancer 


How  the  dancer  twirls  till  her  clothing  reveals,  Wi^ 
As  it  fast  unfurls,  not  her  feet,  nor  ankles. 
Neither  calves,  nor  knees,  nor  thighs,  only  whirling 
Truth  of  her  movement. 


The  Writer 

Poets,  writers  need  to  be  heard  and  read  be- 
Fore  they're  dead:  absurd?  Yet,  it  need  not  be  in 
Ferred  from  classic  poetics,  simply  said  no 
Truth  can  be  suppressec . 

The  Musician 

Where  as  some  compose,  others  play  and  perform; 
Music  fuses  both  content  and  form  with  the 
Sound  of  Love  between,  the  instrument  and  its 
Musician.  Amen. 



The  Actor 

j  As  if  all  there  was  to  it  was  to  done  a 
Mask,  and,  whether  comic  or  tragic,  play  a 
Part  which  only  Soul  can  present  in  front  of 

t..  Audience,  Applause. 






Photos  from  left  to  right:  Dial 
M  for  Murder,  Noah,  The  Sea, 
Epicoene,  Pippin 

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in  production  .  .  . 








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Colleen  Foley 

Major:  Music  Education 


For  a  major  in  Music  Education,  I  have  to  put  in  450  hours  of  student 
teaching.  I  am  teaching  Jazz  Band,  Concert  Band,  Wind  Ensemble  and  Music 
History.  It's  good  to  get  teaching  experience  while  still  in  the  supportive 
atmosphere  of  your  department- BEFORE  striking  out  on  your  own.  I  am  also 
working  on  my  senior  honor's  thesis,  in  which  I  am  demonstrating  on  video  tape 
how  to  play  all  the  instruments  in  the  band. 

I  have  applied  for  a  Massachusetts  teacher's  certification.  I  could  have  gone 
to  other  schools  for  a  music  degree  but  not  a  music  education  degree.  With  this 
music  education  degree  I  will  be  certified  to  teach;  that's  an  added  plus.  I  can 
also  perform  because  I've  had  substantial  performance  experience. 

I  was  accepted  at  the  Eastman  School  of  Music,  which  is  an  incredible  school 
and  I  just  can't  believe  that  I  got  in!  I  had  to  go  through  an  audition  and  a 
couple  of  interviews.  I  am  considering  graduate  school  because  I'd  like  at  least  a 

The  department  has  been  a  big  help.  The  teachers  and  supervisors  really  pull 
for  you.  I've  been  very  impressed  with  the  quality  of  performance  that  they  stress 
at  the  University.  You  go  into  the  Music  Education  program  almost  afraid  that 
they  won't  stress  the  performance,  or  the  QUALITY  of  the  performance,  as 
much  as  they  do  the  academic  subjects.  However,  they  stress  both;  they  really 
do   .  .  .   and  I  like  that  a  lot. 

For  me,  the  printmaking  major  was  really  hard  because  I  didn't  decide  in 
time.  I  decided  late  in  the  end  of  my  sophomore  year  that  I  was  going  to  be  a  Loryn  Weinberg 
printing  major,  so  I  had  to  take  two  printing  courses  every  semester  in  order  to  BFA  Printmoking/Calligraphy 
graduate.  I  was  at  the  point  where  I  was  taking  two  of  the  hardest  courses  at  the 
same  time,  and  began  to  get  very  turned  off  by  printing.  So  Bill  Patterson,  the 
head  undergraduate  advisor,  got  me  an  internship  with  Barry  Moser  and  Harold 
McGrath  of  the  Hampshire  Hypothetae.  Harold  McGrath  is  one  of  the  master 
printers  in  the  world,  and  Barry  Moser  is  an  incredible  wood  engraver.  They  are 
fantastic!  For  a  year  I  took  the  internship  and  classes  at  UMASS. 

.  .  .  now  is  my  BFA  project.  It's  a  poem,  done  in  calligraphy,  called  A  Song 
of  Peach  Blossom  River  by  Wang  Wei.  I'm  cutting  the  letters  into  the  wood. 
The  process  is  called  Relief  printing;  every  letter  is  cut  out  or  cut  around.  When 
the  block  is  printed  it  will  print  in  reverse.  So,  in  order  to  print  the  words  so  that 
they  will  read  the  correct  way,  I  have  to  cut  the  letters  out  backwards.  The 
cutting  takes  a  lot  of  control.  I  love  doing  it! 

Professor  Wang  has  been  a  major  influence  in  my  college  career.  I've  been 
taking  calligraphy  since  my  freshman  year,  and  I've  studied  with  Professor  Wang 
every  semester.  I  couldn't  have  gotten  to  where  I  am  now  without  him. 

I  was  interested  in  Calligraphy  in  high  school.  Now  its  become  a  sort  of  fad.  I 
taught  a  calligraphy  class  and  at  first  was  really  worried  that  no  one  would  want 
to  take  it.  I  had  room  for  twelve  and  it  turned  out  the  fifty  people  wanted  to 
enroll.  People  see  the  book  and  say  "I  want  to  write  like  that-  NOW". 

This  summer  I  am  going  to  Ireland  with  a  Graphic  Art  program  from  the 
School  of  Visual  Arts  in  New  York  City.  I  want  to  get  more  into  letters;  to  learn 
more  about  typography. 


students  recommended  by  undergraduate  advisors 

I'm  a  design  major-  or  set  designer,  which  entails  talcing  a  lot  of  studio 
courses  and  working  on  a  lot  of  projects.  At  the  same  time  I  also  work  at  the 
scene  shop.  I  scene  paint  for  all  the  shows  that  are  in  the  Curtain  and  Rand 

I  just  designed  a  show  this  past  semester -Dial  M  for  Murder.  I  designed  the 
whole  set  for  that,  becoming  the  first  undergraduate  scene  designer  we've  ever 
had.  With  the  production  team  comprised  of  students,  we  got  to  do  a  lot  of 
work  on  our  own  that  we  normally  wouldn't  get  to  do.  We  picked  the  play, 
deciding  right  off  that  we  wanted  to  do  something  contemporary  and  that  it 
would  require  a  realistic  setting,  lighting  and  costumes.  So  we  were  pretty  much 
controlling  the  play  production  process  all  the  way  through.  I  also  painted  on 
the  set.  I  had  a  beautifully  painted  floor  that  the  audience  mistook  for  real 
wood.  The  surface  was  only  masonite! 

I've  gotten  a  lot  out  of  the  department  here.  I've  taken  in  as  much  practical 
and  theoretical  work  as  possible.  There  are  many  opportunities  for  undergrad- 
uate students.  Here,  at  UMASS,  you  can  be  experimental.  If  you  make  a  mistake 
that's  okay,  that  is  what  the  school  is  there  for!! 

In  the  past,  I've  done  Summer  Stock  Theater.  As  an  apprentice  to  a  profes- 
sional acting  company.  However,  they  don't  pay  you.  You  work  ninety  hours  a 
week,  starve,  get  sick,  and  do  all  that  sort  of  thing  (basically  go  through  hell), 
but  you  learn  a  lot  and  meet  a  lot  of  people. 

Susan  Bolles 
Theater  Major 

Kathy  Bistany 
Dance  Major 

I  am  an  older  student  coming  back  after  ten  years  of  being  out  of  school.  I 
was  a  soloist  in  the  State  Ballet  of  Rhode  Island  for  five  years,  and  then  left  to 
have  two  children.  I  returned  to  dance  when  I  joined  the  Nashua  Ballet 
Company  in  New  Hampshire.  In  order  to  round  out  my  training  in  all  idioms  of 
dance,  be  able  to  teach  in  a  university,  and  get  an  education  at  the  same  time,  I 
decided  to  come  to  college.  In  order  to  teach  dance  at  the  university  level  you 
have  to  have  your  masters.  Right  now  I'm  just  getting  out  with  my  bachelors 
degree,  but  I  plan  on  going  to  Smith  College  to  receive  my  masters. 

I've  taught  classes  at  UMASS  for  three  semesters  while  getting  my  bachelors 
degree.  Before  graduating  from  the  dance  department,  a  final  project  of  chore- 
ography is  required  using  compositional  skills  learned  here.  My  piece  is  being 
performed  in  this  year's  Spring  concert. 

It  is  very  hard  to  deal  with  the  kids  and  school  at  the  same  time.  Last  semester 
I  took  twenty  five  credits.  I  have  to  study  when  the  kids  are  outside,  or  at  night 
when  they  are  asleep.  Sometimes  when  they  go  to  school  I  can  get  a  block  of 
time  to  study. 

Dance  didn't  really  all  come  together  for  me  until  the  working  (physical 
movement)  unified  with  the  thinking  process.  Two  of  the  required  courses  that 
we  have  to  take  at  the  university  are  anatomy  and  analysis  of  dance. 

What  I  want  to  do  eventually  is  to  teach  at  the  university  level  and  perform 
with  another  company.  Meanwhile,  I  want  to  start  my  own  school  on  the  side. 


Several  weeks  ago,  I  received  a  call  from  a 
student  who  was  interested  in  writing  for  the 
Fine  Arts  section  of  the  Index.  As  copy  editor,  I 
wanted  to  know  about  her  experiences  and  in- 
terests before  I  assigned  her  a  story  to  write.  The 
more  she  told  me,  the  more  I  was  convinced 
that  I  was  talking  to  a  new  "Debbie  Reynolds", 
and  a  small  tale  of  this  student's  life  would 
make  a  great  story  for  our  yearbook.  So  here  it 
is  ...  I  think  that  you'll  agree. 

This  story  is  one  of  hard  work,  dedication 
and  luck.  It  is  a  true  story  of  a  University  of 
Massachusetts  student  who,  through  her  own 
resourcefulness  and  an  inner  driving  force, 
makes  it  to  places  rarely  frequented  by  the  aver- 
age person.  That  is  due  to  the  fact  that  she  is 
not  average. 

We  begin  our  story  with  a  seven  year  old  girl 
on  vacation  in  New  York  with  her  parents.  One 
evening  in  the  nightclub,  this  little  "Sara  Bern- 
hardt" or,  "heartburn",  as  her  mother  would  call 
her,  left  the  table  and  made  her  way  up  on  the 
stage.  Her  parents  were  shocked  to  see  their 
little  girl  standing  opposite  Nipsey  Russell  and 
waiting  for  her  chance  to  sing  and  dance  for  the 

From  that  moment  on,  Lauren  Cohen  knew 
that  she  wanted  to  entertain.  "I  guess  that  was 
the  first  time  I  knew  I  had  a  special  inner  drive. 
This  drive  of  'I've  got  to  perform,'  finally  came 
into  full  bloom  when  my  friend  Linda  from 
New  York  decided  that  I  had  to  be  introduced 
to  the  real  world  of  performing  in  New  York 
City.  Well,  she  talked  me  into  it,  and  the  next 
day  I  found  myself  on  the  5:30  AM  train  head- 
ing for  the  city." 

"As  I  stepped  out  of  the  subway  and  onto  the 
street,  I  realized  that  even  though  I  was  in  New 
York  for  the  first  time  alone,  I  still  felt  comfort- 
able .  .  .  Like  I  belonged  there." 

But  there  was  still  an  education  to  be  had. 

"I  started  out  as  a  nursing  major.  Then  I 
changed  to  health  education,  legal  studies  and 
then  community  services.  I  was  also  a  theater 
major,  but  I'm  too  practical  for  that." 


1       ^      ] 



Lauren  was  also  a  dance  major  at  one 
time.  Finally,  she  decided  to  take  classes  in 
theater  and  dance  to  get  a  concrete  degree  in 
Community  Services.  Lauren  is  very  ept  at 
"people  helping". 

Her  dream  has  always  been  to  be  on  a 
daytime  soap  opera;  perferably  cast  in  a  role 
as  a  character  "you'd  love  to  hate".  She  knew 
she  had  to  make  connections  and  get  some 
inside  experience  in  this  area.  One  day,  she 
called  her  parents  and  said,  "I'm  going  to 
New  York."  "They  always  knew  that  I'd  go 
someday,  but  they  just  didn't  know  when." 

She  got  an  internship  at  Lincoln  Center  in 
new  York  in  theater  management.  This,  she 
thought,  would  serve  as  something  concrete 
to  fall  back  on  in  case  her  acting  career  failed 
to  materialize.  "It  was  definitely  the  right 
atmosphere  to  be  in  if  I  wanted  to  go  into 
theater  producing  or  directing.  There  wasn't 
a  production  going  on  that  semester,  so  they 
used  me  as  a  messenger.  This  was  in  spite  of 
the  fact  that  I  had  just  moved  to  New  York 
and  didn't  know  my  way  around.  At  six  or 
seven  at  night,  I'd  find  myself  in  Harlem 
looking  for  some  address  just  so  I  could 
finish  my  day's  work.  Meanwhile,  everyone 
else  had  gone  home  for  dinner." 

Lauren  dealt  with  agencies,  producers, 
and  casting  agents,  which  was  perfect  for  her 
future  intentions.  "It  was  the  typical,  'How  I 
broke  into  show  business',  story.  I  did  it  for 
three  or  four  weeks.  Finally,  I  left  because  I 
couldn't  take  being  a  messenger  anymore.  I 
hated  it." 

"Anyway,  across  the  street  was  ABC.  I 
decided  to  get  a  new  internship  at  20/20,  the 
news  magazine.  I  had  to  convince  my  advisor 
at  UMASS  that  20/20  is  a  national  commu- 
nity service  if  I  was  going  to  get  credit.  I  told 
him  that  it  helps  create  public  awareness.  It 
worked,  so  I  went  over  to  20/20's  personnel 
department  and  sat  there  for  two  days.  I 
finally  got  someone  to  talk  to  me  by  saying 
that  Annette  Kriener,  and  executive  for  the 
show,  sent  me  to  personnel.  I  then  went  to 
Annette  Kriener  and  I  told  her  that  Harriette 
Crosby,  from  personnel,  sent  me." 

Lauren  was  placed  in  the  production  de- 
partment at  20/20.  Before  anyone  could  pos- 
sibly learn  of  her  little  scheme,  she  was  too 
valuable  to  let  go.  She  was  interested  in  the 
set  up  of  production  arrangements,  and  so 
she  began  observing  and  helping  the  pro- 
duction supervisor  put  together  shorts.  Little 
did  she  know  that  this  woman  would  be 
taking  a  vacation  in  a  few  weeks  and  leaving 
Lauren  in  charge  of  all  production  crews  and 
operations.  A  lucky  break. 

Lauren  also  taught  dance  at  Jon  Devlin,  a 
well  known  dance  studio.  Among  her  stu- 

dents were  several  accomplished  Broadway 
stars.  This  gave  her  more  insight  to  the  busi- 
ness. She  danced,  auditioned,  taught,  and 
worked  at  ABC,  whereby  she  made  several 

Lauren's  mentor,  Eileen  Kristen,  whom 
she  met  while  taking  dance  classes  in  the 
city,  became  Lauren's  advisor  and  friend. 
Eileen  also  happens  to  be  a  current  star  on  a  , 
daytime  soap  opera,  which,  as  I  said  earlier,  is 
Lauren's  ultimate  goal.  Luck  strikes  again. 

Lauren  has  a  drive  seldom  found  in  any- 
one. She  knows  that  she  has  a  tough  road 
ahead,  but  that  she'll  make  it.  "All  my 
friends  know  it  too.  Like  the  time  I  called  my 
friend  Kim  in  New  York  to  tell  her  about 
my  new  jobs.  She  said  that  it  was  typical  and 
she  knew  it  was  going  to  happen  to  me." 
There  are  some  things  about  her  progress 
that  still  shock  Lauren.  "It's  funny,  everyone 
stands  outside  the  ABC  building  in  New 
York  and  peers  in  the  windows  just  to  catch 
a  glimpse  of  an  actor.  I  was  once  like  that, 
but  now  I  can  walk  past  the  24  hour  security 
guard.  Because  of  my  job,  I  am  allowed  to 
walk  around  the  studio;  someday  I'll  walk  in 
and  do  my  thing.  I've  had  a  taste  of  perform- 
ing and  I've  had  a  taste  of  production  on  a 
national  acclaimed  show.  When  it  comes 
right  down  to  what  I  want  to  do,  there's  no 

Lauren  performs  every  chance  she  gets. 
When  she  was  seven  she  would  talk  to  her 
mirror,  dreaming  up  scenes  to  perform.  "For 
practice,  of  course."  At  four,  while  other 
children  were  "wetting  their  pants",  Lauren 
was  hard  at  work  dancing. 

The  success  that  Lauren  has  found  is  rare 
and  wonderful.  Her  talent,  drive,  and  enthu- 
siasm continue  to  bring  her  closer  to  where 
she  wants  to  be.  But  this  isn't  the  end  of  her 
story.  If  you  ask  her  she'll  say  that  "It's  just 
the  beginning." 

Susan  Karp 



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Jimmy  Cliff 








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Stanley  Clark  &  George  Duke 




























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Until  recently,  Emile  Rafstoeder  was  an  artist  whose 
work  had  gone  completely  without  notice.  His  modernis- 
tic piece  The  Stickman,  unearthed  in  the  cellarage  of  a 
Parisian  laundromat,  brings  him  recognition  at  last. 

Exemplifying  Rafstoeder's  style,  and  considered  the  best 
of  his  studies  in  pencil.  The  Sdckman  is  executed  accord- 
ing to  a  strict  underlying  principle:  the  reduction  of  forms 
to  their  essential  elements.  The  complexity  of  the  human 
eye,  for  example,  with  its  brow  and  its  lashes,  its  iris  and  its 
pupil,  is  reduced  in  the  drawing  to  a  single  dot.  Arms  and 
legs  become  —  simply  —  lines.  The  head,  the  seat  of 
intellect,  calls  for  a  more  complex  geometry  —  a  circle  is 

Long  an  admirer  of  Picasso's  Don  Quixote,  Rafstoeder 
said  that  he  drew  The  Stickman  "in  a  flash  of  inspiration" 
after  seeing  his  friend  Robert  "Stretch"  McCabe  standing 
sopping  wet  beside  a  YMCA  pool. 

The  Sdckman  is,  in  the  artist's  own  words,  "an  attempt 

to  render  the  quintessence  of  an  individual,  and  so  to  show 
him  as  a  universal."  Rafstoeder  succeeded.  All  of  us  find  in 
The  Sdckman  the  elements  of  ourselves. 

Tracking  the  artist  for  an  interview  after  the  discovery  in 
Paris  was  no  simple  operation.  Authorities  on  modern  art, 
until  that  time,  had  never  heard  of  Rafstoeder,  and  re- 
searchers, assigned  to  examine  back  issues  of  obscure  art 
periodicals  for  a  clue  to  the  artist's  whereabouts,  came  up 
with  not  a  clue  to  his  existence.* 

A  computer  search  turned  up  E.  Rafstoeder  in  the  1968 
telephone  directory  for  Peoria,  but  the  number,  evidently 
had  been  disconnected  and  reassigned  to  the  pay  tele- 

*One  young  researcher  rhoughr  he  remembered  seeing  rhe 
Rafsroeder  work  mentioned  in  a  lirerory  magazine,  recoiling  ir  in 
connecrion  wirh  on  orricle  on  one  of  Dashiell  Hommerr's  novels. 

phone  in  Al's  Meat  Mart.  Luckily,  Al  knew  Rafstoeder  and 
gave  us  his  new  number  in  Manhattan,  where  the  artist  has 
been  hving  with  some  friends.  It  was  I  who  called  the  artist 
with  the  news  about  the  Paris  find. 

"How  do  you  suppose  it  got  there?"  -w^ls  his  reaction. 

We  agreed  to  meet  for  lunch  at  a  Burger  King  on  the 
Avenue  of  the  Americas  that  Tuesday.  I  arrived  early  and 
was  waiting,  when  a  small  man  with  a  large,  round  head 
and  beady  eyes,  set  wide  apart,  came  through  the  doorway. 
I  had  a  hunch  it  was  the  artist  and  beckoned  to  him 

"Mr.  Rafstoeder?" 

"Please.  Call  me  Emile." 

I  jokingly  suggested  that  The  Stickman  may  be  consid- 
ered a  self-portrait,  but  the  artist  took  me  seriously. 

"If  you  mean  "Self  with  a  capital  'S'"  he  said.  I  didn't 
follow  him.  He  said  that  I  must  read  Siddhana.  Then,  as  if 
somehow  to  explain  himself  more  fully,  the  artist  told  me 
of  the  incident  in  which,  he  believes.  The  Stickman  was 
conceived  in  his  subconscious  long  before  its  birth  at 

An  old,  old,  dear,  dear  actor -friend  of  his  was  playing 
Tom  Bedlam  in  an  avant-garde  production  of  King  Lear 
in  modern  dress,  and  Emile  had  been  given  comps.  After 
the  performance,  two  of  the  words  of  that  play,  two 
Shakespearean  words,  stuck  in  the  artist's  mind. 

"Unaccomodated  man,"  a  voice  inside  him  kept  repeat- 
ing. "Unaccomodated  man  .... 

"The  idea  was  seeking  its  expression  in  my  art,"  he  told 
me.  "Voila!"  He  did  a  quick  rendition  of  The  Stickman  on 
a  napkin  and  presented  it  for  my  perusal. 

"May  I  keep  this?" 

"I  was  going  to  leave  it  as  a  tip." 

Embarrassed,  I  quickly  changed  the  subject,  asking  the 
artist  how  he  came  to  develop  his  style,  a  manner  oi 
drawing  the  critics  are  beginning  to  refer  to  as  Reduction - 

*lr  should  be  nored  rhor  Rofsroeder  did  rhe  hand-rrocing  or  o  rime 
before  rhe  formulcrion  of  Reducrionism,  while  he  was  srill  experi- 
menting. Reducrionisr  hands  would  resemble  chicken  prints. 

"I  have  always  believed  that  modern  art  is  related  very 
closely  to  prehistoric  art,"  he  began. 

He  pointed  out  that  a  hand -tracing  dating  from  10,000 
B.C.,  discovered  in  one  of  the  caves  of  Altamira,  is  very 
similar  to  a  hand -tracing  of  his  own,  done  only  several 
years  ago  in  his  home  in  Peoria,  on  the  wall  above  the 

"Preserving  the  spirit  of  the  primitive  is  one  of  the  chief 
concerns  of  a  modern  artist,"  he  continued.  "The  world  is 
becoming  much  too  complicated.  The  primitive  is  in  dan- 
ger of  extinction."  It  was  this  concern  that  led  the  artist  to 
Reductionism.  "Simplify.  Simplyfy,"  he  said. 

The  Reductionist  method  involves  what  Rafstoeder  de- 
scribed as  a  kind  of  distillation  process  that  takes  place  in 
his  mind,  a  boiling  away  of  all  that  is  not  absolutely 
essential  to  the  subject  he's  depicting,  leaving  behind  the 
universal  form  that  he  then  draws.  Recalling  something 
that  I  once  learned  from  a  mime  when  I  inquired  about  the 
purpose  of  his  white  face,  I  wondered  if  The  Stickman,  by 
gaining  anonymity,  would  improve  as  a  symbol  of  the 
universal  human  being,  and  I  asked  Rafstoeder  if  the 
drawing  could  be  reduced  still  further,  if  The  Stickman 
could  be  drawn  without  a  face. 

"No!"  the  artist  snapped  at  me.  "The  face  represents 
man's  character!  All  men  have  character!  Without  the  face 
The  Stickman  could  be  confused  with  an  antenna!" 

That  evening  at  home,  with  a  photocopy  of  the  drawing 
and  a  bottle  of  Liquid  Paper,  I  satisfied  myself  that  this  was 

The  artist  spoke  of  Rembrandt.  He  spoke  of  trends  in 
art.  We  discussed  Rothko's  Orange  and  Yellow,  and,  of 
course,  we  reminisced  about  the  smile  button. 

In  response  to  my  question  about  his  current  projects 
and  his  plans,  the  artist  spoke  with  great  enthusiasm  of  a 
modernistic  drawing  in  the  works. 

"I  expect  it  to  capture  —  in  the  spirit  of  the  primitive  — 
the  essence  of  an  entity  designed  by  modern  minds.  — 
Let's  just  say  I'm  very  excited  about  it!" 

The  art  work,  which  I  hope  to  review  as  soon  as  it  is 
finished,  is  to  be  entitled  The  House. 

John  Zygiel,  Jr. 
®  1982  used  by  permission 




Editor's  Note: 

The  Editors  of  the  INDEX  wish  to  apolo- 
gize for  the  exclusion  of  the  following 
sports:  Baseball,  Golf,  Softball,  Mens'  and 
Womens'  Track,  and  Tennis.  The  pages 
were  omitted  due  to  deadline  problems 
with  the  Sports  Editors. 



There  were  whispers  in  early  September  of  a  national  playoff 
berth  for  the  University  of  Massachusetts  football  Minutemen. 
With  20  returning  starters,  there  was  plenty  to  be  optimistic 
about.  Some  may  have  thought  that  all  head  coach  Bob  Pickett 
had  to  do  was  press  the  right  buttons  and  the  Alumni  Stadium 
heroes  would  be  whisked  away  to  some  exotic  location  in  the 
western  part  of  the  country  at  the  end  of  the  season  to  lock 
horns  with  the  rest  of  the  best  in  Division  I-AA.  As  it  turned 
out,  these  glorious  visions  were  blurred.  While  Massachusetts 
did  go  on  to  capture  a  share  of  its  13th  Yankee  Conference 
league  championship,  compiling  a  more  than  respectable  6-3 
record  along  the  way,  the  playoff  berth  was  awarded  to  the 
Cinderella  University  of  Rhode  Island  Rams.  Although  URI 
had  an  identical  league  record,  they  went  to  the  playoffs  on  the 
basis  of  a  16-10  decision  over  Massachusetts  in  the  third  game 
of  the  regular  season  at  Alumni  Stadium. 

""We  knew  those  six  points  would  come  back  to  haunt  us," 
Pickett  said  shortly  after  the  Minutemen  had  knocked  off  the 
University  of  New  Hampshire  and  clinched  a  share  of  the 
league  crown.  ""Playoffs  or  not,  I'm  not  minimizing  what  our 
team  did  this  year  in  one  bit.  Our  goal  at  the  start  of  every 
season  is  to  win  the  Yankee  Conference  championship  and  that 
is  exactly  what  we  did  this  year.  I'm  proud  of  our  team  and  I'm 
happy  for  them." 

Pickett  was  right  in  his  assessment  as  there  was  hardly 
anything  minimal  to  report  on  a  highly  successful  Minuteman 
football  season.  There  were  big  wins  like  the  29-24  thriller 
down  in  Storrs  over  the  University  of  Connecticut  as  well  as  big 
defeats  such  as  the  URI  heartbreaker  and  the  35-20  demolition 
at  the  hands  of  the  University  of  Delaware.  There  were  high- 
lights in  abundance.  Witness  the  performance  of  junior  tailback 
Garry  Pearson  who  rushed  his  way  into  the  Massachusetts 
record  books  as  the  alltime  career  rushing  leader  in  just  two 
and  one  half  seasons  of  play. 

"We  have  the  best  athlete  in  the  state  of  Connecticut  on  our 
team,"  Pickett  said  of  the  Bristol,  Conn,  native  after  Pearson's 
superlative  two  touchdown  contribution  to  the  win  over 
UConn.  "I'm  just  glad  he's  on  our  side." 

The  Minuteman  defense,  ranked  number  four  in  the  nation  in 
1980,  came  back  and  showed  more  of  the  same  in  1981  and  the 
key  was  a  senior-dominated  lineup  coordinated  by  assistant 
coach  and  defensive  mastermind  Jim  Reid.  Peter  DiTomasso, 
the  "Staten  Island  Stopper,"  served  as  a  Minuteman  tri-captain 
and  a  partner  in  a  linebacking  duo  with  Scott  Crowell  which 
combined  to  build  a  virtual  brick  wall  in  the  middle  of  the 
Massachusetts  "D".  They  were  the  mainstays  of  the  Minuteman 
defensive  corps  with  senior  linemen  Raymond  Benoit,  Dan 
Petrie,  Eric  Cregan  and  George  Lewis  serving  as  the  bulwarks 
in  the  trenches.  If  any  opposing  running  backs  or  receivers  did 
manage  to  get  by  this  first  line  of  Massachusetts  defense,  they 
were  quickly  met  and  stopped  by  a  steady  UM  defensive  back- 
field  crew  consisting  of  All-Americans  Grady  Fuller  and 
Dwayne  Lopes  along  with  seniors  Peter  Spadafora  and  Ashford 
"Maxwell"  Jones. 


After  the  Minutemen  went  down  in  defeat  to  URI,  they  were 
faced  with  a  situation  where  they  could  not  afford  another 
league  loss  if  they  wished  to  reign  supreme  in  the  Yankee 
Conference  once  again.  Behind  Pearson,  DiTomasso  and  a 
host  of  Massachusetts  stalwarts,  the  Minutemen  proceeded  to 
roll  through  the  rest  of  their  league  contests  and  posted  4-0 
conference  record  through  the  rest  of  the  season  including 
victories  over  Maine,  Boston  University,  Connecticut  and  a 
season-ending  20-9  conquest  of  UNH  in  Durham.  With  the 
league  title  on  the  line,  the  Minutemen  rose  to  the  occasion  and 
soundly  whipped  the  Wildcats  on  their  own  turf.  The  victory 
was  somewhat  soured  as  the  score  of  the  URI-UConn  game  was 
announced  over  the  public  address  system  as  the  two  teams 
were  leaving  the  field  (URI  won,  thus  ensuring  themselves  a 
playoff  spot),  the  Minutemen  had  to  be  proud  since  they  had 
accomplished  the  goal  they  had  set  for  themselves  in  Septem- 
ber: another  Yankee  Conference  championship  and  plenty  of 
great  memories. 






Holy  Cross 


































Record:  6-3  (overall  4-1   (league) 
Co-Yankee  Conference  Champions 




STORRS,  Conn.-  It  was  pretty  cold  that  November  day  in 
Memorial  Stadium-  so  cold  that  the  season's  first  snow  flurries 
began  to  fall.  The  cameras  for  ESPN  were  set,  and  the  crowd  of 
about  300  huddled  around  the  middle  of  the  stands  to  see  the 
University  of  Massachusetts  play  the  University  of  Connecticut 
for  the  NCAA  Division  I  National  Field  Hockey  Champion- 
ship. UMass  was  undefeated,  having  sustained  two  ties-  one 
with  the  College  of  William  and  Mary  in  mid-September  and  a 
wild  1-1  deadlock  with  this  same  UConn  squad  two  weeks 
before  in  Amherst.  The  championship  contest  was  a  defensive 
game;  a  tense  game.  And  when  it  was  over,  it  was  UConn  that 
wore  the  crown  of  national  champions.  UMass  coach  Pam 
Hixon's  team,  ranked  number  one  in  the  nation  in  both  the 
NCAA  and  AIAW  polls,  had  to  settle  for  second  place. 

Despite  the  4-1  championship  loss,  the  Minutewomen  gained 
many  postseason  honors.  Senior  co-captains  Judy  Strong  was 
named  Mitchell  and  Hess  Player-of-the-year  as  well  as  being 
named  to  the  championship  series'  All-Tournament  team  along 
with  senior  Tish  Stevens.  Hixon  was  named  Coach-of-the-Year 
by  both  the  NCAA  and  the  AIAW. 


1^  ^B 


A  bigger  honor  came  much  later.  During  halftime  cere- 
monies at  the  UMass-Northeastern  University  men's  basket- 
ball game,  the  entire  team  was  feted  before  a  standing  room 
only  Curry-Hicks  crowd.  Every  team  member,  followed  by 
Coach  Hixon,  was  called  to  the  floor  and  received  a  well- 
deserved  round  of  applause.  There  was  Strong,  the  team's 
leading  scorer  with  27  goals  and  Olympic-styled  dominance 
on  the  field.  Sue  Caples  stood  next  to  her,  a  fellow  selectee 
to  the  United  States  National  Team;  her  leadership  unques- 
tioned by  her  peers.  Strong  and  Caples  had  four  great  years 
with  this  team,  and  those  on  the  Cage  floor  that  night  were 
as  proud  of  them  as  the  cheering  crowd. 

Tina  Coffin,  Ro  Tudryn  and  Sandy  Kobel,  all  juniors,  all 
helped  this  team  keep  an  undefeated  record  for  so  long. 
Sophomores,  including  Stevens,  Patty  Smith,  Carol  Pro- 
gulske  and  goalie  Patty  Shea  (20  games,  75  saves,  11  goals 
allowed,  15  shutouts)  filled  the  team  with  youthful  enthusi- 
asm and  spirit.  And  freshman  Pam  Moryl,  standing  quietly 
along  with  the  rest,  had  been  called  the  successor  to  Strong. 
So  there  stood  the  team,  under  the  lights  of  the  Cage,  hear- 
ing each  other's  name  called,  each  followed  by  applause. 

The  season  began  against  Ohio  State  University  at  Smith 
College,  and  it  began  with  a  3-0  win.  The  tie  against  the 
College  of  William  and  Mary  was  followed  by  a  string  of 
whitewashes:  UMaine  (4-0),  Vermont  (1-0),  Mount  Holyoke 
College  (4-0),  New  Hampshire  (1-0).  Yale  spoiled  the  shutout 
with  a  goal  as  the  clock  showed  but  four  seconds  left  to  play, 
but  still  another  UMass  victory  was  to  marked  at  4-1.  Massa- 
chusetts then  beat  Bridgewater  State  College,  7-0,  and  then  was 
named  number  one  in  the  country  after  they  defeated  Old 
Dominion,  1-0,  and  Rutgers  University,  2-0.  After  a  win  over 
Northeastern  University,  6-2,  shutouts  and  Shea's  prowess  con- 
tinued until  the  very  end:  Westfield  (4-0),  Harvard  (4-0), 
Springfield  College  (2-0),  2-0  over  URI,  1-0  over  Brown  and 
the  regular  season  finale,  a  4-0  victory  over  Dartmouth  College. 

Then  came  the  tie  against  the  University  of  Connecticut. 

It  became  a  defensive  battle,  with  each  team  looking  for  the 
gamewinning  goal.  But  none  would  come.  What  came  to  pass 
was  a  preview  of  the  National  title  game  two  weeks  later  — 
rough  play,  fast,  aggressive  stickhandling  and  passing. 

For  some  of  the  1981  Minutewomen,  there  will  be  another 
chance  next  year.  For  most  of  those  who  smiled  at  the  Cage 
crowd  that  night,  they  knew  they  could  be  standing  in  the  same 
spot  next  year  with  a  national  championship  title  under  their 

-Maureen  Sullivan 



The  men's  soccer  team  played  a  tough  16  game  sched- 
ule in  1981  and  came  up  on  the  short  end  of  a  5-10-1 

Optimism  was  high  after  the  hooters  made  their  pres- 
ence felt  in  the  Keene  State  Invitational  by  tying  the  host 
school  0-0  and  then  dripping  Western  Connecticut  5-2, 
but  four  straight  losses  put  the  team  in  the  red  to  stay. 

In  a  season  that  had  only  seven  home  games  at  friendly 
Boyden  Field,  UMass  fans  were  only  satisfied  twice  with 
wins  over  Williams  College,  3-0  and  Westfield  State,  2-1. 

The  team,  which  was  made  up  predominantly  of  under- 
classmen, but  seemed  to  come  up  just  that  one  goal  short 
in  the  tight  ones. 

The  talent  for  a  better  record  in  the  near  future  is  there, 
but  for  this  season  5-10-1  were  the  numbers  for  UMass 







Women  Kickers  Excel  In  Post  Season  Competition 

It  was  another  banner  year  for  Kalekeni  Banda 
and  his  women's  soccer  team  during  the  fall  1981 
season  as  the  women  hooters  compiled  a  13-6-2 
record  and  competed  in  both  the  Eastern  and  nation- 
al championship  tournaments. 

The  season  started  off  with  a  bang  as  UMass  de- 
feated Plymouth  State  4-1  to  open  their  record  at  1-0 
at  home.  Plymouth  State  was  joined  in  the  victim  list 
by  George  Washington  and  Westfield  State  before 
Boston  College  was  able  to  salvage  a  2-2  tie  with  the 

A  win  over  Brown  University  brought  the  team's 
record  to  4-0-1  and  all  of  a  sudden  everybody  started 
hearing  rumblings  about  a  possible  playoff  contend- 
er in  the  making. 

But,  just  as  the  talk  began,  two  setbacks  to  Ver- 
mont and  Connecticut  brought  UMass  back  to  earth. 

The  team  remained  undaunted  though,  and  pro- 
ceeded to  beat  powerful  Cortland  State,  2-1,  and 
then  Mount  Holyoke,  5-0,  to  put  a  winning  note  back 
in  the  talk. 

Springfield  College  came  to  town  after  that  and 
managed  a  1-1  tie,  but  after  that  the  hooters  were  not 
to  be  denied  the  necessary  'Ws  to  gain  a  berth  in  the 

The  final  drive  through  the  regular  season  was 
highlighted  by  wins  over  a  pesky  Yale  team,  1-0  and 
a  thumping  of  perrenial  powerhouse  Penn  State,  5-0, 
with  both  games  played  before  delighted  crowds  at 
Boyden  Field. 

That  the  women  failed  to  bring  a  national  cham- 
pionship trophy  home  to  UMass  is  inconsequential. 
They  established  UMass  as  a  bona  fide  national  con- 
tender and  that  will  go  a  long  way  by  itself. 




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One  only  had  to  survey  the  scene  at 
the  Curry-Hicks  Cage  about  a  half-min- 
ute after  the  season-opener  between  the 
University  of  Massachusetts  basketball 
Minutemen  and  their  counterparts  from 
Duquesne  University  to  realize  the 
transformation  the  home  team's  pro- 
gram had  undergone  in  the  few  short 
months  that  Tom  McLaughlin,  a  former 
UMass  star  player-turned-head  coach, 
had  come  home.  Sheer  pandemonium 
would  be  an  excellent  way  to  describe 
the  nonstop,  cheering  ovation  bestowed 
on  the  squad  by  the  standing  room  only 
crowd;  but  their  exuberance  went  much 
deeper  than  that.  For  the  first  time  since 
the  days  of  Alex  Eldridge  and  the 
powerdunking  Mark  Haymore,  the 
Cage  faithful  were  able  to  experience 
something  positive  while  attending  a 
UMass  basketball  game. 

They  certainly  got  their  "money's 
worth"  that  December  evening  when 
the  Minutemen  came  back  to  beat  the 
Iron  Dukes,  68-67,  waiting  until  there 
were  only  two  seconds  left  to  play  in  the 
game.  This  was  not  all.  They  were  also 
treated  to  Massachusetts'  first  tourna- 
ment victory  in  years  when  freshman 
guard  Donald  Russell  led  his  squad  to 
the  championship  of  the  InBank  Classic, 
held  in  Providence,  R.I.  over  interses- 
sion.  All  in  all,  there  was  much  more  to 
this  team  than  their  7-20  overall  record 




n:  '  -Ti 


¥  "■  '''}'iw-^"  ■"■■      i 

There  must  have  been  plenty  of 
UMass  hoop  followers  who  were 
quick  to  accuse  rookie  head  coach 
McLaughlin  of  "rah-rah-ism"  be- 
cause of  the  methods  and  tactics  he 
employed  in  preseason  and  through- 
out "in  an  attempt  to  get  more  sup- 
port" for  his  yearling  team.  These 
boobirds  and  skeptics  quickly  fell  by 
the  wayside  as  many  did  turn  out  for 
a  much-improved  brand  of  Minute- 
man  basketball.  The  onetime  Minute- 
man  board-battler  predicted  an  ag- 
gressive, fundamentally  sound  and 
"fun"  style  of  play  from  his  new  team; 
a  new  team  produced  by  a  new 
coach.  What  was  seen  at  the  Cage  on 
a  bi-weekly  basis  was  an  exciting 
freshman  floor  leader  in  Russell, 
who  averaged  nearly  17  points  per 
game  and  was  the  cohesive  agent  in  a 
starting  unit  which  included  three 
other  freshman  and  Edwin  Green: 
the  regining  Eastern  Eight  Rookie- 







Women's  basketball  coach  Mary  Ann  Ozdarski 
knew  that  the  1981-82  edition  of  Minutewomen  bas- 
ketball was  going  to  be  a  team  of  transition  on  two 

First,  the  team  was  going  to  be  without  its  usual 
dominance  in  the  height  department  due  to  the 
graduation  of  the  previous  year's  starting  front  court 
and  an  obvious  lack  of  big  people  to  step  in. 

Second,  in  order  to  offset  this  change,  the  name  of 
the  game  plan  was  to  be  transition.  UMass  planned 
on  using  a  running  game  to  make  up  for  that  height 

The  youthful  team,  sporting  only  center  Martha 
Ready  and  guard  Sherry  Collins  as  seniors,  was  high 
on  ambition  but  short  on  experience  and  the  final 
result  was  a  9-16  record,  far  short  of  the  years  of 
perrenial  domination  that  Ozdarski's  troops  had  en- 
joyed since  her  arrival  on  the  Minutewomen  scene. 

To  the  team's  credit,  though,  the  wins  that  they 
did  accumulate  were  towards  the  end  of  the  season, 
thus  indicating  that  the  youngsters  were  learning  and 
were  ready  to  take  a  top  New  England  spot  once 

Leadership  responsibilities  fell  on  the  shoulders 
of  Ready  and  Collins,  especially  after  forward  Na- 
dine  Jackson,  who  was  expected  to  be  a  major  force 
in  the  season,  broke  her  leg  early  in  the  season  and 
was  lost  for  the  year. 

The  seniors  played  well  and  the  women  were  in 
contention  for  most  of  their  games.  But,  as  any  good 
coach  knows,  when  a  game  is  close  the  win  most 
often  goes  to  the  team  with  veterans  on  the  floor. 
UMass  did  not  have  the  veterans  and  their  oponents 

The  best  note  on  the  Minutewomen  is  that  guards 
Wendy  Ward  and  Marlene  Susienka  will  return 
among  a  group  of  now  seasoned  sophomores  who 
should  be  more  capable  in  the  future. 

Ready  and  Collins  will  be  sorely  missed  though. 





Only  once  in  q  very  long  while  is  someone  oble  ro 
orroin  rhe  unorrainoble,  reach  rhe  unreachable,  or  reach 
rhe  sror,  as  rhe  song  soys. 

Ar  rhe  Universiry  of  Massochuserrs,  a  group  of  rolenred, 
dedicared  women  were  able  ro  rouch  rhor  sror.  A  narion- 
ol  championship  was  coprured  during  rhe  spring  of  1982 
and  rhe  UMoss  women's  lacrosse  ream  was  or  rhe  rop  of 
rhe  heop  when  all  rhe  dusr  had  serried. 

The  1982  NCAA  champions  handed  Trenron  Srore  o  9-6 
defear  in  rhe  final  gome  and  rhe  Gozelles  headed  home 
wirh  a  perfecrly  inrocr  season  or  10-0-0. 

During  rhe  course  of  rhar  10-0  championship  compaign, 
UMoss  scored  a  rorol  of  112  goals;  jusr  over  four  rimes 
more  rhon  rhe  sconr  27  goals  rhor  rhey  allowed  during 
rhe  same  period. 

A  premonirion  of  rhings  ro  come  was  seen  during  rhe 
ream's  season  opener.  They  dominored  ploy  from  begin- 
ning ro  end,  I'ieeping  rhe  boil  in  rhe  Lady  Terrier  end  of 
rhe  field  for  mosr  of  rhe  gome.  The  final  rally  (18-0) 
showed  rhor  Massochuserrs  was  o  power  ro  be  recl^oned 

Game  rwo  was  a  big  resr  as  rhe  Gazelles  rroveled  ro 

Combridge  ro  ploy  ever-rough  Harvard.  The  margin 
wosn'r  wide,  bur  rhe  resuir  was  rhe  some:  UMoss  5  — 
Harvard  3. 

Two  drubbings  come  nexr:  o  romp  over  rhe  Rom  of 
Rhode  Island  (17-1),  and  rhe  dismissol  of  Dorrmourh  (13-3). 
Suddenly  people  began  ro  reolize  rhor  rhis  wos  nor  jusr  on 
ordinary  reom. 

The  Universiry  of  New  Hampshire  came  dosesr  ro  slay- 
ing rhe  Gazelles.  Playing  or  home,  UMoss  hod  ro  sweor 
our  on  oil  roo  dose  5-4  vicrory.  The  gome  ended  in  a  pile 
of  jubilonr  home  reom  srickers  on  rhe  upper  Nope  field. 

Nexr  fell  Yole  (11-2),  rhen  rhe  Lady  Eagles  were  plucked 

"Hmmm.  UMoss,  huh?",  wos  rhe  consenring  buzz 
among  lacrosse  fans. 

Yes,  UMoss.  Springfield  College  was  nexr  (10-2),  and 
Norrheosrern  was  rhe  losr  socrificiol  lamb,  bowing  14-4. 

The  only  shame  of  rhe  whole  rhing  is  rhor  more  fans 
didn'r  come  our  ro  roor  on  rhe  champions  during  rhe 
seoson,  bur  rhose  who  did  were  rreored  ro  quire  o  show 
—  and  0  norionol  rirle. 




A  Good  Year  For 
The  Men  .  .  . 

The  UMass  men's  cross  country  team  once  again  proved  to 
be  one  of  the  top  running  squads  around  during  the  1981 
season  as  they  posted  a  deceptive  4-4  regular  season  record 
amidst  a  very  impressive  series  of  championship  calibre  perfor- 

As  for  the  regular  season,  three  straight  losses  to  start  the 
season  would  have  gotten  most  teams  down,  but  the  Minutemen 
runners  rebounded  to  win  four  of  the  last  five  meets  with  only  a 
close  40-36  defeat  to  stop  them  from  taking  all  five. 

Then  came  the  big  meets,  the  ones  where  seasonal  records 
don't  count.  UMass  stood  out  and  shined. 

Included  in  the  onslaught  of  superlative  Minuteman  meets 
were  a  third  place  finish  in  the  EAA  Championships,  13th  at 
the  IC4A's  second  in  the  New  Englands  and  an  Eastern  Cham- 


.  .  .   An  Excellent  One  For 
The  Women 

Led  by  some  superb  individual  performances,  the  women's 
cross  country  team  turned  in  one  of  its  best  seasons  ever. 

Both  of  UMass'  top  runners,  Judy  McCrone  and  Tricia 
Moores  ran  a  steady  paced  season  that  finally  put  them  on  the 
road  to  the  national  championships. 

As  a  team,  the  squad  finished  with  a  2-2  record  by  defeating 
Smith  and  Springfield  Colleges.  They  lost  to  Boston  College 
and  Harvard. 

UMass  finished  fourth  at  the  Rhode  Island  Invitational  and 
fifth  at  the  Rutgers  Invitational. 

In  the  New  Englands,  despite  outstanding  performances  by 
Moores  and  McCrone,  the  Minutewomen  could  only  manage  a 
tenth  place  finish. 






*'*%  : 

While  competing  on  an  extremely  tough  schedule,  the  wom- 
en's gymnastics  team  compiled  a  9-5  record  during  the  1981-82 

The  women's  biggest  trouble  came  against  the  University  of 
New  Hampshire  who  defeated  the  UMass  team  twice  by  just 
slightly  over  one  point  each  time. 

The  year  was  highlighted  individually  by  the  team  leadership 
of  Heidi  Milender,  who  was  the  Minutewomen's  best  overall 

Teamwise,  the  high  pount  of  the  year  came  when  the  team 
amassed  a  total  of  140-65  points  to  defeat  Southern  Connecti- 
cut, a  major  gymnastic  power. 

The  team  finished  a  very  impressive  fourth  in  the  NCAA 





The  Men  Finish  At  6-4 

The  men's  swimming  team,  under  coach  Russ  Yar- 
worth,  put  together  a  season  of  timely  individual 
performances  to  turn  out  a  6-4  record  in  1981-82. 

Following  a  loss  to  Tufts  to  open  the  year,  the 
Minutemen  regrouped  to  beat  Lowell  and  Spring- 
field before  a  loss  to  Williams  evened  their  record  at 

Rhode  Island  made  things  look  worse  when  they 
set  the  UMass  team  back  with  a  58-55  heartbreaker 
but  the  mermen  won  four  of  their  last  five  meets  to 
pull  a  winning  season  from  the  depths  of  the  Boyden 

The  swimmers,  who  train  during  the  fall  by  work- 
ing out  as  a  water  polo  team,  drew  large  crowds  and 
the  support  was  a  definite  factor  in  their  successful 




Gorber's  Gorillas  Started 
Fast,  But  Then  Faded 

A  pre-season  look  at  the  Garber's  Gorillas 
schedule  would  make  it  clear  that  they  had  a 
tough  road  to  follow  in  order  to  gain  another 
NCAA  playoff  berth. 

That  was  before  the  big  blizzard  of  April.  After 
games  had  been  rescheduled  in  order  to  make  a 
complete  season  out  of  the  scramble,  coach  Dick 
Garber's  troops  were  left  with  what  most 
collegiate  lacrosse  experts  called  "the  toughest 
schedule  in  the  country." 

And,  in  the  end,  it  was  the  schedule,  not  so 
much  as  the  opponents,  that  defeated  the  UMass 
stickers  and  left  them  without  that  playoff  berth. 
They  had  an  8-5  record  that  would  have  satisfied 
any  other  team  but  UMass. 

As  has  been  the  case  for  years,  men's  lacrosse 
was  the  biggest  show  in  town.  Boyden  Hill  was 
packed  well  before  game  time  and  the  team  didn't 
let  them  down  as  they  lost  only  one  game  at 
home  to  an  upstart  Harvard  team. 

Unfortunately,  the  Gorillas  only  played  five 
games  at  home  and  the  road  was  not  as  nice  to 
them.  However,  that  the  team  did  not  get  a  post 
season  bid  will  not  be  remembered  as  much  as 
the  much-heralded  14-8  Army  game  which  was 
played  before  a  crowd  that  was  estimated  at  well 
over  10,000  people,  the  largest  crowd  ever  to  see 
a  lacrosse  game  in  New  England. 




It  Was  Another  Big  Year  For  Weller 

It  was  inevitable  that  when  the  going  was  tough 
the  ball  went  to  Weller.  Jim  Weller  was  the  man 
among  men  during  the  1982  season. 

Weller,  wearing  the  #2  shirt  that  all  the  fans 
had  come  to  count  on  for  the  big  play,  once 
again  led  the  Gorillas  in  scoring  for  the  third 
straight  year  as  he  amassed  44  goals  and  32 
assists  to  bring  his  amazing  career  totals  to  162 
goals  (first  on  the  all-time  goals  scored  list),  94 
assists  (fourth),  and  brought  his  total  points  to 
256  (second). 

Weller  was  a  hero  when  on  the  Boyden  Field 
playing  surface.  Fans  screamed  to  him  when  the 
team  needed  a  lift  as  if  they  had  known  him  all 
their  life. 

Garber's  Gorrillas  will  not  be  quite  the  same  in 
the  upcoming  seasons  without  the  quiet, 
dependable,  explosive  play  of  one  of  the  best 
lacrosse  players  ever  to  carry  a  stick  for  UMass. 

Best  wishes  and  good  luck  Mr.  Weller. 


And  The  Boyden  Field  Crowds 



Grab  and  hold,  rwisr  and  throw,  squeeze  and  pin.  Nor 
exccrly  oil  rechnicol  rerms  for  rhe  sporr  of  wresriing,  bur  ro 
rhe  overage  specroror,  ir's  o  prerry  good  summarion  of 
whor  goes  on  once  rwo  gropplers  srep  onro  rhe  mar. 

Dur  for  rhe  wresrier,  rhe  sporr  is  a  unique  combinarion 
of  mind  and  body  working  rogerher  in  rhe  ulrimore 
morch:  one-on-one.  Size  doesn'r  morrer  becouse  rhe 
whole  affair  is  divided  according  ro  weighr  classes.  The 
borrom  line  is  physical  and  menral  roughness. 

Though  rhe  Universiry  of  Mossochuserrs'  wresriing  reom 
finished  4-8-1  in  1982-82,  rhe  hard  worl';  and  srorvorion 
were  nor  in  vain.  Nor  only  did  rhey  have  a  very  rough 
schedule,  rhey  also  pur  everyrhing  rogerher  or  rhe  end  of 
rhe  seoson  ro  place  second  or  rhe  New  Englond  Cham- 

The  seoson  opened  wirh  a  rough  24-23  loss  ro  Dosron 
Universiry.  Afrer  raking  sevenrh  in  rhe  Coasr  Guard  Tour- 

namenr,  rhe  ream  wos  again  shorr  of  rhe  vicrory  mark 
agoinsr  rhe  Mossochuserrs  Moririme  Acodemy,  bur  did 
achieve  o  rie:  23-23. 

Poydirr  came  nexr  via  o  24-16  win  over  POTSDAM,  bur 
Yale  rhrew  rhe  ream  back  in  rhe  red  wirh  a  26-12 

The  ream,  having  a  seesaw  season,  rhen  saw  a  win 
over  Pvurgers  (24-18),  o  mossocre  or  Novy  (37-3),  o 
squeaker  over  Sourhern  Connecricur  (23-21),  ond  on 
equally  squeaking  loss  ro  Albany  (22-21). 

A  29-11  vicrory  over  rhe  Universiry  of  New  Hampshire 
evened  rhings  or  4-4-1,  bur  rhor  would  be  rhe  losr  "W"  of 
rhe  regular  season  as  Cenrrol  Connecricur,  Horvord,  Hof- 
srro,  and  Springfield  College  downed  rhe  Minuremen. 

Under  coach  Rick  Freiras,  rhe  undounred  ream  re- 
bounded or  rhe  oforemenrioned  New  England  Cham- 
pionship, and  earned  a  respecroble  second  place  finish. 


^  .^ 






















The  Radical  Student  Union  (RSU) 
is  a  student  organization  which  is  ac- 
tive both  on  and  off  campus.  We  have 
organized  student  involvement 
around  such  diverse  issues  as  Sea- 
brook,  the  Amherst  Nursing  Home 
Strike,  Martin  Luther  King  Week,  op- 
position to  the  "Human  Life"  Amend- 
ment, US  involvement  in  El  Salvador 
—  as  well  as  sponsoring  lectures  and 
debates  on  topics  ranging  from  the 
Presidential  elections  to  corporate 
control  of  rock-n-roll.  We  also  have 
educational  study  groups  such  as 
Marxism,  Political  Economy,  Femi- 
nism, the  New  Right  and  the  Moonies. 
We  believe  it  is  important  to  educate 
and  actively  involve  ourselves  and 
others  in  pressing  issues.  Students 
face  an  increasingly  uncertain  future 
as  the  cold  winds  of  Reaganomics 
blow  through  the  Ivory  Towers.  The 
RSU  is  working  with  many  others  to 
help  rebuild  the  student  movement  as 
a  powerful,  progressive  force  in  soci- 

We  welcome  people  to  stop  by  our 
office  (Rm.  413A  Student  Union 
Building)  and  talk  with  us  or  look 
through  our  resources.  Or  give  us  a 
call  at  545-0677. 


The  Student  Center  for  Educational 
Research  and  Advocacy,  (SCERA), 
consists  of  students  and  professionals 
dedicated  to  improving  the  quality  of 
life,  work,  and  study  at  the  Universi- 
ty. The  Undergraduate  Student  Sen- 
ate governs  SCERA  pohcy  decisions, 
and  helps  decide  which  student  issues 
are  researched  and  advocated. 

Formed  in  1978  by  the  merger  of 
the  Student  Organizing  Project,  and 
the  Student  Center  for  Educational 
Research,  SCERA  continues  to  pur- 
sue the  basic  goals  of  these  two 
groups:  researching  ana  analyzing 
campus  programs  and  problems,  iden- 
tifying unmet  student  needs,  pubhsh- 
ing  reports,  and  suggesting  alterna- 

Funded  by  the  SGA,  SCERA  is  gov- 
erned by  a  student  Board  of  Directors, 
and  the  student  staff  is  coordinated 
by  a  team  of  professionals.  SCERA  is 
organized  into  different  teams  which 
research  and  develop  advocacy  prior- 
ities in  specialized  areas,  including 
anti-racism,  academics,  public  policy, 
women's  issues,  residential,  rents  and 
fees,  outreach,  and  student  affairs. 

Paid  part-time  students,  credit- 
earning  interns,  and  student  volun- 
teers help  comprise  the  teams. 

Other  resources  offered  by  SCERA 
include  the  resource  center,  which 
contains  thousands  of  documents,  re- 
ports, papers,  leaflets,  and  adminis- 
trative publications  on  computerized 
files  for  anyone  concerned  about  stu- 
dent interest  research. 

SCERA  also  offers  many  opportuni- 
ties for  students  seeking  an  alterna- 
tive to  classroom  education,  in  the 
form  of  volunteer,  paid  part-time 
work  study  and  non-study  positions, 
as  well  as  an  internship/independent 
study  program. 

SCERA  is  located  in  room  422  of  the 
Student  Union  Building. 


The  81-82  academic  year  marked 
the  10th  anniversary  of  The  People's 
Gay  Alliance.  In  commemoration,  the 
alliance  held  two  awareness  days  con- 
sisting of  workshops  for  and  about 
lesbians  and  gay  men  aimed  at  in- 
creasing awareness  among  the  stu- 
dent body. 

Services  for  the  community  consist- 
ed of  monthly  dances,  coffeehouses, 
workshops,  outdoor  activities,  speak- 
er's bureaus,  and  The  Lesbian  and 
Gay  Men's  Counseling  Collective. 

The  Counseling  Collective  offered 
peer  counsehng  to  the  surrounding 
communities.  The  counselors  were 
trained  and  supervised  by  a  profes- 
sional and  the  services  were  free  of 

Incidents  involving  racism  and  ter- 
rorism against  the  P.G.A.  and  other 
minority  groups  were  the  cause  for  a 
P.G.A.  sponsored  candlelight  vigil. 
The  healthy  attendance  of  200  to  300 
people  at  the  rally  demonstrated  a 
broad  based  support  and  solidarity 
from  other  oppressed  groups  and  the 
general  community. 




-If  you  are  concerned  about  improving  the  quality  of  life 
in  Massachusetts,  interested  in  learning  skills  useful  to  a 
pubhc-service  oriented  career,  and  like  to  have  fun,  you 
may  want  to  stop  by  the  UMASS  PIRG  office  in  the  Student 
Union  423. 

Students  involved  in  UMASS  PIRG  work  with  a  profes- 
sional staff  to  research  and  organize  around  social  problems 
and  promote  public  policy  on  issues  such  as  consumer  pro- 
tection, environmental  preservation,  safe  energy,  and  so- 
cial justice.  Past  projects  have  included  research  of,  and 
community  education  and  action  about,  illegal  hazardous 
waste  dump  sites  in  western  Mass.,  a  consumer  alert  about 
prescription  drugs  which  do  not  work,  a  letter  writing  cam- 
paign against  cutbacks  in  student  loans  and  financial  aid 
grants,  and  a  campaign  for  the  Massachusetts  Bottle  Bill. 

Investigative  research  and  report  writing,  working  effec- 
tively with  the  media,  public  speaking  and  lobbying  are 
some  of  the  skills  students  may  acquire  through  PIRG. 
UMASS  PIRG  is  open  to  any  student  on  campus.  Many 
students  volunteer  an  hour  or  two  to  PIRG  as  an  extra- 
curricular activity.  However,  students  may  also  take  ad- 
vantage of  the  opportunity  to  arrange  academic  credit,  for  a 
class  project,  independent  study,  or  internship,  for  their 
participation  in  UMASS  PIRG. 

UMASS  PIRG  is  one  of  twelve  campus  chapters  of  the 
statewide  organization  MASSPIRG.  Established  in  1971, 
MASSPIRG  promotes  the  general  welfare  of  Massachusetts 
citizens  through  local,  state,  and  national  political  arenas. 
Issues  vary  somewhat  from  year  to  year,  evolving  in  re- 
sponse to  changing  political  and  social  conditions,  and  spe- 
cific concerns  of  the  members.  An  organization  that  com- 
bines the  strengths  of  students,  citizens,  and  professional 
staff,  MASSPIRG  provides  a  unique  opportunity  for  stu- 
dents to  explore  and  act  on  the  society  around  them.  We 
encourage  any  student  interested  in  the  issues,  the  skills, 
and  the  educational  opportunities  PIRG  provides  to  stop  by 
the  office,  ANYTIME! 

The  Student  Union  Gallery,  located  on  the  south  side  of 
the  Student  Union  Building,  is  the  only  entirely  student-run 
Art  Gallery  on  campus.  Managed  by  Kevin  Cristaldi  and 
Lori  Wallander,  two  students,  the  gallery  also  employs 
work  study  students.  Each  student  works  closely  with  two 
artists  each  semester;  planning,  organizing,  and  presenting 
their  exhibits.  The  student  managers  schedule  and  organize 
the  shows,  as  well  as  oversee  the  gallery's  financial  man- 

The  gallery  is  funded  by  the  Board  of  Governors  with 
special  projects  funded  by  the  UMASS  Arts  Council.  Dis- 
plays include  the  work  of  artists  from  New  York,  Boston,  or 
local  Valley  artists.  During  the  spring  semester,  the  gallery 
gives  first  priority  to  displaying  the  work  of  students  gradu- 
ating with  a  Bachelor  of  Fine  Arts  degree.  Special  exhibits 
for  Women's  Week,  the  Black  Musician's  Conference  and 
the  annual  S.U.G.  undergraduate  photography  contest  are 
also  included. 

The  principles  under  which  the  gallery  operates  are 
founded  in  giving  the  students  experience  working  in  arts 
management,  providing  art  students  with  a  chance  to  dis- 
play their  work,  as  well  as  bringing  all  types  of  art  to  the 
students  of  UMASS. 

Kevin  Cristaldi 


1.  Karen  Wegrzyn;  2.  Carley  Denlinger;  3.  Marie  Morgan; 
4.  Patricia  Kilcoyne;  5.  Patricia  Coleman;  6.  Loring 
Barnes;  7.  Leslie  Human;  8.  Martha  McGrail;  9.  Tracy 


The  1981-82  academic  year  will  definitely  go  down  in 
history  as  being  an  eventful  and  rewarding  year  for  the 
Panhellenic  Council.  As  President  during  this  time,  it  was 
incredibly  satisfying  to  finally  receive  the  recognition  for 
which  we  have  worked  so  hard  and  long.  Not  really  much 
changed  —  the  sorority  system  was,  and  still  is,  as  active  as 
ever.  The  Panhellenic  system  boasted  the  highest  overall 
cumulative  average  of  any  campus  living  area.  Suddenly, 
our  exposure  and  involvement  increased,  and  with  this, 
stereotypes  and  distorted  opinions  were  dispelled.  People 
saw  the  sorority  system  set  up  a  security  system  for  the  Ski 
Sale  and  the  money  raised  from  this  security  system  was 
given  to  the  Amherst  Resource  Center.  Clean-ups,  fund- 
raisers and  charity  benefits  drew  the  community's  atten- 
tion to  our  very  productive  government. 

In  February,  the  University  of  Massachusetts  Panhellen- 
ic Council  received  a  National  Panhellenic  award  recogniz- 
ing the  Council  as  being  the  most  outstanding  sorority  gov- 
ernment in  the  Northeast  region.  The  Northeast  region 
includes  58  other  Panhellenic  systems  from  Maryland  to 
Maine,  including  Metropolitan  New  York.  The  quotation  on 
the  plaque  says  it  all:  "In  recognition  of  service  to  the  mem- 

ber fraternities,  promoting  leadership,  scholarship,  high 
moral  and  social  standards,  and  for  service  to  the  college 
community."  This  achievement  is  obviously  one  of  which 
every  sorority  member  is  extremely  proud! 

The  other  major  change  which  helped  our  public  image 
had  to  do  with  the  type  of  woman  going  through  Rush  —  an 
independent,  mature  individual  who  is  self-confident  and 
who  makes  her  own  decisions.  She  is  not  being  influenced 
by  the  stories  told  by  peers  who  claim  to  have  extensive 
knowledge  of  sorority  ideals,  when  in  reality,  they  have  no 
idea  what  it  is  all  about!  It  is  difficult  to  explain  to  a  person 
what  living  in  a  sorority  is  like  until  you  have  experienced 
it  yourself  . . . 

What  makes  our  system  thrive?  The  unique  offerings  of 
each  of  the  nine  chapters  comprising  the  system,  and  the 
individuals  who  join  —  intent  on  developing  their  academic 
progress  and  leadership  ability  while  participating  in  an 
organization.  With  the  dynamic  women  anticipated  to  come 
to  UMASS  in  the  future,  we  can  only  predict  more  women 
whose  college  days  will  be  enhanced  by  sorority  involve- 

Lauring  Barnes 




Brian  Beaudreault 


Sam  Jeffries 


Steve  Cummings 


Steve  Mitton 


Maurice  Soque 


Chris  Funk 


Mark  Vernaglia 

The  Inter  Fraternity  Council  (IFC)  is 
the  governing  board  for  the  fourteen 
fraternities  located  at  the  University  of 
Massachusetts.  IFC  is  composed  of  a 
head  council  and  two  representatives 
chosen  from  each  fraternity. 

IFC  works  closely  with  the  Panhellen- 
ic  Council,  forming  the  Greek  Council,  in 
sponsoring  fundraisers,  philanthropy 
projects  for  the  community  and  activi- 
ties for  the  Greek  area.  Each  year,  at  the 
beginning  of  the  fall  semester,  IFC  spon- 
sors a  plant  sale  in  the  Campus  Center. 

They  are  also  active  in  planning  and  pre- 
paring activities  for  Homecoming,  such 
as  the  floats.  Greek  Week,  held  in  the 
Spring,  is  also  an  activity  sponsored  by 
the  efforts  of  IFC  and  Panhel. 

This  year  IFC  helped  host  the  barbe- 
que  held  for  the  incoming  Freshmen  and 
moving  the  Freshmen  in.  Hopefully,  this 
event  will  become  an  annual  tradition. 
Everyone  knows  moving  day  is  such  a 
hassle  and  any  help  is  appreciated. 

Sheila  Davitt 





The  Student  Government  As- 
sociation (also  known  as  the 
SGA)  is  the  University  of  Massa- 
chusett's  student  government. 
SGA,  for  the  1982  year,  was  head- 
ed by  two  co-presidents,  Larry 
Kocot  and  Kevin  Mangan.  Each 
residential  area  is  represented  by 
it's  senators,  elected  in  the  fall. 
Presidential  elections  are  held  in 
the  spring. 

I  The  senate  is  comprised  of  135 
seats  where  each  senator  repre- 
sents 250  students.  In  the  1950's, 
there  was  a  senate  of  35,  and  each 
senator  represented  80  students. 
This  just  goes  to  show  that 
UMASS  has  increased  greatly  in 
size  and  that  the  senate  now  has 
much  more  responsibility. 

The  senate  meets  weekly  on 
Wednesdays,  7-10  pm.  Any  stu- 
dent is  welcome  to  attend. 



The  Board  of  Governors  can  be  thought  of  as  amother  figure  to  the  University's  students  in  that  its  main 
purpose  is  to  look  after  the  students'  best  interest. 

The  BOG  is  composed  of  a  diverse  selection  of  elected  students  with  representatives  from  the  Third  World, 
handicapped  and  Graduate  students.  These  representatives  make  sure  that  the  $79  campus  center  fee 
collected  from  each  student  is  well  spent. 

The  BOG  was  partly  responsible  for  the  much  needed  renovation  of  the  Hatch,  and  is  currently  working  on 
persuading  the  Chancellor  to  impose  price  cuts  at  the  Textbook  Annex.  The  BOG  has  also  played  a  role  in  the 
plan  to  create  a  media  center  on  the  first  floor  of  the  Campus  Center  next  semester  when  WMUA  moves  next 
to  the  Collegian  office. 

Any  member  of  the  University  community  may  serve  as  a  voting  member  of  the  BOG. 

Randi  Marcus 


Vice  Chair 


Economic  Development 

Building  Operations 

Development  Comm. 
University  Store/ 

Retail  Services 
Pood  Service 

Public  Relations 

Scott  Cashman 
Paul  Bruno 
Jay  Englander 

Jay  Buckley 

Mark  Levine 

Sue  Repeta 
Kim  Cohane 
Judy  Stearns 
Scott  Freedman 
Edie  Levin 
Brian  O'Connell 
Jacqueline  Ryan 





With  the  reinstatement  of  the 
Dean's  List,  the  University  has  fur- 
ther committed  itself  to  the  recogni- 
tion of  academic  excellence.  Mortar 
Board,  the  senior  honor  society,  has 
dedicated  itself  to  letting  UMASS  and 
its  community  know  that  there  is  in- 
deed a  revived  interest  from  the  stu- 
dents to  higher  academic  achieve- 

A  major  reorganization  of  the  soci- 
ety resulted  from  past  problems  that 
arose  when  many  juniors  who  quali- 
fied for  the  society  did  not  receive  no- 
tification of  their  eligibility.  Now, 
with  the  increased  pubhcity  the 
group  is  receiving,  there  is  hope  that 
UMASS  will  come  to  recognize  their 
achievements  and  its  statement  about 
the  UMASS  community  as  well. 

Diane  Clehane 

Alpha  Lambda  Delta    Freshman 

Society  for  Collegiate 

Journahsts     Journalism 

Alpha  Pi  Mu    Industrial  Engineering 

American  Institute  of 

Chemical  Engineering   Chemical  Engineering 

American  Institute  of 

Industrial  Engineering    Industrial  Engineering 

American  Society  of 

Mechanical  Engineering   Mechanical  Engineering 

Beta  Alpha  Psi      Accounting 

Beta  Gamma  Sigma    Business  Administration 

Delta  Sigma  Rho-Tau 

Kappa  Alpha      Jrs.  &  Srs.  Debate 

Eta  Kappa  Nu    Electrical  Engineering 

Inst,  of  Electrical  and 

Electronic  Engineering   Engineering 

Kappa  Delta  Pi    Education 

Omicron  Nu   Home  Economics 

Phi  Beta  Kappa    Seniors 

Phi  Eta  Sigma   Freshman  Men 

Phi  Kappa  Phi     Seniors 

Pi  Sigma  Alpha    Political  Science 

Sigma  Theta  Tau    Nursing 

Society  of  Women 

Engineering    Engineering 

Tau  Beta  Pi    Engineering 

Xi  Sigma  Pi     Forestry 




The  Reserve  Officers  Training  Corps  is  a  program 
designed  to  help  college  students  learn  military  science. 
ROTC  provides  officers  for  the  US  Army,  US  Reserve 
and  the  US  National  Guard. 

The  first  two  years  of  ROTC  are  on  a  volunteer  basis. 
Subjects  covered  are  national  defense,  military  history 
and  leadership  development.  Before  entering  the  second 
two  years  of  the  program  or  the  advanced  course,  the 
student  is  required  to  sign  a  contract  stating  an  under- 
standing of  military  service  obligation.  This  obligation 
may  be  satisfied  upon  graduation.  The  ROTC  four-year 
program  gives  individuals  training  in  marksmanship, 
ranger,  cold  weather  survival  and  land  navigation. 

ROTC  also  provides  scholarships  on  grade  point  aver- 
age and  leadership  skills.  This  gives  students  extra  in- 
centive to  join  the  ROTC  program. 

It  is  a  terrific  learning  experience  with  much  to  gain. 
The  challenges,  fun  and  knowledge  found  in  ROTC  are 
just  a  few  of  the  reasons  for  joining.  The  basic  reasons?  — 
self  fulfillment  and  achievement. 

Karen  Monteiro 


Debbie  Propper 

Sherri  Kleinman 
Jane  Klamkin 

The  B'Nai  B'rith  Hillel  office  in  room  302  Student 
Union  Building  is  the  local  chapter  of  he  national  organi- 
zation serving  college  students.  Hillel  at  UMASS  offers 
programs  and  services  for  Jewish  students  who  partici- 
pate and  utilize  Hillel  in  a  variety  of  ways  depending  on 
individual  preferences.  Students  can  simply  attend  a  cof- 
fee house  or  plan  a  speaker  series  on  oppressed  Jewry 
around  the  world. 

Hillel  offers  cultural  events  such  as  films,  Jewish 
Women's  Week,  Chug  Ivri-an  informal  Hebrew  discus- 
sion group  and  Israeli  Folk  Dancing  weekly. 

The  director  of  Hillel  is  also  our  Rabbi.  He  coordinates 
activities,  organizes  religious  services,  offers  sugges- 
tions and  ideas  to  the  council,  and  serves  as  the  religious 
authority  for  members.  He  is  also  available  for  personal 

Please  feel  free  to  stop  in  the  office  (Rm.  302  Student 
Union  Building)  at  any  time.  Office  hours  are  9:30am  to 
5:30pm,  Monday  through  Friday. 



If  you've  ever  been  to  a  football  or  basketball  game, 
you've  probably  noticed  the  most  spirited  people  on  cam- 
pus —  the  University  of  Massachusetts  Cheerleaders. 

A  dedicated  bunch,  the  Cheerleaders  are  always  pre- 
sent to  lead  the  Umies  into  high  spirits  while  cheering 
the  Minutemen  on.  You  think  it  looks  easy?  It  may  look 
easy  (they  do  make  it  look  good!),  but  looks  can  be  de- 
ceiving. Cheering  can  be  hard  work.  It  takes  many  hours 
of  practice  and  a  lot  of  sweat  to  make  a  cheer  perfect.  A 
cheerleader  has  to  be  dedicated,  limber,  strong,  and  of 
course,  have  a  loud  voice.  They  even  have  to  enjoy  doing 
push-ups!  But  there's  one  more:  A  cheerleader  has  to 
have  spirit,  most  important  of  all,  and  that  spirit  has  to  be 

So  what  do  you  think?  Do  you  think  the  UMASS 
Cheerleaders  fit  the  bill?  The  answer  is:  a  resounding, 
OF  COURSE!  Any  doubts,  just  take  a  look  around  you  at 
the  next  football  or  basketball  (or  lacrosse!)  game,  and 
decide  for  yourself.  The  UMASS  spirit  is  contagious! 


"Intense"  is  an  apt  way  to  describe  the  1981  Uni- 
versity of  Massachusetts  Minuteman  Marching 
Band.  For  not  only  was  1981  a  great  year  for  "band 
watchers"  in  Alumni  Stadium,  who  enjoyed  som^e 
all  time  favorites  such  as  Chuck  Mangione's  "Leg- 
end of  the  One-Eyed  Sailor"  as  well  as  the  tremen- 
dously popular  "New  York,  New  York,"  but  mem- 
bers of  the  band  will  also  testify  that  "intense"  is 
the  only  way  to  describe  that  fall.  The  band  per- 
formed 12  half  time  shows  over  the  course  of  the 
season;  normal  for  the  "Power  and  Class  of  New 
England."  What  made  1981  so  "intense"  was  the 
time  span  involved,  just  eight  weeks.  From  Band 
Camp  right  through  the  entire  season,  it  seemed  as 
if  the  "big  one"  was  always  right  around  the  cor- 
ner. First,  an  early  start  at  home  against  Holy  Cross 
September  19th,  and  then  only  two  days  later,  a 
trip  to  Foxboro  and  Schaeffer  Stadium  to  play  at  a 
New  England  Patriots  game.  But,  it  wasn't  just  a 
Patriots  game  —  it  was  Monday  Night  Football. 
The  Patriots  played  the  Dallas  Cowboys,  and 
Schaeffer  was  sold  out.  Sixty-two  and  a  half  thou- 
sand people  were  watching  as  the  band  performed. 
Talk  about  pressure!  Then  came  those  unbelievable 
long  weekends  in  October.  Performances  in  Dela- 
ware and  Red  Lion  Pennsylvania  on  one,  UMASS 
vs.  Maine  and  MUSIC  BOWL-II  on  the  next,  and 


UMASS  vs.  Boston  University  and  the  Massachu- 
setts Instrumental  Conductors  Association  High 
School  Band  Festival  on  the  next.  And  then,  two 
away  trips  to  finish  the  season  off,  to  the  University 
of  Connecticut  and  Boston  College.  In  eight  short 
weeks?  It  was  one  big  push  all  season  long. 

It  was  hard  work,  there  was  always  something  to 
fix  ("  . . .  this  section  of  the  drill  doesn't  quite  work 
yet  . . .")  or  something  new  to  learn.  But  who  can 
ever  forget  some  of  the  "magic  moments"  that 
highlighted  our  season?  Our  conversation  with 
Howard  Cosell  in  Schaeffer  (" . . .  don't  step  on  the 
yard  lines  —  they're  freshly  painted  . . . "),  the  spar- 
kle under  the  lights  at  MUSIC  BOWL  and  M.I.C.A., 
the  misdirected  flying  pie  at  our  last  rehearsal,  or 
the  incredible  magic  of  a  Saturday  in  Delaware. 
"Band  Steals  the  Show"  proclaimed  the  Collegian, 
and  they  didn't  even  know  about  Red  Lion.  West 
Chester  who? 

Brand  new  uniforms,  130  freshmen  (egads!),  "Big 
Noise,"  a  band  "Gong  Show,"  —  the  memories 
come  flooding  back.  Each  year  things  change:  The 
faces,  the  music,  the  drill.  But  each  year  at  least  one 
thing  remains  the  same  —  the  good  times.  And 
that's  what  it's  all  about:  Good  times  —  and  good 

Eric  Snoek 






Many  students  probably  went  through  four  years  at 
UMASS  thinking  the  Collegian  fabricated  itself  on  the 
newstand  each  morning  specifically  for  their  reading 
pleasure  and  convenience. 

Contrary  to  popular  belief,  this  is  untrue.  In  fact, 
there  exists  at  UMASS,  on  the  1st  floor  of  the  Campus 
Center,  a  rare  breed  of  combination  of  student/journa- 
Hst  —  "The  CoUegianite." 

CoUegianites,  when  seen  out  of  their  natural  habitat 
—  the  Collegian  newsroom,  appear  to  be  hke  any  oth- 
er student,  yet  there  is  an  aura  of  nervousness  and 
confusion  about  them,  as  if  they  need  to  relax  and  get 
a  good  night's  sleep.  They  also  tend  to  appear  pale  and 
sometimes  undernourished.  This  probably  stems  from 
an  insufficient  amount  of  exposure  to  daylight  and  too 
much  fast-food,  which  they  acquire  conveniently 
from  the  Coffeeshop.  "Who  has  time  to  eat  right?"  is  a 
common  question  of  a  dedicated  CoUegianite. 

The  CoUegianites  are  a  busy  bunch.  They  are  busy 
trying  to  provide  the  students  at  UMASS  with  a  diver- 
sity of  news. 

The  Collegian  was  described  by  one  of  UMASS' 
journalism  professors  as  a  vacuum.  He  said,  "It  sucks 
up  all  your  time."  But  it  takes  a  lot  of  time  to  gather  all 
the  news  that  is  occurring  on  such  a  large  campus. 
The  Collegian  also  allocates  space  for  local,  state  and 
world  news.  For  many,  the  Collegian  serves  as  their 
only  news  medium. 

Everyone  has  his  or  her  own  reasons  for  picking  up 
a  Collegian.  The  staff  members  of  the  paper  work  hard 
to  make  reading  it  a  worthwhile  and  informative  ex- 

Randi  Marcus 

Board  of  Editors: 


Managing  Editor 

Production  Manager 

Business  Manager 

Executive  Editor 

News  Editor 

Acting  Women's  Editor 

Arts  Editor 

Arts  Editor 

Black  Affairs  Editor 

Sports  Editor 

Sports  Editor 

Photo  Editor 

Jeffrey  P.  Bianchi 

Steven  Semple 

Marsha  E.  Bianchi 

Jeri  S.  Bitterman 

Kathleen  M.  Howley 

Ed  Levine 

Judi  Jaserek 

Susan  Baron 

John  Brobst 

Phillip  Jennings 

Jim  Floyd 

Maureen  Sullivan 

Vince  DeWitt 


Among  journalists,  a  newspaper  is  often  referred  to  as  a 
"Daily  Miracle"  and  this  term  is  no  less  applicable  to  the 
University  of  Massachusetts'  own  student-run  paper,  the 
Massachusetts  Daily  Collegian. 

With  a  staff  of  about  200  editors,  reporters,  photogra- 
phers, production  personnel,  salespeople  and  other  business 
workers,  the  Collegian  appears  each  morning,  Monday 
through  Friday,  to  inform  the  students  of  the  University 
and  area  residents  of  the  latest  campus,  area,  state  and 
national  news,  sports,  arts,  weather  and  other  happenings 
throughout  the  Pioneer  Valley. 

The  production  of  the  Collegian  sometimes,  indeed, 
seems  like  a  miracle.  Beginning  about  8:30am,  staff  mem- 
bers arrive  to  write  stories,  sell  advertising  and  balance  the 
books  of  the  18,500  circulation  paper,  the  largest  student- 
run  daily  publication  in  New  England.  Working  throughout 
the  day  and  often  until  3  or  4am  the  next  morning,  various 
crews  of  people,  including  five  full-time  professional  staff 
members,  work  together  to  produce  the  newspaper  for  lit- 
tle or  no  pay  or  academic  credit. 

The  motivation  for  working  at  the  Collegian  is  not  always 
clear.  Some  people  do  it  to  gain  valuable  experience  in 
journalism  or  business-related  fields,  some  do  it  for  the  low 
pay  as  a  work-study  or  part-time  job,  and  others  apparently 
enjoy  the  fraternal  atmosphere  of  the  organization.  While 
the  Collegian  is  a  well-run  $350,000  per  year  business,  it  is 
also  a  "club,"  a  place  to  go  to  hang  out,  meet  friends  and 
have  a  good  time. 

But  the  dedication  of  Collegian  people  is  unquestionable. 
In  past  years.  Collegian  staff  members  have  survived  car 
accidents  while  delivering  the  paper  to  the  printer  or  cover- 
ing a  story;  they  have  ignored  threats  against  themselves 
while  pursuing  a  particularly  good  story;  and,  of  course, 
they  have  let  their  academic  and  personal  life  slide  for  the 

sake  of  working  for  the  newspaper. 

The  quality  of  work  produced  by  the  Collegian  staff  is 
indeed  first-rate.  In  1981,  for  example,  the  Collegian  was 
awarded  a  "First  Class"  certificate  by  the  Associated  Colle- 
giate Press,  the  second-highest  honor  bestowed  by  the  or- 
ganization and  given  to  only  a  few  select  college  papers 
nationwide.  Collegian  reporters  have  gone  on  to  secure 
highly  coveted  jobs  with  the  Associated  Press  and  United 
Press  International  wire  services  and  with  such  newspaper 
at  the  Springfield  Daily  News,  the  Holyoke  Transcript- 
Telegram  and  others.  Collegian  business  staffers  have  gone 
on  to  land  jobs  with  major  accounting  firms  and  other  busin- 
esses. All  in  all,  most  Collegian  graduates  find  their  exper- 
iences at  the  paper  highly  rewarding  and  excellent  prepara- 
tion for  their  entry  into  the  feared  "real  world." 

Founded  in  1870  as  Aggie  Life  at  the  Massachusetts  Agri- 
cultural College,  the  Collegian  had  also  been  called  the 
Signal  before  assuming  its  present  name.  While  it  has  un- 
dergone many  changes,  the  Collegian  has  continually 
grown  since  it  became  a  daily  paper  in  1968  and  last  year, 
for  the  first  time,  was  able  to  forsake  funding  from  the 
Student  Government  Association  to  go  on  its  own  as  a  via- 
ble, profitable  business. 

As  University  students  begin  their  daily  ritual  by  trudg- 
ing to  the  Dining  Commons  or  the  Campus  Center  to  pick  up 
the  Collegian  to  accompany  their  morning  coffee,  many 
Collegian  staffers  are  still  sound  asleep,  recovering  from 
working  the  night  before.  Each  time  the  paper  comes  out,  it 
is  a  testimonial  to  the  hard  work  of  the  200  staff  members. 
It's  easy  to  take  the  Collegian  for  granted,  since  it's  always 
there,  but  the  long  hours  of  hard  work  rarely  goes  unno- 
ticed by  the  Collegian  staff. 

The  Collegian  is  truly  a  "Daily  Miracle." 

Ed  Levine 



What  is  the  "Index?" 

(a)  a  card  catalog 

(b)  a  financial  term 

(c)  a  course  schedule 

(d)  a  recipe  card  for  tofu  burgers 

(e)  none  of  the  above 

If  you  picked  (e)  you  deserve  a  round  of  applause  and  a  pitcher 
from  the  Bluewall  The  Index,  believe  it  or  not,  is  the  tlMASS 
yearbook.  It  is  begun  from  day  1  in  the  fall,  takes  shape  as  the 
year  progresses,  and  is  pulled  together  at  the  last  minute,  creat- 
ing another  award  winning  yearbook.  In  the  past,  the  Index  has 
been  the  only  yearbook  in  the  country  to  win  three  Printer's 
Industry  Awards.  That's  quite  an  accomplishment  —  considering 
the  trials  and  tribulations  the  Index  staff  has  to  overcome. 

Here  is  the  scenario:  picture  an  office  the  size  of  a  walk-in 
closet.  Imagine  15 people,  all  working  on  different  projects,  run- 
ning around  helter  skelter,  tripping  over  piles  of  old  yearbooks 
and  massive  dust  balls  (we  don't  even  know  what  color  the  floor 
is!),  and  sliding  into  overflowing  wastebaskets. 

Now  picture  the  staff;  a  motley  group  of  people  who  could 
easily  pass  for  a  cast  (or  do  we  mean  outcast?)  from  a  TV  sitcom. 
We  have  Hawkey e  and  Trapper  John  for  Photo  Editors,  Don 
Rickles  for  a  News  Editor,  a  Sports  Editor  and  Lay-out  Editor  as 
the  Ghost  and  Mrs.  Muir,  Mother  Superior  for  a  Business  Editor, 
Rhoda  Morgenstern  and  her  mother  as  the  Fine  Arts  and  Manag- 
ing Editors,  Potsie  Webber  for  an  Assistant  Business  Manager, 
and,  last  but  not  least,  a  female  Rodney  Dangerfield  as  the  Edi- 
tor-in-Chief who  is  always  mumbling  "I get  no  respect.  "But  who 
could  respect  a  woman  like  that  who  picked  a  group  like  us  to 
work  for  her?  Oh,  and  let's  not  forget  the  writers  of  this  article  — 
Christie  Brinkly  and  Bo  Derek.  A  motley  group  indeed,  but  we  all 
have  one  thing  in  common  —  a  dedication  to  your  yearbook:  the 

Susan  Karp 
Sheila  Davitt 





Spectrum  is  the  literary  and  fine 
arts  magazine.  In  May  of  1982,  a  spe- 
cial 25th  Edition  was  published,  with 
64  pages  of  poetry,  prose,  and  color 
and  black-and-white  artwork  and 
photos.  Spectrum  also  sponsored 
monthly  readings  of  student's  origi- 
nal prose  and  poetry.  The  staff  of  fifty 
Five-College  undergraduates  pro- 
duced a  magazine  which  presented 
the  best  work  of  student  artists  in  the 

Karen  Angeline 

NUMMO  News  is  presently  the  lar- 
gest weekly  Third  World  Newspaper 
in  the  Five-College  Area.  It  began  in 
protest  of  the  absence  of  news  per- 
taining to  black  people  in  the  Massa- 
chusetts Daily  Collegian.  Since  then  it 
has  expanded  its  coverage  to  include 
other  professed  minorities  and  op- 
pressed people.  But  basically 
NUMMO  exists  in  order  to  give  "the 
other  side"  of  the  story.  In  that  re- 
spect NUMMO  is  a  dynamic  and  influ- 
ential periodical. 

Because  NUMMO  was  begotten 
from  struggle  we  have  to  keep  in 
mind  that  nothing  worth  having 
comes  easy.  In  addition,  NUMMO  has 
a  duty  to  keep  abreast  of  the  current 
political  climates.  NUMMO  must  es- 
sentially operate  as  a  three  headed 
entity  with  an  eye  on  campus  and  lo- 
cal events,  another  one  on  national 
news  and  a  third  that  surveys  global 
activities.  NUMMO  News  has  the  dia- 
lectical responsibility  of  catering  to 
the  audience  at  hand  without  becom- 
ing totally  self-centered. 

NUMMO  News  staff  are  trained  in 
all  phases  of  newspaper  production, 
including:  reporting,  writing,  photog- 
raphy, typesetting,  graphic  reproduc- 
tion and  layout.  The  "each  one  teach 
one"  philosophy  is  fully  operative 
from  5pm  Friday  evening  to  4:30pm 
Sunday  afternoon  in  the  Campus  Cen- 
ter graphics  room. 

The  Commuter  Collective,  located 
in  404  Student  Union,  is  the  area  gov- 
ernment for  undergraduate  students 
who  live  off-campus.  As  the  off-cam- 
pus area  government,  we  work  to  fill 
two  roles:  The  first  as  an  advocate  for 
the  off-campus  segment  of  the 
UMASS  community  and  secondly  as 
an  activities  development  office.  We 
strive  to  provide  progressive  pro- 
gramming that  is  anti-racist  and  anti- 
sexist.  Financially,  the  Commuter 
Collective  supports  the  Off-Campus 
Housing  Office,  the  University  child- 
care  program  and  various  student 
sponsored  events. 

On  an  ongoing  basis  the  Commuter 
Office  provides  such  events  and  ser- 
vices as:  the  Commuter  Office  pro- 
vides such  events  and  services  as:  the 
Commuter  Scholarship  Award,  the 
Progressive  Film  Series,  the  Classic 
Film  Series,  cultural/educational  mu- 
sic and  dance  concerts,  the  commuter 
locker  system,  a  graphics  file  and  the 
Commuter  Newsletter  which  is  pub- 
lished each  semester.  The  Commuter 
Collective  works  closely  with  the 
SGA,  the  S.A.O.  and  other  student  or- 




Did  that  cop  harass  you  on  your  way  home  from  the  Time 
Out  Thursday  night?  Is  your  landlord  withholding  your 
security  deposit?  Never  fear,  the  Legal  Services  Office  can 
advise  you  or  handle  your  case. 

LSO  provides  legal  services  to  fee-paying  undergraduate 
and  graduate  students.  The  office  is  staffed  by  four  attor- 
neys, two  administrative  assistants  and  a  number  of  student 
intern  legal  assistants. 

In  the  past,  LSO  has  advised  and  covered  such  cases  as 
debt  collection,  financial  aid,  tuition  status,  labor  law.  Immi- 
gration Laws,  Civil  Rights  and  criminal  law.  The  office  also 
offers  a  course  in  legal  studies,  as  well  as  workshops  and 
programs  for  legal  assistants. 

LSO  represents  the  various  co-ops  on  campus,  as  well  as 
the  Student  Senate  and  Student  Government  Association. 

Considering  66.7%  of  the  students  at  UMASS  have  re- 
quested advice  from,  or  have  been  represented  by  LSO,  it 
seems  that  the  small  percentage  of  student  activity  fee  that 
is  put  towards  LSO,  is  a  worthwhile  one. 

Karen  Monteiro 







Sue  Chiocchio 

Tamar  Liebowitz 

Daedra  Dudman 

Jack  Stanne 

Cheryl  Muratore 

Maureen  Duffy 

Carol  Pantozzi 

Maria  Zlotnick 

Delphine  Quarles 

The  Distinguished  Visitors  Program  is  financed  and  op- 
erated by  the  undergraduate  students  of  the  University  of 
Massachusetts  for  the  purpose  of  keeping  the  University 
community  sensitive  to  the  world  in  which  it  exists.  In 
accordance  with  this  purpose,  it  seeks  to  bring  to  the  cam- 
pus those  persons  whose  experience  in  international  and 
domestic  affairs,  the  sciences,  the  humanities  and  the  arts 
qualify  them  to  interpret,  explain  and  raise  questions  about 
life  in  all  its  dimensions.  Furthermore,  DVP  seeks  to  stimu- 
late critical  thought  and  debate  by  presenting  a  balanced 
range  of  opinion  with  respect  to  a  given  issue. 

The  Distinguished  Visitors  Program  needs  volunteers 
who  are  willing  to  contribute  time  and  effort  towards  en- 
riching our  campus  community.  If  you  would  like  to  know 
more  about  DVP,  stop  by  our  office  in  Room  415  of  the 
Student  Union  Building. 





Do  not  worry  if  you  missed  Calculus 
and  can't  seem  to  find  anyone  who 
has  the  notes  —  The  Student  Note 
Service  is  always  there  to  help. 

Student  notetakers  must  have  tak- 
en the  course  before  and  received  a 
grade  of  at  least  a  B.  Professors  usual- 
ly agree  to  notetakers  in  their  classes 
and  therefore  are  given  a  free  sub- 
scription to  SNS. 

Notes  can  be  purchased  on  a  single 
lecture  basis  or  by  a  half-semester 
subscription.  The  larger  classes,  with 
an  enrollment  of  200  students  or 
more,  may  have  notes  available. 

The  program  also  provides  printing 
and  photocopying  services.  Price  info 
is  available  in  the  Student  Union 

Karen  Monteiro 

Tickets  Unlimited,  previously 
known  as  TIX,  is  a  nonprofit  student- 
run  ticket  agency.  It  sells  a  variety  of 
tickets  ranging  from  movies,  con- 
certs, and  speakers  at  the  lowest  pos- 
sible price  to  students. 

Tickets  Unlimited  took  over  TIX  in 
the  Student  Union  Building  when 
Union  Records  Unlimited  gave  up 
selling  tickets  this  past  semester. 
Joyce  Rickabough  became  General 
Manager  and  six  work-study  students 
assist  her  in  selling  over  40  percent  of 
the  tickets  sold  on  campus. 

Tickets  Unlimited,  in  their  first  se- 
mester, already  outsells  the  other  two 
ticket  agencies  on  campus. 

Randi  Marcus 

The  Office  of  Internships  gives  stu- 
dents the  opportunity  to  work  in  an 
organization  which  is  on  or  off  cam- 
pus, for  academic  credit.  Interns  are 
placed  eastern  Mass.,  western  Mass., 
New  York  City,  Washington  and 
throughout  the  United  States.  The 
program  is  designed  to  integrate  the 
experience  of  working  as  a  young 
professional  with  the  student's  aca- 
demic studies. 

Prospective  interns  are  assigned  in- 
dividual counselors  who  help  coordi- 
nate the  student's  relationship  with 
the  agency,  the  faculty  sponsor  and 
the  University's  administration. 
While  the  intern  is  in  the  field,  a 
counselor  visits  the  agency  to  talk 
with  the  intern  and  the  supervisor. 

The  Office  of  Internships  provides 
an  exciting  challenge  to  the  students 
to  the  UMASS  community. 

Karen  Monteiro 





Board  Members:  Peter  Frazier 
John  Waite 
Nancy  Dawson 
Leslie  Goldberg 
Mike  Couch 

The  UMASS  Student  Federal  Credit  Union  is  a  non-profit,  cooperative  finan- 
cial institution,  which  is  owned  and  operated  by  and  for  it's  own  members.  The 
National  Credit  Union  Administration,  an  independent  executive  agency,  super- 
vises the  UMSFCU's  operations. 

Credit  Union  membership  is  open  to  all  University  students  and  their  families, 
as  well  as  University  employees  whose  salaries  originate  from  the  student  activi- 
ties fund.  A  five-dollar  minimum  deposit,  plus  a  one-dollar  membership  fee,  are 
all  that  is  required  to  open  an  account.  Present  rate  of  interest  on  the  regular 
account  is  6%  annually. 

All  Credit  Union  members  have  voting  rights.  The  Credit  Union  is  not  Universi- 
ty regulated  but  they  are  governed  by  a  Board  of  Directors,  consisting  of  nine 
elected  officers,  all  of  whom  serve  without  pay.  All  Credit  Union  positions  are 
filled  by  student  volunteers  seeking  valuable  experience  in  all  aspects  of  busi- 
ness. Students  begin  as  tellers,  then  they  move  on  to  one  of  several  committees, 
including  accounting,  marketing,  and  credit  and  collections. 

Currently,  the  UMSFCU  has  4100  members,  and  125  volunteer  workers.  They 
have  over  $800,000  in  assets  and  they  have  loaned  out  over  $100,000,000  since 
their  foundation  in  1975. 

This  year  they  have  instituted  a  new  rope  system  to  reduce  lines,  added  two 
more  teller  windows,  established  a  share-draft  account  system  (checking),  and 
they  have  installed  two  new  computer  terminals.  In  the  future,  they  hope  to 
transfer  their  currently  manual  accounting  system  to  an  in-house  computer  sys- 
UMSFCU  features  include: 

Share  accounts 

Share  draft  accounts 

Low  cost  loans  to  qualifying  members 

Traveller's  cheques 

Money  orders 

Automatic  payroll  deduction 

Food  stamp  redemption 

Used  car  valuation  service 

Location:  Main  floor  Student  Union  Building 
Telephone:  (413)  545-2800 

Regular  hours:  Monday  through  Thursday  —  10am  to  3pm 
Friday  —  10am  to  4pm 
except  University  vacations  and  holidays 
Officers:  President-  Mitch  Fishman 

Vice  President-  Elizabeth  Will 
Treasurer-  Andrew  Maguire 
Secretary-  Peter  Franklin 

The  UMASS  Sporting  Goods  Co-op 

was  established  in  1978  to  offer  stu- 
dents quality  sporting  goods  equip- 
ment at  discount  prices.  Originally  lo- 
cated in  the  first  floor  of  the  Campus 
Center,  the  co-op  moved  to  it's  pre- 
sent location  at  room  322  Student 
Union  in  1979.  The  Co-op  sells  run- 
ning shoes,  frisbees,  racquet  ball, 
squash,  tennis  and  hockey  equipment, 
among  other  sporting  equipment. 

The  Co-op  is  open  weekdays  from 
11-3,  and  is  entirely  staffed  by  work- 
study  students  under  the  auspices  of 
the  Economic  Development  Office. 

The  officers  of  the  Co-op  are  Presi- 
dent: Saul  Yoffe;  Vice-President: 
John  Antognioni;  Secretary/Trea- 
surer: Patricia  Hennessy;  Manager: 
John  Gould. 




The  Student  Union  Craf tshop  is  a  free  workshop  open  to 
all  Five-College  students.  At  the  Craftshop,  one  can  receive 
free  instruction  and  buy  materials  at  low  cost.  The  Craft- 
shop  offers  instruction  in  silver,  leather,  pottery,  stained 
glass,  woodworking,  lapidary,  photo-darkroom,  and  silk- 
screen.  The  casual  environment  of  this  credit-free  shop  is 
conducive  to  learning  for  beginners  and  advanced  crafts- 
men ahke. 

The  Student  Union  Craftshop  is  located  in  the  Student 
Union  Building.  They  are  open  from  10  to  6,  Monday 
through  Friday,  and  12  to  4  on  Saturdays.  Supervisor:  Pen- 
rose Worman. 

Remember  when  you  were  a  high  school  senior  (yes,  we 
all  were  one  once)  and  you  came  to  visit  this  wonderful 
institution  of  higher  education  and  felt  as  if  you  would  need 
a  map  to  get  around?  Well,  ARCON,  the  tjniversity  tour 
service,  has  helped  many  high  schoolers  and  other  visitors 
deal  with  the  overwhelming  first  impression  that  UMASS 
can  make. 

Run  by  members  of  the  Greek  community,  the  group's 
primary  interest  is  helping  the  University  put  its  best  foot 
forward  in  showing  off  all  that  UMASS  has  to  offer.  The 
selection  process  is  a  two  day  series  of  interviews  with 
older  ARCONS  and  other  members  of  the  UMASS  commu- 

"I  love  being  an  arcon,"  commented  one  tour  guide.  "I've 
had  to  explain  why  we  had  coed  bathrooms  in  the  past,  why 
the  old  chapel  is  not  a  chapel  anymore,  and  why  there  are 
people  with  placards  outside  of  Whitmore  —  but  I  really 
enjoyed  it."  Then  she  quickly  added,  "I  never  lost  one  per- 
son passing  by  the  Library,  although  a  few  parents  have 
been  disturbed  by  the  pile  of  bricks  that  are  next  to  the 

Diane  Clehane 



Many  businesses  approach  the  public  saying  they  exist  to 
serve  them.  The  popular,  "We  do  it  all  for  you"  slogan  is  an 
example.  The  People's  Market  at  the  University  of  Massa- 
chusetts is  an  exception  because  they  go  one  step  further. 
They  mean  it. 

"For  People,  Not  Profit,"  is  the  slogan  posted  on  the  door 
of  the  market  located  on  the  second  floor  of  the  Student 
Union  Building. 

"Our  two  main  goals  at  the  market  are  to  remain  as  inex- 
pensive as  possible,  and  to  provide  an  alternative  to  the 
type  of  food  sold  at  the  Hatch  and  Coffee  Shop,"  according 
to  Chris  Knight,  who  has  worked  at  the  market  for  three 

A  senior  anthropology  major.  Knight  said  that  in  an  aver- 
age year  the  market  makes  only  four  percent  profit  which 
is  contributed  to  the  upkeep  of  the  store. 

"As  a  service  to  students,  we  must  make  some  profit  to 
invest  in  capital.  For  example,  we  desperate  need  a  freez- 

er," Knight  said. 

Knight  has  been  a  market  employee  longer  than  any  of 
the  other  18  workers,  but  he  is  not  the  manager.  There  is  no 
manager,  in  fact  all  the  employees  receive  minimum  wage, 
which  is  $3.00,  no  matter  how  long  they've  worked  there. 

"There  is  no  hierarchy  of  management  at  our  institution," 
Knight  explained.  "The  group  of  workers  collectively  oper- 
ates the  market.  All  decisions  are  made  at  weekly  meetings, 
including  the  allocations  of  prices  which  depends  on  the 
amount  we  need  to  balance  the  budget." 

"The  way  our  decision  making  process  is  set  up,  if  one 
person  objects  to  an  issue,  he  or  she  has  the  power  to  block," 
said  Knight,  who  added,  "We  try  to  get  people  who  under- 
stand and  are  concerned  with  the  ideas  we  represent." 

One  of  these  "ideals"  is  a  stand  against  corporations. 
Knight  said  the  market  tries  to  support  small  businesses 
"by  buying  goods  from  individuals  who  try  to  make  their 
own  lives  from  their  businesses." 


Produce  for  the  market  is  supplied  by  local  organic  farm- 
ers through  the  Squash  Trucking  Distributors.  Knight  said 
it  is  hard  to  keep  the  produce  prices  down  because  organi- 
cally grown  food  is  more  expensive  than  chemically  grown 
food,  which  the  market  does  not  sell. 

Meat  is  not  sold  at  the  market  either.  Knight  said  the 
refusal  to  sell  meat  is  a  "political  policy." 

"Our  policies  are  against  animals  being  raised  for  slaugh- 
ter, as  this  is  an  aberation  of  what  life  is  like  for  an  animal," 
Knight  explained. 

The  majority  of  other  goods  that  the  market  does  sell, 
such  as  cheeses,  bottled  juices,  grains,  bagels  and  canned 
foods  are  provided  at  low  cost  from  Massachusetts  Cooper- 
ative Distributors,  according  to  Knight. 

Preserving  staff  workers  with  the  ideals  that  character- 
ize the  People's  Market  is  dealt  with  by  a  hiring  committee 
of  five  employees  that  volunteer  each  semester.  Knight 
said  the  committee  receives  about  300  applications  each 


"Individuals  with  the  time  and  energy  to  commit  them- 
selves to  work  are  sought,"  he  said. 

Knight  mentioned  that  the  individuals  they  try  to  get,  are 
people  who  are  concerned  with  the  ideals  the  market  repre- 
sents. Is  seeking  workers  with  similar  philosophies  of  life 
discriminatory?  Knight  replied,  "This  is  a  touchy  issue." 

Knight  said  that  if  someone  disagreed  with  an  issue  at  a 
meeting,  he  or  she  would  present  a  chaos  that  would  break 
down  the  working  of  the  market  since  everyone  has  the 
power  to  block.  They  avoid  this  undesired  "chaotic"  situa- 
tion by  employing  people  who  possess  the  same  political 
and  philosophical  attitudes. 

Students  appear  to  support  the  market  whether  it  is  due 
to  their  agreement  with  the  policies  of  the  store,  or  because 
they  just  like  bagels. 

Randi  J.  Marcus 





The  Inquiry  Program  is  an  educa- 
tion alternative  for  first  and  second 
year  students  who  wish  to  design  and 
implement  their  own  plan  of  study. 
The  program  allows  students  be- 
tween two  to  five  semesters  to  gra- 
duate from  the  program,  at  which 
time  they  are  granted  Junior  standing 
in  the  University,  and  they  go  on  to  a 
regular  major,  or  to  create  one 
through  BDIC. 

The  process  includes:  meeting  with 
a  faculty  tutor  to  plan  and  evaluate 
the  form  of  study,  writing  of  semes- 
ter ly  learning  contracts,  mid-term 
and  end-term  self -evaluations,  meet- 
ing the  "Modes  of  Inquiry"  require- 
ments, taking  an  integrative  seminar, 
and  graduation,  where  the  student 
submits  a  portfolio  of  all  work  for 
evaluation  by  a  three-member  faculty 

Students  interested  in  the  program 
are  encouraged  to  drop  by  123  Has- 
brouck;  telephone  (413)  545-0871. 
Program  Staff: 
Director:  Charles  Adams 
Associate  Director:  Johnstone 

Office  Coordinator:  Pat  Lamery 
Core  Faculty:  Terensina  Havens 
Marvin  Kalkstein 
Graduate  Assistants:  Christine 
Di  Stefano 

The  Union  Program  Council 

is  a  nonprofit  student-run  orga- 
nization that  has  been  the  pri- 
mary reason  that  UMASS  has 
gained  the  reputation  it  has  for 
bringing  diverse  and  quality  en- 
tertainment to  the  community. 
The  overwhelming  task  of  or- 
ganizing Spring  Weekend 
(Spring  Concert  in  the  past)  is 
undertaken  by  all  group  mem- 
bers: those  on  security,  pubhc- 
ity,  production,  and  the  stage 
crew.  Having  brought  us  per- 
formers like  the  Grateful  Dead, 
Bonnie  Raitt,  Patti  Smith  and 
BB  King,  the  organization  will 
continue  to  enrich  life  at 
UMASS  in  the  coming  years. 

Diane  Clehane 

The  Campus  Travel  Center  is  an 

all-around  travel  agency,  offering  a 
wide  variety  of  services  to  students, 
as  well  as  the  general  public.  Since  so 
many  students  utilize  the  center,  they 
focus  on  all  aspects  of  student  travel, 
including  finding  the  least  expensive 
way  of  travelling  anywhere. 

Their  services  include:  instant  air- 
line reservations,  car  rentals  and  Eur- 
ail  passes. 

The  center  also  has  a  ticketron, 
which  sells  tickets  to  all  shows  and 
concerts  happening  on  the  East 
Coast,  including  Broadway  plays.  The 
Campus  Travel  Center  is  located  on 
the  second  level  of  the  Campus  Cen- 
ter. They  are  open  Monday  through 
Friday,  9am  to  5pm. 

Suzanne  Peters 



Management  Board: 

Program  Director 

Public  Affairs  Director 

Technical  Trainer 

Third  World  Affairs  Director 

News  Director 

Women's  Affairs  Director 

Music  Director 

Promotions  Director 

Chief  Engineer 

Business  Manager 

Station  Manager 

Michael  Briggs 

Simon  Brighenti 

Robert  Childs 

Merritt  Crawford 

Randolf  Holhut 

Michelle  Murray 

Frank  Oglesby 

Jerry  Prudent 

William  Stepchew 

Robert  Woolridge 

Heidi  Christensen 

As  diverse  as  the  composition  of  the  student  body  at 
UMASS,  so  is  the  selection  of  music  provided  free  of  charge, 
24  hours  a  day,  at  WMUA  FM  91. 

WMUA  is  a  student-run,  noncommercial  radio  station 
that  exists  to  provide  entertainment  and  information  to 
students  and  community  members  that  they  can't  receive 
from  other  Pioneer  Valley  commercial  stations. 

Cultural  awareness  is  a  phenomena  that  every  UMie  is 
exposed  to  at  one  time  or  another.  WMUA  has  many  types 
of  specialties  in  that  area. 

Concepto  Lutino,  a  Spanish  show,  Lamir,  an  Israeli  pro- 
gram and  the  Black  Mass  Community  Project  all  compose 
WMUA's  effort  to  educate  its  listeners  about  various  cul- 
tures in  the  area  as  well  as  provide  entertainment  for  peo- 
ple within  these  cultures. 

Besides  the  educational  aspect,  WMUA  has  a  music  show 
dedicated  to  practically  every  type  of  music.  Some  exam- 
ples are  Monday  Morning  Jazz,  Country  Blues  and  Blue- 
grass,  and  Dennis  Presents,  which  encompasses  popular 
music  from  the  50's  to  70's. 

The  100-person  staff  at  WMUA  is  mainly  composed  of 
communication  studies  majors  who  receive  an  average  of 
one  dollar  an  hour  pay.  But  as  one  WMUA  staff  member 
said,  "Students  don't  work  at  MUA  for  the  financial  gain; 
it's  a  place  to  get  trained  in  broadcasting." 

For  it's  audience,  WMUA  is  a  place  to  turn  to  for  a  variety 
of  entertainment  at  any  time. 

Randi  Marcus 





Of  course  with  the  thousands  of  students  at  UMASS, 
practically  every  type  of  music  is  enjoyed  somewhere.  For- 
tunately, UMASS  has  a  place  for  music  fans  of  any  sort  to 
purchase  records  without  being  ripped  off. 

Union  Records  Unlimited,  located  in  the  Student  Union, 
has  a  name  that  fits  perfectly.  It  sells  an  unhmited  selection 
of  records  and  it's  goal  is  to  provide  these  records  to  stu- 
dents at  great  savings. 

Ron  Keefe,  the  General  Manager,  has  run  Union  Records 

Unlimited  since  1978.  Union  Records  is  a  non-profit  busi- 
ness which  employs  work  study  and  non-workstudy  stu- 

Last  semester  the  Student  Government  Association 
granted  Keefe's  request  for  advertising  funds  and  since 
then  sales  have  increased  tremendously.  So,  UMASS,  keep 

Randi  Marcus 



The  University  Placement  Ser- 
vice, located  in  104  Hampshire 
House,  is  a  service  offered  to  stu- 
dents looking  into  the  job  market. 
Although  it  doesn't  guarantee  a 
student  a  job  (wouldn't  it  be  nice  if 
it  did?!),  it  can  help  put  the  stu- 
dent on  the  right  track. 

When  anticipating  that  some- 
times feared  job  search,  the  Place- 
ment Service  is  one  service  a  stu- 
dent should  look  into.  Placement 
Service  offers  many  valuable  re- 
sources: It  has  an  on-campus  re- 
cruiting program,  a  credential 
service  (for  references  and  the 
like),  a  job  bank,  and  listings  of 
jobs.  University  Placement  Ser- 
vice also  offers  workshops  on  re- 
sume writing,  interviewing,  and 
the  job  search  process. 

Career  News,  published  weekly 
by  this  office,  is  also  helpful  to  the 
job-searching  student.  It  contains 
job  listings  and  other  helpful  in- 
formation that  may  prove  invalu- 
able to  the  student.  Career  News 
can  be  picked  up  at  the  University 
Placement  Service  office  or  at  the 
CASIAC  office. 

For  more  information,  feel  free 
to  drop  by  the  office,  104  Hamp- 
shire House,  or  call,  545-2224.  The 
office  is  open  Monday  through 
Friday,  8:30  to  5:00  and  Wednes- 
day, 12  noon  to  5:00.  You  don't 
have  to  wait  until  you're  a  Senior 
to  look  into  the  Placement  Ser- 
vice. In  fact,  the  sooner  you  do  it, 
the  better  off  you'll  be. 

Sheila  Davitt 


The   Student   Auto   Workshop 

enables  students  to  do  auto  re- 
pairs on  their  cars  themselves 
rather  than  taking  their  cars  to 
commercial  service  stations. 

The  workshop  maintains  a 
number  of  spaces  in  the  Campus 
Center  Garage  in  which  to  do 
work,  and  has  a  large  number  of 
tools  for  use  in  the  workshop  area. 
There  is  also  a  staff  of  mechanics 
to  give  advice. 

Students,  especially  students, 
find  this  service  extremely  valu- 
able because  of  the  location  and 
the  money  it  saves. 


Earthfoods  is  a  group  of  people 
striving  to  provide  each  other 
with  a  meaningful  livelihood 
within  a  collective  environment 
while  providing  the  UMASS  com- 
munity with  wholesome  vegetar- 
ian food. 

We  feel  that  this  is  important 
given  the  conditions  in  society 
where  we  find  ourselves  not  in 
control  of  our  material  and  spiri- 
tual lives.  At  the  University,  be- 
ing a  microcosm  of  society  at 
large,  we  see  how  little  control  we 
have  over  where  we  live,  what  we 
learn,  what  we  eat,  and  how  we 
make  the  money  to  put  ourselves 
through  school. 

For  us,  then,  Earthfoods  is  mul- 
tidimensional. First,  it  is  a  collec- 
tive, wherein  we  try  to  regain 
control  over  our  working  lives. 
This  is  done  by  making  all  deci- 
sions about  the  restaurant  and  our 
work  together  as  a  group  united 
in  its  fundamental  goals  and  com- 
mitted to  working  out  our  differ- 
ences and  problems  in  an  open, 
caring  manner.  This  is  called 
"consensus  decision  making."  We 
meet  as  a  group  weekly  to  make 
all  decisions  about  Earthfoods; 
there  are  no  bosses  or  managers. 

Western  Capitalism,  technol- 
ogy, and  agribusiness  has  robbed 
food  of  its  cultural  and  physical 
nourishment.  At  Earthfoods 
we're  trying  to  get  back  in  touch 
with  a  basic  need:  food.  In  prepar- 
ing wholesome  vegetarian  fare, 
we  attempt  to  nourish  ourselves 
better  by  respecting  our  bodies 
and  the  ecosystem.  We  provide 
good  food  at  prices  as  low  as  possi- 
ble. As  an  alternative  economic 
group,  we  obtain  our  food  almost 
entirely  through  coops,  thus  rein- 
forcing the  coop  movement  in 




Orchard  Hill,  Belchertown  Road,  North  Amherst 
and  Sunderland  —  to  name  a  few.  This  is  not  a 
random  list  of  fellow  UMies'  habitats;  It  is  a  list  of 
bus  routes  that  are  travelled  daily  by  the  UMASS 
Transit  System. 

The  routes  may  seem  complicated  at  first,  but 
mostly  everyone  in  the  University  community  be- 
comes an  expert  at  traveUing  from  Rolling  Green 
or  Brittany  Manor  onto  campus. 

The  UMASS  Transit  Service  operates  one  of  the 
largest  no-fare  mass  transit  systems  in  the  country. 
It  supphes  bus  service  not  only  on  campus,  but  to 
neighboring  towns  as  well. 

Sponsored  by  the  Pioneer  Valley  Transit  Author- 
ity, the  Parking  System  and  the  Student  Senate, 
the  UMASS  Transit  Service  is  a  nice  way  to  go. 

Susan  Karp 

The  University  Photo  Co-op  is  a  multipurpose 
organization.  It  provides  film,  paper,  chemicals  and 
processing  at  low  cost  to  the  University  population; 
it  serves  as  a  gathering  place  for  people  with  an 
interest  in  photography;  and  gives  hands-on  exper- 
ience in  sales,  accounting  and  advertising. 

Membership  is  not  required  to  purchase  any  of 
the  wide  variety  of  materials  carried  by  the  co-op, 
but  members  benefit  by  receiving  an  additional  dis- 
count on  the  already  low  prices. 

The  co-op  is  located  in  the  Student  Union  Build- 

Susan  Karp 





The  Ski  Club  is  one  of  the  Universi- 
ty's largest  and  most  popular  organi- 
zations. More  than  four  thousand  peo- 
ple each  semester  attend  the  great 
Ski  Sale  where  the  club  brings  top 
equipment  to  students  at  low  prices. 
But  those  members  that  are  involved 
on  a  seasonal  basis  often  enjoy  week- 
ly trips  to  Sugarbush,  Stowe,  or  Kill- 

One  of  the  fastest  growing  clubs  in 
recent  years,  the  Ski  Club  came  in  out 
of  the  cold  and  took  UMASS  down  to 
Florida  for  Spring  Break  at  a  stu- 

"We're  growing,"  said  one  member. 
"Pretty  soon  the  whole  campus  will 
be  participating  in  our  ski  jaunts.  But 
will  we  find  a  large  enough  bus?" 

Diane  Clehane 

Did  you  ever  think  of  jumping? 

There  is  a  club  on  campus  that  will 
push  you  over  the  edge  ...  of  a  plane. 
It  is  the  Sport  Parachuting  Club. 

The  Sport  Parachuting  Club  is  oper- 
ated under  strict  regulations.  The 
club  is  affihated  with  both  the  Nation- 
al Collegiate  Parachuting  League  and 
the  United  States  Parachuting 
League.  The  instructors  are  not  only 
experienced,  but  must  be  certified  by 
the  US  Parachuting  League.  The 
parachute  riggers,  the  people  who 
pack  the  parachutes,  are  also  required 
to  pass  FFA  inspection. 

The  club  is  open  to  any  student 
wishing  to  experience  this  daring 
sport.  There  are  meetings  every 
week  to  introduce  the  new  members 
to  the  art  of  sport  parachuting.  The 
following  weekend,  weather  permit- 
ting, the  new  memlaers  go  through  a 
3-hour  training  program  at  an  airfield. 
When  the  instructor  feels  the  novice 
is  ready,  he  or  she  is  off  to  the  wild 
blue  yonder! 

Karen  Monteiro 

Picture  this:  A  cabin  surrounded 
with  friends  and  the  scenic  beauty  of 
the  White  Mountains  —  you  crack 
open  a  beer. 

An  advertisement?  No,  it's  the  Out- 
ing Club.  The  trip  to  the  cabin  in  the 
White  Mountains  is  only  one  of  many 
outdoor  activities  the  Outing  Club  of- 
fers. Mountaineering,  rock-climbing, 
hiking,  canoeing,  cross  country  skiing 
and  spelunking  are  all  possible  with 
this  adventurous  club. 

The  elected  officers,  with  the  help 
of  other  group  members,  organize  the 
trips.  The  trips  range  from  day  biking 
trips,  spelunking  in  the  Southwest,  to 
exploring  the  Florida  everglades. 
How  about  comparing  Hawaii's  ter- 
rain with  Alaska's?  And  then  there's 
everybody's  favorite:  backpacking  in 
the  Grand  Canyon. 

The  club  members  feel  fortunate  to 
live  in  a  part  of  the  country  where 
natural  beauty  is  plentiful. 

Since  the  club  has  all  the  equipment 
needed  for  such  trips,  there  is  no  rea- 
son for  people  not  to  escape  the  pres- 
sures of  school  or  work  and  physical- 
ly enjoy  the  natural  surroundings  that 
were  our  second  home  for  four  years. 
Karen  Monteiro 





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An  Intervie^v  \vith  the  Chancellor 

Special  thanks  to: 
David  Howes; 
Collegian  Reporter 

This  summer,  former  University  of 
Massachusetts  Chancellor  Henry 
Koffler  will  be  leaving  his  home  on 
Orchard  Hill  for  the  warmer  climate  of 
Arizona,  where  he  will  become  the 
President  of  the  University  of  Arizona 
in  Tuscon. 

As  he  prepared  to  depart  Massachu- 
setts, Koffler  discussed  in  a  recent  in- 
terview his  thoughts  on  his  three-year 
term  here,  how  the  University  has 
changed,  what  he  accomplished  and 
what  memories  of  UMASS  he  will  car- 
ry with  him. 

The  following  is  a  partial  transcript 
of  that  interview. 

Q:  When  you  came  to  the  University 
of  Massachusetts  in  August  of  1979, 
what  were  your  goals  for  the  Universi- 

A:  Let's  take  it  from  here  to  some 
extent.  Back  in  1975,  the  University 
over  the  years  was  able  to  build  a  very 
good  faculty  and  students  were  prob- 
ably better  than  they  themselves  rec- 
ognized. It  took  me  that  they  weren't 
being  recognized  in  the  state.  And  I 
think  it  was  part  of  the  fact  that  after 
1974-75,  when  the  budget  was  cut  sig- 
nificantly, it  did  not  keep  up  with  in- 
flation, so  that  people  became  de- 

The  morale  on  campus  was  very  bad 
and  one  of  my  clear  first  objectives  for 
the  University  was  to  raise  the  morale 
by  whatever  methods  I  could. 

But  let  me  go  back  to  this  in  a  bit. 
Most  American  universities  . . .  have 
been  well  known,  even  before  World 
War  II.  But  basically,  as  we  know 
them  today,  they  are  all  post  World 
War  II  phenomenon.  They  were  built 
after  World  War  II.  That  is  also  exem- 
plified by  such  facts  that  there  was  95 
percent  plus  of  human  knowledge  ac- 
quired since  WWII,  especially  in  sci- 
ences. The  world,  as  we  know  it,  as 
you  know  it,  is  really  a  creative  suc- 
cess after  WWII.  Here  (at  UMASS), 
for  historical  reasons,  the  biggest  de- 
velopment started  in  1960.  This  devel- 
opment started  the  biggest  jump  from 
1960  to  1970,  from  6,000  students  to 
21,000  students. 

Q:  What  do  you  thinli  caused  that? 

A:  Well,  there  were  veterans  com- 
ing back  from  the  war,  and  the  popula- 
tion exploded.  Suddenly,  there  was 
greater  pressure  on  public  institutions. 
In  other  states,  especially  the  mid- 
west, public  institutions  automatically 
took  in  those  veterans.  So  that  this 
university  is  about  fifteen  years  out  of 
phase  with  our  competition.  We  had 
essentially  a  late  start  in  becoming  a 
great  institution One  of  the  prob- 
lems I  faced  was  to  get  the  faculty's 
utmost  decision  about  their  own 

Q:  Do  you  think  you  accomplished 

A:  Oh,  yes!  There  is  no  doubt  about  it 


. . .  .Well,  my  leaving,  of  course,  is  a 
setback  to  most  people.  But,  the  fact  is, 
that  in  less  than  three  years  we  were 
able  to  raise  the  morale  considerably. 
So  there  is  a  different  attitude  about 
them,  about  themselves.  The  people 
feel  more  proud  of  the  University  and, 
therefore,  they  feel  more  proud  of 

Q:  /  would  like  to  talk  about  a  pro- 
gram -you  started  this  past  fall:  The 
Year  Toward  Civility.  Why  did  you 
begin  this? 

A:  Well,  I  think  it  was  basically  two 
compelling  circumstances.  One  was 
Halloween  of  '79,  which  disgusted  me 
very  much.  We  had  many  arrests  and 
many  people  hurt.  The  majority  of 
people  were  from  outside  of  the  cam- 
pus who  were  detained.  There  was  one 
situation,  the  spring  concert,  that  got 
out  of  hand.  Also,  the  graffiti  in  the 
library,  the  conditions  of  the  dormi- 
tories. I'm  talking  about  lack  or  re- 
spect of  common  property  and  com- 
mon purposes.  It  was  part  of  my  notion 
of  establishing  some  common  sense  of 
community,  what  I  was  referring  to 
before.  Also,  the  disrespect  led  to 
shabbyness  of  the  campus.  The  same 
feature  that  I  believe,  as  well  as  lack  of 
self  respect  in  a  sense,  that  I  was  con- 
cerned about.  That  was  one  force.  The 
other  was  a  variety  of  letters  to  the 
editor,  and  some  opinion  pieces,  in  the 
Collegian,  which  were  just  racist,  anti- 
semitic,  and  a  variety  of  others.  The 
whole  year  —  '78  and  '79  —  even  be- 
fore I  came,  there  were  a  lot  of  articles 
in  the  Collegian  that  upset  quite  a  few 
people.  So,  basically,  I  decided  to  take 
a  stand  on  this  issue  and  first  said  we 
don't  have  to  tolerate  this.  And  sec- 
ond, we  decided  to  have  some  effort  to 
increase  the  awareness  that  other  hu- 
man beings  matter,  to  treat  others 
with  respect. 

My  first  year,  I  created  the  commis- 
sion of  the  Year  Toward  Civihty.  They 
made  all  sorts  of  suggestions  that  we 
followed.  There  are  numerous  sugges- 
tions on  that.  This  could  take  an  hour 
to  discuss.  One  suggestion  was  to  have 
the  Year  Toward  Civility. 

Q:  Will  the  Year  Toward  Civility  die 
with  your  departure? 

A:  No,  I  don't  think  so. 

Q:  Let's  move  onto  a  subject  that 
may  be  a  little  touchy  to  you.  Your 
leaving  isn't  triggering  other  adminis- 
trative changes,  is  it? 

A:  Well,  I  hope  not  . . .  Let  me  say 
something  about  this.  Administrators, 
like  faculty  and  other  human  beings, 
as  individuals,  have  a  right  to  consider 
like  everybody  else.  Now,  nobody  con- 
siders any  decision  without  consider- 
ing what  affect  the  decision  will  have. 
You  don't  want  to  turn  down  making  a 
decision,  by  sacrifices,  because  that 
means  sooner  or  later  you  are  going  to 
feel  like  a  martyr.  You  start  feeling 
sorry  for  yourself  and  then  the  whole 
relationship  dissolves.  You  have  to  be 
happy  with  your  decision. 

In  the  final  analyses,  I  feel  the  stu- 
dents always  want  the  best  opportuni- 
ties, because  they  are  our  products, 
our  intellectual  offspring.  We  want 
them  to  be  as  productive  as  they  can 
be.  The  same  thing  goes  for  faculty 
members.  I  like  the  faculty  members, 
the  best  faculty  members,  to  stay  ob- 
viously. But,  if  they  have  an  opportu- 
nity that  is  irresistable,  I  cannot  get 
mad  about  that.  I  feel  proud  of  it  in  the 
sense  that  we  have  people  that  other 
institutions  want. 

By  the  same  token,  it  seems  to  me 
that  I  have  had  quite  a  few  opportuni- 
ties since  I  have  been  here.  It  should 
make  the  campus  feel  they  have  a 
chancellor  that  is  wanted  somewhere 


A  Koffler  History 

Special  thanks  to: 
Ken  Bazinett 
Collegian  Reporter 

As  classes  opened  in  September,  1979,  Henry  Koffler  became  Chancellor 
of  the  University  of  Massachusetts  at  Amherst. 

Getting  a  feel  for  the  job  quickly,  Koffler  closed  the  library  tower  and 
presented  his  first  address  to  the  Faculty  Senate  called  "Prologue  to  Part- 
nership" ensuring  the  UMASS  community  that  Koffler  would  do  his  best  to 
keep  the  channels  of  communication  open  and  in  sync. 

In  November,  1979,  Boston  Magazine  published  a  story  called  "The 
UMASS  Horrors"  which  said  of  UMASS:  "The  violence  is  everywhere. 
Every  student  has  friends  who  were  mugged,  raped  or  killed."  Koffler  told 
the  Collegian  immediately  following  the  story,  "The  whole  thing  is  mislead- 
ing, but  this  does  not  minimize  my  concern  of  the  behavior  over  the  week- 

That  weekend  was  Halloween  and  students  were  able  to  trip  their  way 
through  the  Campus  Center  for  the  last  time.  During  that  weekend  exces- 
sive damage  occurred  to  the  Hampden  Student  Center. 

But  it  was  not  all  easy  going  for  Koffler.  In  December,  1979,  while  attend- 
ing the  "Madrigal  Dinner",  Koffler  suffered  a  heart  attack.  He  spent  three 
months  recouperating,  and  to  this  day  has  to  go  through  an  exercise  rou- 

The  following  semester,  Koffler  assigned  a  study  group  to  find  a  way  to 
ehminate  the  bad  press  UMASS  had  received  in  Boston  Magazine.  The 
group  was  unable  to  come  up  with  an  answer  that  semester,  but  the  follow- 
ing year  the  idea  of  civility  was  hatched.  Although  it  was  never  made 
public,  Koffler  knew  one  year  ahead  of  time  that  the  UMASS  students 
would  spend  the  1981  academic  year  civil.  He  also  received  an  honorary 
degree  from  his  alma  mater,  the  University  of  Arizona. 

That  same  year  students  were  sent  home  because  Amherst  residents 
feared  UMASS  students  would  flush  the  toilets  far  too  often  and  take  long 
showers.  Koffler  was  not  pleased  about  closing  down  the  University,  how- 
ever, he  did  what  was  necessary  to  keep  Amherst  wet. 

In  what  proved  to  be  his  final  year  at  UMASS,  Koffler  gave  the  state  a 
civil  university,  and  banned  alcohol  from  athletic  events. 

In  December,  1981,  Koffler  told  the  press  he  was  serving  as  an  advisor  to 
the  president's  search  committee  at  the  University  of  Arizona.  Two  months 
later  he  announced  he  was  a  candidate  in  the  search. 

On  May  1,  Dr.  Loren  Baritz  became  Chancellor,  and  probably  on  July  1 
Koffler  will  become  President  of  the  University  of  Arizona. 



James  R.  Martin                          Dr.  George  Hazzard 
David  J.  Beaubien                      Francis  J.  Nicholson,  S.J. 
Robert  Cushman                         David  S.  Paresky 
Sister  Janet  Eisner                      Elizabeth  B.  Rawlins 
George  H.  Ellison                        Judge  John  J.  Fox 
Arnold  S.  Friedman                    Ray  Stata 
Honorable  Foster  Furcolo          Dr.  An  Wang 
John  B.  Duff                               Norman  Zalkind 


George  R.  Baldwin 
Nancy  Caruso 
Thomas  P.  Costin 
Andrew  C.  Knowles 
Larry  Kocot 
Robert  H.  Quinn 
Einar  Paul  Robsham 
H.L.  Tower 
Frederick  S.  Troy 


David  C.  Knapp 


Henry  Koffler 

ALBIE  REINER  batting  a  thousand 

"You  swing  the  bat,  you  hit  the  ball", 
he  said,  and  this  professor  is  batting  a 
thousand  with  the  students  at  UMass. 

He  is  Albie  Reiner  from  the  Microbi- 
ology Department.  With  a  PhD  in  Bio- 
chemisty  and  Molecular  Biology,  Reiner 
has  taught  at  UMass  for  14  years.  And  in 
the  past  4  years,  he  has  excited  and 
awed  his  students  with  his  own  creation: 
the  Microbiology  of  Cancer. 

Microbiology  of  Cancer  is  not  the  typi- 
cal, lab-intensive  science  course.  Rath- 
er, it  is  designed  to  provide  the  student 
with  background  information  regarding 
the  physical  and  personal  implications  of 
this  feared  disease.  Reiner  covers  the 
manisfestations  and  progression  of  the 
disease  itself,  and  how  they  affect  those 
afflicted,  their  families  and  friends. 

Concerned  that  the  classes  here  at 
UMass  tend  to  be  somewhat  large  and 
that  many  students  may  be  turned 
away,  Albie  Reiner  has  instilled  in  his 
Microbiology  of  Cancer  course  one  major 
difference:  200  more  students  are  ad- 
mitted than  the  recommended  number 
of  500.  He  feels  it  is  just  as  easy  to  teach 
700  students  as  it  is  to  teach  500. 

According  to  Reiner,  the  most  notable 
characteristic  of  UMass  is  its'  diversity; 
the  opportunities  one  has  here  are  vast. 
He  maintains  that  "Resources  in  the  Sci- 
ence Department  are  terrific,"  and  that 
the  quality  of  education  one  receives  de- 

pends upon  ones'  own  personality:  If  one 
has  the  desire  to  exploit  these  resources, 
one  can  get  an  education  here  the  equal 
of  an  education  anywhere. 

As  for  UMass  reputation  as  "Zoo 
Mass",  Reiner  feels  that  "there's  alot  of 
it  here."  He  notices  beer  bottles  on  cam- 
pus, people  who  can't  keep  quiet  in  class, 
loud  music  on  Thursday  afternoons, 
drinking  at  football  games,  and  believes 
we  make  our  own  bad  publicity. 

Albie  Reiner  tries  to  be  accessible,  and 
students  feel  comfortable  talking  with 
him.  They  exhibit  a  sense  that  this  man 
is  not  the  enemy.  "There's  nothing  spe- 
cial about  what  I  do,"  he  says.  "I  like 
those  people  (students).  We're  on  the 
same  team." 

He  is  also  a  peaceful  man,  to  whom 
meditation  has  become  an  important 
part  of  life.  He  has  even  introduced  to 
his  students  the  basics  of  meditation, 
and  has  offered  workshops  on  the  sub- 

A  poster  hangs  on  the  wall  of  Albie 
Reiner's  office.  From  it  a  sense  of  quiet 
personal  accomplishment  and  humane- 
ness emanates.  It  is  a  poster  depicting  a 
smiling  Willie  Stargell  of  the  Pittsburgh 
Pirates,  who,  with  the  crowd  looking  on, 
has  just  hit  a  home  run.  "You  swing  the 
bat,  you  hit  the  ball.  That's  what  life  is 
all  about."  Teaching,  too. 


Professor  Accomplishments  . . . . 

Winners  of  the  Distinguished  Teacher  Awards  for 
1982  are  Alexander  Chajes,  civil  engineering;  Charles 
Moran,  Enghsh;  and  Curtis  Thorne,  microbiology. 

Winners  of  the  Distringuished  Teaching  Assistants 
/Associates  for  1982  are  Roger  Cooley,  mathematics; 
Ann  Murphy,  rhetoric;  and  Mary  Rosen,  mathematics. 

Recipients  of  Faculty  Fellowship  Awards  for  1982 
are  Emmon  Bach,  linguistics;  John  F.  Brandts,  chem- 
istry; Vincent  Dethier,  zoology;  Archibald  Lewis,  his- 
tory; Roger  Porter,  polymer  science  and  engineering; 
and  Jack  Keil  Wolf,  electrical  engineering. 

Leila  Ahmed,  women's  studies,  is  one  of  45  scholars 
chosen  to  work  and  study  at  the  National  Humanities 
Center  of  Research  Triangle  Park,  NC.  during  the  82- 
83  academic  year.  The  center  was  developed  by  the 
American  Academy  of  Arts  and  Sciences. 

F.J.  Francis,  food  science  and  nutrition,  has  been 
named  to  receive  the  1982  IFT  International  Award, 
for  his  service  in  promoting  International  Food  Sci- 
ence. The  award  is  given  by  the  Institute  of  Food 

Dr.  Francis  W.  Holmes,  director  of  Shade  Tree  Lab- 
oratories in  the  College  of  Food  and  Natural  Re- 
sources, has  been  appointed  to  two  committees  of  the 
American  Phytopathological  Society  and  re-appoint- 
ed chairman  of  the  Research  Committee  of  the  Inter- 
national Society  of  Arboriculture. 

Charles  Lehrer  and  Dorothy  Ornest  of  the  music 
and  dance  department  cut  a  record  with  Orion  which 
was  released  in  February. 

Dr.  Margaret  Bigelow,  of  the  Botany  department,  is 
president  of  the  Mycological  Society  of  America.  She 
is  the  second  woman  to  hold  that  position. 

Jay  Neugeboren,  has  won  this  year's  fiction  prize  in 
the  Kenneth  B.  Smilen/Present  Tense  Awards  for  the 
Best  Books  in  1981.  He  is  the  author  of  The  Stolen 

Geoffrey  Boothroyd,  mechanical  engineering,  has 
been  selected  to  receive  the  1982  Outstanding  Senior 
Faculty  Scholar  Award  by  the  University  of  Massa- 
chusetts Engineering  Alumni  Association. 

Edward  J.  Calabrese  of  the  School  of  Health  Sci- 
ences, Division  of  Public  Health,  has  been  appointed 
by  Massachusetts  Gov.  Edward  King  to  serve  on  the 
Massachusetts  Pesticide  Board. 

Richard  J.  Clark  was  re-elected  chairman  of  the  21- 
member  Massachusetts  Advisory  Commission  on  Edu- 
cational Personnel  which  has  recently  revised  all  cer- 
tification standards  in  the  state. 

Fergus  M.  Clydesdale,  food  science  and  nutrition, 
has  been  awarded  the  1982  NCA  Public  Service 
Award.  This  award  is  given  annually  by  the  National 
Confectioners  Association  of  the  United  States  in  rec- 
ognition of  outstanding  service  in  promoting  public 
understanding  of  nutrition  and  food  science. 

George  Odiorne  is  author  of  a  chapter  in  a  new  book 
entitled  Hospitality  Management. 

Oriol  Pi-Sunyer,  anthropology,  has  received  a  Ful- 
bright  award  for  research  on  socio-political  change  in 
Spain  and  other  Mediterranean  countries. 

Zdenek  Salzmann,  anthropology,  has  been  awarded 
a  $46,000  grant  from  the  National  Endowment  for  the 
Humanities  to  engage  in  the  compilation  of  a  dictio- 
nary of  contemporary  Arapaho  language  usage. 

Bonnie  Strickland,  chairman  of  the  Department  of 
Psychology,  has  been  elected  president  of  the  Ameri- 
can Psychological  Association's  Clinical  Section. 

J.  Edward  Sunderland,  mechanical  engineering, 
has  been  named  a  member  of  the  board  of  directors  of 
Research  and  Development  Associates  for  Military 
Food  and  Packaging  Systems,  Inc. 


'About  That  Professor 


Ever  wonder  what  makes  a  professor  tick?  I'm  sure  we've  all  asked  ourselves  this  question  about 
certain  professors  we've  had.  They're  such  a  diverse  breed!  There  are  all  types  of  professors  and  thus, 
there  are  many  ways  in  which  to  deal  with  them.  Prom  the  student's  perspective,  if,  at  the  beginning  of 
the  semester,  you  can  classify  your  professors  into  "types",  you  have  an  edge  over  the  other  students  - 
-  you  know  what  the  professors  want  academically,  and  you  can  also  decide  how  much  you  can  get 
away  with! 

Classifying  professors  into  "types"  is  an  art  —  it  takes  lots  of  practice.  It  also  involves  having  taken 
classes  with  many  different  professors.  After  being  here  for  four  years,  I  feel  I've  finally  gotten  the 
hang  of  figuring  out  what  professors  are  all  about.  It  was  difficult  —  believe  me,  they  don't  exactly 
make  it  easy  for  you.  But  I've  concluded  that  there  are  eight  "types"  of  professors.  For  you  graduated 
seniors,  reminisce  a  little,  laugh  a  little  and  maybe  even  cry  a  little,  and  for  you  Freshmen  and 
Sophomores,  read  this  and  take  heed.  It  may  prove  to  be  helpful! 

(a)  the  "authoritarian"  type  -  This  professor  takes  no  guff  whatsoever.  If  he  tells  you  he  wants  a 
paper  from  you  on  Tuesday,  he  wantsit  on  Tuesday,  and  the  only  excuse  he'll  take  from  you  is  if  you 
died  on  Monday 

(b)  the  "foreign"  type  -  This  professor  has  just  walked  off  the  boat  from  China  or  Japan  or  God  knows 
where  else,  and  only  knows  two  phrases  in  English:  "Hello"  and  "I  don't  understand."  If  you  have 
this  type  of  professor  for  any  of  your  classes,  you're  in  big  trouble.  You  can't  understand  one  word 
they're  saying.  My  advise  is  to  get  a  tutor  —  for  him.  This  type  usually  teaches  mathematics  and 
sciences  .... 

(c)  the  "fatherly  or  motherly"  type  -  This  professor  is  a  softy.  He  or  she  will  believe  anything  you  tell 
them,  especially  the  one  where  your  grandmother  is  sick  and  in  the  hospital.  They  are  pretty  easy 
going  and  will  go  out  of  their  way  to  help  you  if  you  need  it.  But  watch  out,  they  love  to  give  moral 

(d)  the  "mentor"  type  -  This  is  the  type  of  professor  that  you  look  up  to.  In  fact,  you're  in  awe  of  him. 
You  take  any  advice  he  gives  you,  and  beheve  it  or  not,  he  can  be  helpful.  This  type  is  good  to  talk  to 
about  career  planning,  but  he  may  not  be  helpful  if  he's  a  philosophy  professor  and  you're  a 
chemistry  major  .... 

(e)  the  "regressing"  type  -  This  professor  is  the  one  that  easily  gets  on  your  nerves.  He  may  be  57 
years  old  but  thinks  he's  only  21.  He  proves  this  by  using  every  swear  in  the  book  just  because  he 
thinks  he's  "coming  down  to  our  level."  Very  obnoxious;  to  be  avoided  at  all  costs  — 

(f)  the  "say  someting  but  mean  another"  type  -  This  professor  is  very  confused.  You  can  tell  this  type 
right  away  when  you're  sitting  in  a  9:05  lecture  and  he  comes  in  and  says  "Good  afternoon  class, 
today  we  will "  After  that  you  know  it  can  only  go  downhill  — 

(g)  the  "intellectual"  type  -  This  professor  is  the  best  in  his  field.  He's  done  tons  of  research  and 
knows  everything  about  everything.  But  the  problem  is,  he  has  difficulty  relating  and  teaching  this 
to  the  students.  He  just  assumes  that  we  know  so  much  already,  when  the  fact  is  that  everybody  is 
sitting  there  with  their  mouth  open,  catching  flies.  Can  prove  to  be  very  frustrating  .... 

(h)  the  "standoffish"  type  -  This  type  comes  across  as  if  he's  saying  "Back  off,  I'm  the  PROFESSOR." 
This  professor  is  on  an  ego-trip  (he's  probably  just  out  of  grad  school).  Watch  out  for  this  type,  they 
can  be  very  intimidating.  My  advice  is  to  bring  him  down  to  his  correct  level:  tell  him,  during  the 
middle  of  a  lecture,  that  he  has  crumbs  on  his  mustache  — 

Not  all  professors,  however,  fit  into  these  types:  they  may  be  a  mixture  of  a  few.  Or  else  you  may 
have  a  professor  who  is  outstanding  in  every  aspect:  he's  interesting,  has  a  sense  of  humor,  intelligent, 
and  can  relate  to  the  students.  (Most  professors  fit  into  this  category.)  A  word  of  caution:  don't  jump  to 
conclusions.  Give  your  professors  a  chance  —  after  all,  they're  human  too.  Get  to  know  them.  In  such  a 
large  university  as  UMASS,  the  only  way  professors  get  to  know  their  students  is  if  the  student  makes 
the  effort.  Large  lectures  don't  give  the  professor  the  opportunity  to  get  to  know  people.  So  talk  to 
them.  Make  the  effort.  Sometimes,  it  can  be  very  worthwhile  —  you  may  end  up  with  a  hfelong  buddy. 

Sheila  Davitt 

About  That  Student 

Just  as  we  students  are  sizing  up  our  professors  and  placing  them  into  categories,  I  feel  it's  only  fair  to 
tell  you  that  your  professors  are  doing  the  same.  It's  difficult  for  professors  to  size  up  every  student  in  a 
class  of  200,  however,  but  it's  still  possible  to  categorize. 

Students  are  stereotyped  into  all  sorts  of  categories  by  professors.  By  categorizing,  professors  can  get  an 
idea  on  how  to  deal  with  their  students.  They  learn  through  experience  that  there  are  all  types  of 
students,  with  all  types  of  possible  backgrounds,  and  with  many  different  study  habits.  The  following  is  a 
possible  list  of  "typical"  college  students: 

(a)  the  "non-Friday  class'  student  —  This  student  never  makes  it  to  class  on  Friday;  be  it  because  he 
goes  home,  it's  against  his  religion,  or  he's  too  hungover  —  the  more  plausible  reason 

(b)  the  "never  on  time"  student  —  This  student  is  never  on  time  for  class  —  he  or  she  always  rushes  in 
like  a  hurricane,  disheveled  of  course,  and  makes  their  way  noisily  to  their  seat  —  usually  grabbing  the 
first  one  in  the  first  row  'cuz  it's  closer,  and  because  they  "don't  want  to  make  a  scene"  .... 

(c)  the  "extension"  student  —  The  student  who  waits  to  the  last  possible  minute  to  begin  a  project  or 
assignment,  and  finds  out  that  he  or  she  can't  possibly  finish  it  on  time,  has  all  the  credentials  needed  to 
become  an  "extension"  student.  They  always  need  an  extension  —  they  have  so  much  work  to  do  —  when 
in  actuality  they've  spent  the  last  week  and  a  half  trying  out  every  happy  hour  and  dring  special  offered  in 

(d)  the  "obnoxious  participating"  student  —  This  type  always  raises  their  hand  and  gives  feedback  —  to 
the  point  of  driving  the  issue  into  the  ground.  And  they  always  seem  to  have  a  totally  nauseating  voice 
that  runs  on  and  on  and  on  and  on  .... 

(e)  the  "model"  student  —  This  type  sits  in  the  front  row  and  keeps  good  eye  contact  with  the  professor. 
He  or  she  also  manages  to  ask  an  intelligent  question  after  class  and  may  visit  the  professor  at  his  office 
hours.  But  little  does  the  professor  know  that  this  "model"  behavior  results  from  a  need  for  a  reccommen- 
dation  for  their  placement  file  .... 

(f)  the  "forever"  student  —  This  is  the  student  who's  on  the  9-year  plan  and  can't  understand  why  he  or 
she  can't  get  it  together.  It  may  be  because  they're  too  active  in  other  activities  (i.e.  rallying  against  the 
price  of  cumquats  in  Zambouie)  or  they're  too  busy  having  a  good  time  —  after  all,  isn't  that  what  college 
is  all  about? 

(g)  the  "I  don't  have  to  study"  student  —  This  student  believes  that  because  he's  had  the  class  in  high 
school,  he  doesn't  have  to  study.  He  does,  however,  go  to  the  first  day  of  class  and  find  out  the  exam  dates. 
Little  does  he  know  that  his  whole  semester  of  that  class  in  high  school  fits  into  the  first  two  weeks  of  the 
same  course  in  college.  (This  is  typical  of  Freshmen) 

(h)  And  finally,  there's  the  student  that  "every  professor  wishes  for"  —  He  or  she  always  comes  to  class 
on  time,  is  always  prepared,  and  intends  on  going  into  the  professor's  field  when  graduating.  Professors 
are  all  over  this  type  of  student  . . . 

So  there  you  have  it  —  a  hsting  of  typical  students  as  they  might  be  seen  through  your  professor's  eyes. 
It  isn't  a  complete  hst,  however,  there  are  many,  many  types  of  students  and  they're  all  different.  This  list 
just  touches  the  surface  of  a  mystery  professors  have  been  trying  to  unravel  for  years.  A  helpful  hint  to 
professors  —  don't  even  try  to  solve  the  mystery.  Students  are  a  diverse  breed,  just  as  professors  are,  and 
they  all  have  different  motives  for  being  in  college.  And  what  you  see  on  the  exterior  may  not  be 
actuality.  The  student  who  never  seems  to  pay  attention  or  stays  in  the  background  may  be  the  most 
intelligent  person  in  the  class.  The  opposite  may  also  be  true.  So  don't  make  hasty  judgements  —  we  may 
surprise  you! 

Sheila  Davitt 

School  Of  Health  Sciences 

Lauro  Doprisre 

Wendy  Barker 

Michelle  Deoupre 

Joon  Deron 

-Morcio  Dizuko 

Ellen  Dokina 

Porricio  Dowen 

Wendy  Drunswid-; 

Dorlene  Coulombe 

Gall  Crichbw 

Diane  Currier 

Down  Curris 

Susan  Delisle 

Lisa  DeSalvio 

Carol  Dizer 

Donna  Drake 

Amy  Eidelmon 

Perry  Fong 

Lisa  Freedman 

Liso  Geisr 

Gregory  Georgoulis 

Mory  Ellen  Gilbone 

Liza  A.  Gingras 

Linda  Goldstein 

Susannah  L.  Holpern 

Catherine  Hamnnonn 

Chorlorre  Houd-; 

Noreen  Hughes 

Karen  Huie 

Lisa  Hundley 


School  Of  Health  Sciences 

William  Johnson 
Heorlier  Jones 
Coroline  Kirk 
Sondro  Knowlron 
Porience  Kuruneri 

Terri  J   Lonrz 
Donno  LoProde 
Orion  Lemere 
Dorry  Linehon 
Porri  Lubowirz 

Deboroh  Monko 
Joyce  Monrorion 

Dione  Mendes 
Annemorie  Mignoso 

Renee  Morel 
Cheryl  Murorore 
Korhleen  M.  O'Neill 
Pioberr  Peloquin 
Corherine  Quinlon 

Kim  Solernik 
Ann  Somolis 
Linda  5eorle 
Porrice  Sheo 
Amy  Shumrok 


Lauren  Shusrer 

Holly  Sweer 

Lori  SwQnson 

Jeonine  Tyson 

Mory  Derh  Volker 

Porricia  Walsh 
Carlo  Weeden 
Beverly  Young 

Elizabeth  Corrier 
Eric  Chopmon 
Lewis  Chernick 
Korhleen  Chrisropher 
Mindy  Holperr 

Roberro  Hoyes 
Riro  Hubner 
Iro  Jones 
Jeffrey  Keene 
Porricio  Morroon 

Elizoberh  McMahon 
John  McNomoro 
Warren  McReddie 
John  P.  Nelson 
Mark  Omelrchewko 

Frederick  C,  Powers 
Francine  r\yan 
Karen  Sabaro 
Lourie  Sorrier 
Diane  Sceisi 

John  Schroeder 
Craig  Thayer 
Virginia  Vorrichione 
Joanne  Vezina 
John  Wade 

Roberr  Wolff 


College  Of  Arts  And  Sciences 

Nelson  Acosro 

Carry  Ahern 

Cindy  Allord 

Noncy  Anderson 

Jarie  Andrews 

Shirley  Andrews 

Joner  Andrews 

Jean  Andrews 

Clark  Arble 

Mary  Ann  Argiro 

Judirh  Arleo 

Anrhony  Armaro 

Parrida  Armerro 

Sherrie  Arrhur 

Bizaberh  Aubrey 

June  Augusr 
Korhleen  P,yan 
Irene  Baden 
Sreven  Doer 
Lech  Doigell 

Adam  Dailey 

Porricio  Dolboch 

Anne  Danos 

Drenda  Bonner 

Janice  Borker 

Srephen  Darker 

Wendy  Darlow 

Edward  Dormokian 

Dersy  Dasserr 

Ann  Darchelder 


College  Of  Arts  And  Sciences 

John  Doumonn,  Jr 
Borboro  F.  Dozemore 
Drendo  Deone 
Priscillo  Deoudry 
Qoire  Bedord 

Kondyce  Delonger 
Richard  Belsl'^y 
Tordi  Belrrom 
Srephen  Bennerr 
Dovid  Benson 

Wendy  Berk 
Cheryl  Berezonsky 

Morcio  Berry 
Lowrie  Derrom 

-^      Diane  M,  Berube 
Bruce  Biol 
Nancy  Billings 
Edward  Birk 
Jeri  Birrermon 

Andrew  S.  Blonder 
Jeffrey  Blank 
Kovin  Bloomer 
Julie  Bolond 
Susan  Bolles 


College  Of  Arts  And  Sciences 

Dione  Doudreou 

r\o5e  Bourne 

Dryon  Dousquier 

Marie  Boyle 

John  Breen 

Michael  Brennan 

Liso  Breslow 

Kennerh  Briggs-Bamford 

Froncine  Broder 

Julio  Broderick 

Ann  Brossi 

Poul  Brouillerre 

Eornesrine  Brown 

Tyler  Brown 

Helen  Bruneou 

Paolo  Bruno 

Pomelo  Bulgor 

John  Dovid  Bunring 

Kirsren  Burgess 

Morie  Burke 

Timorhy  Burke 

Corhy  Burley 

Paul  Burns 

Karen  B.  Busch 


College  Of  Arts  And  Sciences 

Joner  Durler 
Kyle  Dyrne 
Linda  Dyrne 
Lisa  Cocioppo 
Nissoge  Coder 

Jonorhon  Coffrey 
Nancy  E,  Cahill 
Denise  Collohan 
Morgarer  Callohon 
Srephen  Campbell 

Thomas  Cordomone,  Jr. 
Richard  Cordello 
Suson  Carey 
John  Corrigg 
Charles  Carroll 

Thomas  Carroll 
Perer  Cory 
Porrido  Casey 
Diane  Coshmon 
Donna  Cosrleberry 

Susan  Cholifour 
Anne  Chandler 
Chorles  Chondler 
Mary  Colleen  Chandler 
Tracey  Chopin 

Sonford  Chopnid-; 
Louise  Chouncey 
Lovino  Cheev&r 
Lindo  Chemini 
Ze-Wei  Chen 


College  Of  Arts  And  Sciences 

5uson  Chiocchio 

Chrisropher  Chirouros 

Suson  Clark 

Todd  Clark 

Diane  Clehane 

Benjamin  Clemenr 

Kevin  Dorry  Clinton 

Benjamin  Cluff 

Julio  Cobb 

Lisa  Corberr 

Dione  Cohen 

Jeffrey  Cohen 

Michael  Cohen 

Neil  Cohen 

fvObin  Cohen 

Ruth  Cohen 

Suon  Cohen 

Jeffrey  5.  Cohen 

Paul  Coke 

Goil  Coleman 

Chrisrpher  Collins 

Kerry  Collins 

Donald  Cominelli 

Noncy  Conley 

Maureen  Connell 

Drion  Convery 

Kevin  Connolly 

Leslie  Cooley 

Michelle  Cooper 

Barry  Corberr 


College  Of  Arts  And  Sciences 

Uovid  Courure 
Dorboro  Covingron 
Julie  Cowper 
Edword  Crawford 
Kevin  Crisroldi 

Elizoberh  Crake 
Timorhy  Crary 
Coraleonn  Crowley 
Hope  Crawley 
Richorrd  Cunho 

Ann  Cunningham 
Pomelo  Czorniowski 
James  Daddono 
PvObyn  Dolly 
Christopher  Doly 

Deborah  Donoher 
Donno  Donre 
Corol  Dovenporr 
Sharon  Dovenporr 
Dryno  Dovidow 

Dorwin  Davis,  Jr. 
Ellen  Sue  Davis 
Christopher  Deon 
Porricio  DeCourcey 
Seon  Deloney 

Gail  Delorr 
Corherine  Denmon 
Poul  Devine 
Cor!  DeWirr 
Morcia  Dgerlud-; 


College  Of  Arts  And  Sciences 

Karen  DiBenederri 

Lizberh  Didriteen 

Jomes  Dolon 

Mary  Jone  Dolon 

Karen  Donahue 

Daniel  Donermeyer 

Jomes  Donnelly 

Moureen  Donovon 

Chrisrine  R.  Donovon 

Perer  Dorff 

Jacqueline  Dorfman 

Anne  Dovydoiris 

Donold  F.  Doyle 

Korhleen  Doyle 

Lisa  Dressier 

Scorr  Dryden 

Jocqueline  Duby 

Moiko  Dueirr 

Chris  Dufouir 

Thomos  Dundon 

Nancy  Berh  Duseou 

Pomelo  Duseou 

Denise  Dwelley 

Ernesr  Dwork 

Drodford  Eden 

Jill  Bios 

Mark  Elios 

Ann  Ellis 

Deboroh  P..  Ellis 

Williom  Emery,  Jr. 


College  Of  Arts  And  Sciences 

Eugene  Eng  Tow 
Olgo  Esquivel-Gonzolez 
Jennifer  Evons 
Gory  Eynorion 
Dovid  Fobrizio 

Neil  Foigel 
ThornQS  Poison 
Morionn  Folire 
Carol  Anne  Fonrozzi 
Sorour  Forozdel 

Debro  Forinello 
Louro  Feokes 
John  Feeney 
Koren  Feinsrein 
Korhleen  Rl 

Deirdre  Finn 
Amy  Firzgerold 
Morrhew  Firzgibbon 
Michelle  Floherry 
Paul  Floherry 

Dolores  Flegel 
Gusrov  Fleischmonn,  IV 
Colleen  Foley 
Jonorhan  Fonda 
Gerordo  Fonseco 

Morrin  Formon 
Jennifer  Forres 
Deborah  Forrier 
Louise  Fournier 
Jeffrey  O,  Fox 


College  Of  Arts  And  Sciences 

Andrea  l-ox 
Steven  Fox 

Perer  Frozier 
Jeon  Fredriclison 
Sarah  Fryberger 

Joyce  Frydel 

John  Fuller 

Gino  Fusco 

Moryberh  Gollogher 

Eliso  Gandal 

Mary  Gannon 
Ann  Gordner 

Cynrhio  Garrert 
Solly  Gores 

Vicki  Gervlckos 

Audrey  German 

Vincenre  Gionnoni 

P,olph  Gifford 

Tocey  Gillens 

Ellen  Gillis 

Ellen  Ginsberg 

Virginio  Gokhole 

Wendy  Goldberg 

Mirchell  Goldsrein 


College  Of  Arts  And  Sciences 

Donno  Gomuliski 
NVilliom  Goodrich 
Dorrheo  Goodwin 
Lorerro  Goron 
Michoel  Gordon 

Porricio  M   Gormon 
Derh  Gould 
John  Gould 
Cernord  Goulding 
Mory  Grody 

James  Graham 
Mark  Gronr 
Roberr  Grasserri 
Andrea  Groveline 
John  Graven 

Deboroh  Groy 
Tereso  Greoly 
Thomas  Greeley 
Merrell  Green 
Korhryn  Green 

Noncy  Green 
Susan  Green 
Elise  M.  Greenboum 
Tomi  Greenberg 
Michelle  J.  Gregolis 

Jeon  A.  Grekula 
Daniel  Griffin, 
Berh  Griffin 
Thomos  Griffin 
Andrew  Griffirhs 


College  Of  Arts  And  Sciences 

Marrha  Griswold 

Morrin  Grudgen 

Morrho  Gumbiner 

David  Guselli 

Chrisrine  Gurermon 

Moxine  Gurmon 

Raymond  Gwozdz 

Shirley  Hollerr 

Scorr  Horju 

Elicia  Horrell 

Kathleen  Harrison 

Vicki  Horr 

Valerie  Horr 

Michoel  Horrmon 

Stephen  Harvey 

Susan  Hoyn 

Harry  M.  Hoyroyon,  Jr 

Thomas  Heoly 

Chcrlorre  Heberr 

Eric  Hedlund 

David  Heidr 

Morrhevv'  Hein 

Korhryn  Hemmerr 

Debro  Hemeon 

Mireya  Herrero 

Theodore  Hiili 
Kimberly  Hills 
Carlo  Hillyard 
William  Hobbs 
Joner  Hobsori 


College  Of  Arts  And  Sciences 

Suzanne  Hoey 
5hirely  Hoffmon 
Thereso  Hoffmon 
Jomes  Holland 
Howard  Holmes 

Cornelius  Holmes 
Dobbi  Hopkins 
Laurie  Horowicz 
Scorr  Houle 
Dione  Hovsepian 

Kimberly  Howard 
Kathleen  Howley 
Loi-Wah  Hui 
Leslie  Hymon 
Sodonobu  Ikemoro 

John  Imbimbo 
Deborah  Inroglioro 
Jennifer  Jock 
Carlos  Jacinro 
Andrew  Jacobs 

Dorry  Jacobs 
Elizoberh  Jamison 
Froncine  Josiniski 
Derh  Jenssen 
Lorerro  Jenkins 

Daniel  I^.  Johnson 
Chrisropher  Jolior 
Stephen  Jordan 
Donna  Joyce 
Michael  Jenkins 


College  Of  Arts  And  Sciences 

Sylvia  Kodikis 

Krisri  M.  Kollonder 

Eileen  G.  Koptan 

hAark  Koplon 

Donno  Koros 

Susan  Korp 

Joel-son  Korz 

Michelle  Kouffmon 

Kennerh  Koufmon 

Thereso  Keoney 

Karhleen  Keegon 
Srephon  Keegon 

Korhleen  Keenon 

Deborah  Keil 

Colleen  Kelleher 

Korhi  Kennedy 

Solly  Kerans 

Dovid  Kim 

Lawrence  King 

Pvhondo  King 

Marshall  Klerzkin 

Deboroh  Klugermon 

Louro  Koesrer 

Sreven  Konieczny 

Rio  Koning 

Morrhew  Konroff 
Michoel  Krol 
David  Krupo 

Marguerite  Kuhn 
Joon  Kuni-^el 


College  Of  Arts  And  Sciences 

Porricio  Kundl 
Louise  Loferriere 
Charles  J,  LoFreniere 
Lorno  J,  Lomono 
Regino  Lommers 

Gory  X.  Loncelorro 
Lori  Loncioni 
Porricio  Lonigon 
Suson  Lopolice 
Donno  Lopron 

Jennifer  Losker 
Amy  Leovirr 
Joner  Lebewohl 
Noncy  LeDechr 
Morion  Riro  Lemire 

Jomes  Lennox 
Anosrosio  Leorsolios 
Krisren  Lepp 
P^icl^ord  Lepperr 
Nicholos  Lesnikowsl'ii 

Deboroh  Lesser 
Mork  Levine 
Jonorhon  Levine 
Ewo  Lewonrowicz 
Mchord  Lewis 

Mori-;  Lipsky 
Undo  Livingsron 
Srephen  Lorhrop 
Mary  Lucey 
Sue  Gi  Luke 

College  Of  Arts  And  Sciences 

Tracey  Lurie 

Edward  Lynch 

Dill  Lyons 

Morion  Morlnis 

Jomes  MocDonold 

Donna  Macinrire 

Lorraine  MocKenzie 

Mory  Modnrosli 

Dawn  MocMillon 

Polly  Maddix 

Soroh  Modison-Smirh 

Donno  Magrorh 

Kevin  Moguire 

Sheila  Moguire 

Thomas  Mahoney 

Moureen  Molnori 

Carol  T.  Malomo 

Lori  Manelis 

Pioberr  Monfredo 

Kevin  Mangan 

Porricio  Mongiocorri 

Theresia  Monner 

Druce  Morcus 

Rondi  Marcus 

Douglos  Morquis 

Gory  Martin 
Deanna  Morrin 

Mory  Morrin 
Thomos  Marry 
Chrisrine  Marul< 


College  Of  Arts  And  Sciences 

Yverre  Mason 
Morrhew  Morrel 
Deborah  Morreodo 
Jomes  Morreodo 
Doniel  Moynord 

Lynne  McCarrhy 
Terronce  McCarrhy 
Scarlerr  Mc  Croe 
Joon  McDermorr 
Suzonne  McDonald 

Erin  McDonold 
Kevin  McDonough 
Morie  McDonough 
Michael  McDuffee 
Worren  McEwen 

Joy  McForlond 
Maureen  McGowon 
Anne  McGrarh 
Linda  McGrorh 
Nelson  McGroorry 

Sondrea  McLoughlin 
Susan  McNomora 
Craig  Mercier 
John  Michel 
Drenda  Mierzejewski 

Noncy  Miller 
Joyce  Miller 
Moureen  Miller 
Sam  Millerr 
Karen  Mills 


College  Of  Arts  And  Sciences 

Koren  Millword 
PvOberr  Mirchell 

Fronceno  Monell 
Dovid  Monri 

Dorboro  Moody 

Michele  Morgan 

Mory  Moriorry 

Mary  E.  Morin 

David  Morrissey 

Korherine  Morron 

Carolyn  5.  Moses 
Lauren  Mosher 

Ann  Marie  Mulvihill 
Dorboro  Murz 

Olgo  Noclirigoll 
Karhryn  Nolly 
Dano  Nongle 
Nancy  Narion 

PorriciQ  Murpl^y 

Gory  Murplny 

Lourene  Murphy 

Nancy  Murroy 

Diono  Murroy 

Sreve  Nozorion 


College  Of  Arts  And  Sciences 

John  Nelson 
Liso  Newfield 
Barbara  Lynn  Niccoli 
John  Nickondros 
Noncy  Nirenson 

Mirchell  Nollnrion 
Corey  Noonon 
Deborah  Lynn  Nordsrrom 
Mory  Norron 
David  Novick 

Undo  Nunnerrmod-ier 
Chris  Nunzioro 
Joseph  O'Brien 
Villiom  O'Brien 
Carolyn  Obsrfeld 

Piosemory  O'Conner 
Michoel  O'Dougherry 
Mork  O'Floherry 
John  O'Heorn 
Camile  Olivero 

Jeonne  O'Neill 
Anne  O'Neill 
Elizoberh  Osborn 
Piichord  Padous 
Leonard  Pogono 

Suson  Poge 
P.oberr  Polombo 
Elaine  Polumbo 
Moryonne  Pororore 
Andrew  Porker 


College  Of  Arts  And  Sciences 

Geoff  Porker 

Porricio  Porsios 

Gory  Pedeneouir 

Judirh  Pellegrini 

Lorroine  A.  Perkins 

Andrea  Perr 
Suzanne  Peters 
Thomos  Perers 
Koren  Pererson 
Kevin  Pererson 

P.oberr  Pererson 

Carol  Grohom  Pfeiffer 

Michoel  Phelon 

Derh  Phillips 

Eric  Pierros 

Cynrhio  Pinsky 

Srephen  Pisini 

Aniro  Pivero 

Dione  Pleines 

5usan  Poirier 

Toro  Pond 

Caroline  Pooler 

Geoffrey  Porr 

Morjorie  Powers 

Morcy  Proskin 

Fronk  Priol 

Ellen  Primod-; 

Deboro  Propper 

Rosemary  Purrell 

Jane  Puskos 


College  Of  Arts  And  Sciences 

Aniro  C   Puzzonghero 
Brian  Quail 
Barboro  Quorrullo 
Deon  Quellerre 
Agnes  Quinones 

Jacques  Raymond 
Timorhy  Reordon 
Jean  Redul-ser 
Adorn  Rees 
Ellen  Reilly 

Lee  Reizion 
Liso  P>embersy 
Felicia  Reynolds 
Phyllis  Reynolds 
Sharl  Reynolds 

Anrhony  Ricciordelli 
Joye  Rickabough 
Robert  Ridick 
Susan  Ring 
Russell  Riseman 

Mary  Theresa  Rix 
Stephen  Roche 
Debro  Roden 
Minerva  Rodriguez 
Debra  Rogers 

Nancy  Rolfe 
Eileen  Romeo 
Scotr  Romero 
Peggy  Rose 
Matey  Rosenfield 


College  Of  Arts  And  Sciences 

Craig  Rosenkrontz 

Terese  P>osenrhal 

Pioberr  Ross 

Perr  Ross 

Porrick  Rosseel 

Piichord  Rossi 

Suzonne  Russo 

Nancy  Rorli 

Sruarr  Rubensrein 

Norman  Ruby 

Dawn  Ruggiero 

John  Ryan 

Jefferey  Ryan 

Michael  Saafron 

Ronold  Salersl'iy 

David  5onderson 

Nieve  Sonrano  Grullon 

Dennis  Sanroluciro 

Froni-;  Soporero 

Morionne  Savage 

Mindy  Scharlin 
Donno  Schein 
Alison  Scherrz 
Jay  Scherrzer 
Joseph  SchmidI 

Mork  Schneider 

Jacqueline  Schronli 

Irwin  Schwarrz 

Howard  Schworrz 

Scorr  Schweber 


College  Of  Arts  And  Sciences 

Chorles  Sdofoni 
Jonorhon  Scorr 
Morionn  Screnci 
Cindy  Scribner 
Cloudio  Sears 

Morgorer  Sheehon 
James  Sheerin 
Croig  Sherwood 
Timorhy  Shgrue 
Joseph  Shwarrzer 

IXussell  Sicklick 
Joner  Siegal 
Pioyno  Siegler 
Joe  Simord 
Suzanne  Simmons 

Lisa  E.  Simon 
Teresa  Simpson 
Serh  Singer 
Thomos  Slovin 
Michoel  Sloane 

David  Smirh 
Felicia  Smirh 
Bradford  Smirh 
Consronce  Soores 
Dovid  Soboff 

Jeff  Socolow 
Srephen  Soler 
Dale  Sporr 
Sharon  Spear 
Mirian  Speoor 


College  Of  Arts  And  Sciences 

P-oderick  Spelman 

Liso  Spencer 

Wendy  Spivol-s 

Lorerra  Sposiro 

PorriciQ  Sronisloviris 

Lorin  Srorr 

Mario  Sreinou 

Shelly  Steinberg 

Anne  Sreinfleld 

Rebo  Srern 

Jacqueline  Sriasny 

Pamela  Srone 

Dorboro  Srrehle 

Deborah  Sryman 

Korhleen  Sullivon 

John  Sullivon 

Maureen  Sullivan 

Michoel  Sullivan 

Pauline  Sullivon 

Michael  Supple 

Dorboro  Surrerre 

Eric  Sussmon 

Jane  Suvol 

Nancy  Svi^orrz 

Jo  Ann  Sylvio 

Joner  5zyszl«wski 

Vicror  Torroro 

Morrho  Teerer 

Tereso  Teerer 

Undo  Thoyer 


College  Of  Arts  And  Sciences 

Solly  Thellig 
Thelmo  Thomos 
Mork  Thompson 
Deon  S,  Thornblod 
5tephonie  Tice 

Michael  Tirrell 
Porrice  Tirrerlngron 
Corol  Tirus 
Jodi  Tobmon 
Mirchell  Toloczko 

Piurh  Toms 
Louise  Tosches 
Jomes  Trovers 
Chrisrine  Troywick 
Von-Lon  Truong 

Donno  Uhlmonn 
Jonice  Underhill 
Elizoberh  Uphom 
Morrin  Urbonski 
Leighonne  Vorney 

Alon  P..  Vorrobedion 
Jonice  Vorronion 
Dionne  Vossor 
Michoel  Voughon 
Porricio  A.  Vinchesi 

Jeon  Vogel   . 
Jomes  Woldron 
Denis  Wolsh 
Mory  Walsh 
Porrido  Walsh 


College  Of  Arts  And  Sciences 

Dono  Woshburn 

Jeremy  Worermon 

Cynrhio  Weill 

Loryn  Weinberg 

Derdine  Weiner 

Edward  F.  Whelden 

Kevin  Whire 

Gerald  Whire 

5usan  Whirmeyer 

Pomelo  Whirraker 

Alon  E.  Wilcox 
Suson  Wiley 

Cindy  Williams 
Korherine  Wilochka 
William  Wisenroner 

Elizoberh  Wqjnor 

Michele  Wojnorowsl';i 

Wendy  Wolf 

Joner  Wolkensrein 

Sondro-  Ann  Wong 

t      9 

Donald  Wood         j 

Sreven  WoodlocU         j          ^__J( 

Michael  Yoffe          <■       JK/k 

Soul  Yoffe               i^^ 

Lynn  Yoo          \,    ^H^ 

P-oberr  Zajdo 

Jeffrey  Zoludo 

Jon  Zonringa 

Mark  Zorrow 

Debro  Zuk 


College  Of  Food  And  Natural  Resources 

Arlyne  Abromson 
Frederick  Allen 
Craig  Allen 
Jonathan  Andrews 
Donold  Angelone 

Amparo  Arbelaez 
Mirium  Arlan 
Ellen  Bach 
Sharon  Danl-s 
Diane  Doum 

Jecn  Daumgorrner 
Frederick  Dourze 

Edword  Deck 
Lori  Dehrmon 

Paul  Belonger 
Mary  Dennerr 
Morrho  Dergsrrom 
Laurel  M.  Derrram 
Pvobin  Black 

Marie  Block- 
Larry  Blake 
John  Blozon 
Chrisropher  Bloncherre 
Andrew  Bloom 


College  Of  Food  And  Natural  Resources 

Elizoberh  Dohen 
Mory  Ann  Doosko 

Chorles  Dowers 

Porricia  Drodsrreer 

Valrer  Dreau 

Lyn  Drennon 

Mark  Drennon 

Donold  5.  Dresnohon 

Toro  Driggs-Domford 

Mark  J.  Duroczynsl-;! 

Dorbora  Durgoyne 

Margaret  Dyrne 

Sreven  Cadmus 

Emily  Carberry 

Sl-iip  Corbin 

Sandra  Carlson 

Mory  Jane  Caropang 

Lawrence  Caron 

Thomos  Couchon 

Srephanie  Chester 

James  Chleapas 

L.  Michael  Chumo,  Jr. 

Corol  Cimini 

Jill  Cimini 

Leslie  Cioffi 

Liso  M,  Cloy 

Holoine  Clayron 

Koren  Clinron 

Dovid  Clougherry 

Thomas  Clough 


College  Of  Food  And  Noturol  Resources 

Morgarer  Coen 
Alise  5  Cohen 
Lauren  Cohen 
Morion  Cole 
Brian  Conners 

Dione  Conners 
Lori  Conwoy 
Moe  Ling  Coolidge 
Morlene  Corbur 
Cynrhio  Coughlin 

Kimberly  Couslond 
Christopher  Croigue 
David  Crory 
Mary  Ellen  D'Aveni 
Andreo  D'Angelli 

Parrido  Dalron 
Debra  Dovies 
Anne  Dovoren 
Julie  DeCorolis 
Williom  DeCorolis 

Janice  DelGreco 
Dovid  Delonchomp 
Marion  Dery 
Diane  E.  Derucci 
William  Devorney 

Neol  Devine   - 
Claudia  Donald 
Morgarer  Donoghue 
More  Doyle 
Jeffrey  Duggon 


College  Of  Food  And  Natural  Resources 

PomelQ  Easley 

Jennifer  Eberhordr 

Eril-;  Eckilson 

Abigol  Eder-lnwong 

Mary  E.  Edwords 

Edirh  Eppich 
Perer  Ericteon 

[\obin  Erhier 
James  Forquhar 
Goyle  Finkelsrein 

Jeffrey  Fleer 

Susan  A.  Flercher 

Richard  Rood 

Porricia  Flynn 

Mary  Ellen  Flynn 

Jennifer  Forbes 

Scorr  Franklin 

Brian  A.  Frory 

Dovid  Eraser 

Penney  Friedman 

David  Gognon 

Gornerr  Wynerre 

Koren  Geller 

Piosemorie  Genruso 

Kevin  George 

TInereso  Girord 

Duone  Glow 

Mory  Godlewski 

Susan  Goldsrein 

Jonice  Golner 


College  Of  Food  And  Noturol  Resources 

Rich  Goner 
Virginio  Goodlerre 
Donnie  Goodman 
Vivion  Gordon 
Joonne  Grof 

Joyce  Green 
Scorr  Greenbounn 
Judirh  Greene 
Sue  Griffin 
Dione  Gwozdz 

Paul  Halkerr 
Donnie  Hamilron 
Lori  G.  Hammel 
Jody  S.  Handell 
Srephen  Hunnemon 

Paul  Horringron 
Gino  Hashey 
Steven  Hoskins 
Pamela  Henry 
Joyce  Henshaw 

Lynn  Hibbard 
Aso  Hilliord  IV 
Linda  Hinl-iley 
Vioorio  Hollisr 
Lydio  Howcrofr 

ElizoberLi  Hughes 
James  Hume 
Robert  Humphrey 
Undo  Hurley 
Solly  Jablonski 


College  Of  Food  And  Natural  Resources 

Suzanne  Jocek 
David  Jacobs 

Scorr  Jernsrrom 
Ashford  Jones 
Eric  Josephson 

Morcy  Karz 
Barry  Kelleher 

Colin  Kelley 
Theodore  Kerpez 
William  Kieda,  Jr. 

5usQn  C.  Kiejzo 

Harold  Kiley 

Sherrie  Kinsello 

Paul  Kirk 

David  Kisidoy 

Holly  Klein 

Lowrence  5.  Kocor 

Philip  KonWe 

Michoel  Krofr 

Chesrer  Kubik 

Chrisrine  Lomminen 

Evererr  Larson,  Jr. 

Celesre  Lovoie 

Elizaberh  Lawler 

Terry  Leahy 

Ronold  Leovirr 
Ronold  LeDlonc 

Paul  Leighron 
Donno  Lennox 

Joanne  Lesse 


College  Of  Food  And  Natural  Resources 

Sruorr  Levr 
Glen  Lewis 
Emily  Lewney 
Chungkui  Li 
Poul  Lorenzo 

Morgorer  Luciono 
Michael  Lumio 
Chrisrine  Lundberg 
Kevin  Lundy 
Mork  Lussier 

Mark  Lurhmon 
Joseph  McGinry 
John  Lyons 
Edword  J.  MacKinnon 
Jeffrey  MacMarrin 

Maureen  Moguire 
Eric  Maker 
Mory  Ann  Molloy 
Daniel  Morsili 
Roberr  Martin 

Hope  Moscorr 
Derro  Mason 
Stephen  Morreson 
Taro  McCarthy 
Gail  McCormids 

Judith  McCrone 
Mouro  McCullough 
Edward  McDonald 
Thomas  McHugh 
Mary  Jone  Mdnryre 


College  Of  Food  And  Natural  Resources 

Colleen  McLevedge 

Rob  McMahon 

Paul  Meleski 

Allon  Mensoh 

Joonne  Merlirz 

Noncy  Minohon 
Anne  Minihon 

Karen  Monreiro 

Debro  Moreno 

Ann  Morgon 

Arsuji  Morlwokl 

Chrisrine  Moynihon 

John  Murphy 

Jennifer  Newbury 

Carolyn  Newby 

Alexander  Odrischinsky 

Darren  Oliver 

Sreven  Oliver 

John  Olwine 

Kevein  O'Molley 

Paul  Ordvi/oy 

Andrea  Organ 

Diane  Orr 

Coss  Ponciocco 

Jill  Parker 

Noncy  Porrerson 

Porri  Pendexrer 

Mario  X,  Perini 

Williom  Perno 

Elaine  Perreuskos 


College  Of  Food  And  Noturol  Resources 

Nancy  Pilgion 
Anrhony  Pineou 
Tino  Pirog 
Louro  Pisono 
Poulo  Quomo 

llise  Rorner 
Alon  P,oymond 
Korhleen  Ready 
Williom  Reinerrson 
Deborah  Rey 

Suson  Pilchards 
Suson  P,oberrs 
Annerre  Robinson 
Srephen  Robinson 
Dale  Rochkind 

Edword  Ronan 
Mork  Rose 
Revo  Rudmon 
Mary  C.  Socco 
Michoel  R.  Socenri 

Debbie  Solkous 
Chrisropher  Saner 
Kathleen  Sonro 
Gail  Schriever 
Aidon  Scully 

Lisa  Scorziello 
Leanne  M.  Seors 
Michelle  L-  Segal 
Nancy  Serophin 
Lawrence  Shapiro 


College  Of  Food  And  Natural  Resources 

Neil  Shopiro 

Amy  Shorff 

Jayne  Shea 

Amy  Schecrer 

Carol  Shepperton 

Korherlne  Sherburne 

Lisa  Shope 

Ellen  Shumrak 

Colleen  Siff 

Nonci  Silverman 

Parricia  Simmons 

Dione  Sirl-iin 

Linda  Skoie 

Diane  Smirh 

Joonne  Snyder 

Suson  Sondik 

Perer  Spadaforo 

Deborah  Spang 

Joan  Spiedowis 

Robin  G.  Spinner 

Allyson  Spivok 

Paula  Sr.  Onge 

Judirhonne  Srearns 

Dorboro  Srein 

David  Steinberg 

■\hondo  Sullivan 

Paul  SupiinsUos 

Corolyn  S.  Torbell 

Perro  Thamhoim 

Olgo  Tongelidis 


College  Of  Food  And  Natural  Resources 

Donald  Trembloy,  Jr. 
Undo  TriFone 
Elizoberh  Truex 
Anne  Tursky 
Porricio  Turrle 

Frederick  Unkel 
Virginio  Ursin 
Jefferey  Vollee 
Koren  Vender  Dogorr 
Leilo  Vonni 

Tommy  Vonporren 
Arielo  Vordi 
Jeff  Verzone 
Morgorer  M.  Vezino 
Joyce  L.  Vincenr 

Mary  Ann  VIohokis 
Deborah  Vondol 
Ayodele  Wak-Williams 
Korherine  Worner 
Carol  Warnock 

Elizoberh  Worwick 
Srocy  Voxer 
Elise  Weerrs 
Phil  Veilersrein 
Chrisropher  J.  New 

Thomas  Wholen 
Terrionn  Whire 
Teresa  Wiedergorr 
Noncy  Wiilerr 
Curr  Williamson 


College  Of  Food  And  Natural  Resources 

Drain  Winsron 

Andrea  Wise 

Elizabeth  Wojnar 

Midiael  E.  Yanow 

Amy  D.  Yohn 

Karen  Young 


School  Of  Business  Administration 

Jone  Aheorn 
Suzonne  Al-ielly 
Cynrhio  Allen 
Dovid  Alperr 
James  J.  Alves 

Cynrhio  Anderson 
June  Anderson 
Shoryn  M.  Areono 
Donno  Armsrrong 
Suson  Asslanre 

Susan  Doldwin 
Scorr  Darker 
Kevin  Dorry 
Kelly  Beals 
Adriane  Beck 

Jonorhan  Dello 
Sreven  Dergel 
Michoel  Derrers 
Mark  Discoe 
Wendy  Bishop 

Drendo  Dissonnerre 
Ralph  Block 
Noncy  E.  Bloonn 
Karen  Borelho 
Teresa  Bouchard 

Andreo  Brown 
Sandra  Brown 
Niel  Drugol 
James  Buckley 
John  Bukovich 


School  Of  Business  Administration 

Dorlene  Dussiere 

Lynn  Burler 

Mary  Codogon 

Suzonne  Connon 

Joseph  Caponigro 

P.ira  L  Coprino 

Roberr  Carirhers 

Chrisrine  Corlson 

Paul  Carney 

Steven  Caron 

David  Carr 

Lourie  Cosperson 

Piichord  Cavolloro 

Mary  Alice  Cedrone 

Michael  Cerruri 

Denise  Chopnik 

Srephen  Chipmon 

David  M.  Oine 

Deborah  Cohen 

Morron  Cohen 

Steven  Cohen 

David  J-  Comeou 

Daniel  Connell 

I^oberr  Conway 

Suzonne  G.  Coogle 

Nancy  Cook 

Dean  Coroir 

Undo  Cotton 

Michoel  Couch 

Thomas  Courtney,  Jr. 


School  Of  Business  Administration 

Stephen  Cromer 
Perer  Crowley 
Sonyo  CusocI-; 
Jomes  Doley 
Doreen  Doly 

Dovid  D'Angelo 
William  Delzell 
Edee  Diomond 
Dovid  Dilulis 
Perer  DITommoso 

Shown  Doherry 
Heidi  Donohue 
Kevin  Donahue 
Genny  V.  Donepp 
Susan  Donovon 

Jo-Ann  Downey 
Sharon  Downey 
Korhleen  Downing 
Doedro  Dudman 
Vicki  Eggerr 

John  Elko 
Joanne  Fogan 
William  Forquorson 
P,ichard  Feldmon 
Williom  Finnegon 

Caesar  Fiorihi,  Jr. 
Mirchell  Fishmon 
Sheryl  Flomenofr 
Vince  Fori 
Cynrhio  Froborro 


School  Of  Business  Administration 

Timorhy  Fulco 

Richard  Fusco 

Ned  Furrermon 

Heidi  Golper 

Morl-(  D.  Goriborro 

Irene  Gedaminsl-iy 

MoriQ  Germono 

Poul  GiQCchino 

Susan  Ginsburg 

Wayne  Golab 

Leslie  Goldberg 

Edward  Goldfarb 

Jamie  Goldman 

Richord  Goldmon 

Corhy  Golini 

Richord  M.  Goodmon 

Debro  Gordon 

Richord  Gordon 

Debro  Gorfine 

Rick  Goroshko 

Andrew  Gould 

Morl-i  Grosso 

Ellen  Gray 

Korherine  Green 

John  Greguoli 

Mary  Grygorcewicz 

Roberro  Guiel 

Timorhy  Holpin 

Alice  Hondfinger 

John  W,  Horr 


School  Of  Business  Administration 

Cynrhio  Hoshem 
Kim  Horron 
Mirsi  Howkins 
Erin  Heorl-i 
Dorringron  Henry 

Fronds  Henson 
Thomos  Hid-son 
Richord  Hocl^ 
Noncy  Holm 
Dennis  Hsu 

Moridore  Hughes 
Donna  F.  Huie 
Morgorer  Hurlbur 
Craig  Hurchinson 
David  lafraro 

Alfredo  lannarilli 
Tohir  Islom 
Daniel  Izroeli 
Deborah  Jod-son 
Srephen  Jameson 

Judirh  Jasurek 
Elaine  Jennings 
Daniel  Johnson 
James  Johnson 
Wolrer  Josiah 

Julie  Korolis  - 
John  Kouppinen 
Perer  Keenon 
Pioberr  Kelley 
Edword  Kennedy 


School  Of  Business  Administration 

James  Kennedy 

Leonn  Kennedy 

Morl-i  Kenny 

Chrisrine  Kershow 

Daniel  Kerchum 

Laura  King 

Jeanne  Kirnes 

Louise  Kisielewski 

Mary  Kirr 

Coria  Kirchen 

Jone  Klomkin 

Randolph  Knox 

Ivon  Kossol-; 

Myra  Kramer 

Debro  Kranrzow 

Nuan  Kuo 

Kennerh  Kularsl-;i 

Rennee  Kvidero 

Karhleen  Lahey 

James  Long 

William  Loshwoy 

William  Lovin 

Denise  Lovoie 

Perer  Lawless 

Jennifer  Leohy 

Roberr  Leohy 

David  G.  Levenson 

Carol  Sue  Levy 

Karen  Levy 

Jone  Lifschulrz 


School  Of  Business  Administration 

Corhy  Lindenouer 
Cynrhio  Unehon 
Andrea  Lipmon 
Corole  Looney 
Louis  Lowenstein 

Kevin  LozQw 
Annorre  Lunken 
Heorher  Lee  MocMillon 
Andrew  Mogire 
Kennerli  Molnon,  Jr 

Alice  Mohoney 
Tliereso  Mojchrzok 
Druce  Molley 
Joseph  Morquedonr 
Undo  Marshall 

Laurie  Morrin 
Thomos  Morrin 
Srephen  Morrino 
Mary  Jane  Morris 
Morhew  Mororhio 

Erin  McCorrhy 
Judirh  McCorrhy 
Mark  McCorrhy 
Richard  McCorrhy 
Loni  McClurg 

Chrisropher-  McCuen 
Korhleen  McDonald 
William  McDonald 
Susan  McFarlin 
Jean  McGreory 


School  Of  Business  Administration 

Gwen  McGinry 

John  McGlone 

Deirdre  McGrarh 

Jomes  McGrorh 
Stephen  McGuirk 

Olive  McNeill 

Susan  McQuillan 

Denise  McSweeney 

Morie  W.  Mealey 

Susan  Menne 

Corinne  Meyer 
Melindo  Meyer 
Michael  Miller 
Stephen  Minson 
Cynrhio  Moore 

Ellen  Morrisy 

Richard  Moulron 

Carol  Mourodian 

John  Muldoon 

Robert  Munroe 

Nancy  Murray 

Helen  Nojorion 

Ahteno  Nel-sos 

Fran  A.  Newman 

Susan  Novak 

Michael  Noymer 

Clement  Nugent 

Jomes  O'Connell 

Drion  O'Conner 

Alon  Olans 


School  Of  Business  Administration 

Drert  Olsher 
Koren  O'Neil 
Deborah  Oriolo 
Jimmy  Popos 
Pionold  pQuI 

Jocqueline  Perchik 
Mark  Pendleron 
Scorr  Philporr 
Pou!  Pid-;unka 
Saul  Pinsky 

Carherine  Pinro 
Sreven  Piro 
Lauren  Pirliin 
John  Popeo 
Phyllis  Pruirr 

Joanne  Quinlan 
P>oberr  Roymond 
David  Reordon 
Carol  Piegon 
Jeffrey  P,ehor 

Piegino  P.eilly 
Suson  P.eisrer 
P>oy  P.eizivic 
Diane  Piingle 
Joseph  Rosenberg 

Mark  Ross 
Dorbaro  Russell 
James  Ryan 
']       Lori  Saccone 
'1       Philip  Sorranowicz 


School  Of  Business  Administration 

Jean  Sounders 

Parrido  Saunders 

Vicroria  Sounders 

Miriom  Schorf 

Jonis  Schneider 

Roberr  Schnepp 

Derh  Schnirzer 

Darin  Schonzeir 

Morcio  Scioborrosi 

Rurh  Scudere 

Joanthon  Shapiro 

Sreven  Shapiro 

Pioberr  Shorron 

Anne  Shecrolloh 

Edward  Sheehan 

Kelly  Shepord 

Arlene  Shosrek 

Marilyn  Silk 

Moxine  Small 

Lynne  Smirh 

Jonorhon  Sobel 

Lori  Ann  Sorel 

Corhy  Sousa 

Corole  Springer 
Dovid  Sr.  Jean 

Drendo  Srorvick 

Roberr  H.  Srrongin 

Stephen  Srrouse 

Michoel  Sullivan 

Dorbora  Summers 


School  Of  Business  Administration 

Williom  Sweeney 
Andrew  5zendey 
Srephen  Tanl-(el 
Perer  Toube 
Jock  Teichmon 

Dovid  Thompson 
Gregory  Ting 
Gregory  Tirus 
Suson  Tjernogel 
Jomes  Torres 

^       Marl-;  Touhey 
Sreven  Trevor 
Frederick  Turcorre 
Bonnie  Turner 
John  Voijloncourr 

Undo  Vongel 
Michelle  Vorney 
Iris  Vosquez 
Michoel  Vilordi 
Michael  Voipe 

Thomos  Wade 
Lyndo  Volker 
Debro  Wolsh 
Rosemary  Walsh 
Srephen  J.  Walsh 

Nancy  Warers 
Jeffrey  Weener 
Michoel  Weihrouch 
Jomes  Weis 
Mirhchell  L  Weiser 


School  Of  Business  Administration 

Ellen  Whire 

Thomos  Wiener 

William  Wiles 

Elizaberh  Will 

Jeffrey  Willor 

Diana  Williams 

Roberr  Willis 

Andrew  Wilson 

Derh  Wimbish 

Diane  Wish 

Mark  Wirunski 

Louise  Wolf 

Roberr  Woolridge 

Arlene  M.  Wormon 

Elizoberh  Young 

Audrey  Zoccone 

Richard  Zeriin 

Ellen  Zieve 

William  Zwemke 


School  Of  Education 


Joonne  Allen 
Lynne  Allosso 
Morjorie  Anderson 
Dione  Aronson 
Constance  Arvoniris 

Consronce  Bomber 
Michelle  Danville 
Paulo  Dorsomion 
Ellen  Drown 
Paulo  DuccQ 

Angela  Caouerre 
Elizoberh  Cosner 
Trod  A,  Covonough 
Porricio  Choresr 
Debro  Colemon 

Donold  Cummings 
Chris  Decker 
Derh-Ann  Diamond 
Mildo  Diaz 
Adele  Doron 

Lisa  Droyron 
Koren  Drimer 
Morsho  Eyges 
Tino  Ferrelli 
Sheila  Firzgerold 

Krisrine  Forgir- 
Chorlene  Froderre 
Mory  Ellen  Frozier 
P,obin  Fuld 
Ann  Gillis 


School  Of  Education 

Maurine  Glimcher 

Norma  Gobiel 

Kelly  HqII 

Rosemory  Hern 

Frezzio  Herrero 

Sondro  Hiorr 

Noncy  Hoffmon 

Korhryn  Johnson 

Mory  Kocmorcik 

Jill  Konrer 

Kimberly  Kourz 

Desiree  Kilbourne 

Elizoberh  C,  Long 

PiOnulo  Mologon 

Undo  Molrz 

Elizoberh  Mozeroll 

CynrhiQ  McGrorh 

Kren  McKinney 

Anne  Messirr 

Deirdre  J.  Miner 

Muso  Modo 

Porrio  Nelson 

Shoronn  O'Conner 

Richord  Porl-ier 

Louren  Power 

Noncy  Roinville 

Donno  Reynolds 

Jomes  5orris 

Deborah  A,  Seliner 

William  Silvo 


School  Of  Educorion 

Michelle  Slovin 
Eileen  Spielberg 
Troy  Frances 
PquIo  Tye 
Cheryl  Upron 

Joanne  Walsh 
Susan  Wiggin 
Mory  Wilbur 
Melissa  Wilson 
Nancy  Young 


School  Of  Engineering 

Antonio  Aguior 

Chrisropher  Ahmodjion 

Dovid  Albonsi 

Noncy  Anderson 

Solly  Anderson 

Morrin  Appleboum 

Kathleen  Dogge 

Michael  Bagge 

Nancy  Jane  Daily 

Arthur  Dorobush 

Gonzolo  Darohono 

Dovid  Dorson 

Michoel  Delanger 

Michael  Dellomo 

Stephen  Denoit 

Ross  Block 

Stephen  DIenus 

Koten  Boudror 

David  Btockelbonk 

Belinda  Brool« 

Mirch  Drovi'n 
Robert  Brox 
Kodd  Durne 
Martha  Burri 
Michael  Collander 

Margaret  Campbell 
Clayton  Catlisle 

Bruce  A.  Cospersen 

Brian  Chapman 

Eric  Chen 


School  Of  Engineering 

Mors  Cheung 
John  aarl-i 
Richard  Colby 
Jeffrey  M.  Colemon 
Nicholos  Colicchio 

Mary  Cook 
John  Cox 
Douglas  Crowford 
(Xichard  Crosby 
Terese  Crowley 

Glenn  Currin 
Michael  Doigneauir 
Janino  Dovenporr 
Lawrence  David 
Roberr  DeCunincU,  Jr. 

Srephen  Desrosiers 
Thomos  Donahue 
Joanne  Duquerre 
Poul  Egglesron 
Steven  Feinberg 

Janice  Fergusen 
Frank  Fischer 
Daniel  Firch 
Daniel  Flemming 
James  Founroine 

John  Francis. 
Jonorhon  Freedmon 
Bruce  Freyman 
Susan  Froehlich 
Sreven  Goj 


School  Of  Engineering 

David  Galar 

Regino  Golor 

Terence  Gorrohon 

Douglos  Gorron 

Joseph  Gill 

Suson  Girouord 

Stephen  Goguen 

Stephen  Gormon 

Sreven  Grahom 

Williom  Greenwoy 

Morrhew  Grigos 

Dovid  Holey 

Horold  Holey 

Poul  V.  Horringron 

Karen  L.  Kohrs 

P,ose  Hoshem 

Perer  Horcher 

Greg  Hennrikus 

Brian  Hernon 

Perer  Home 

John  Inrorcio 

Druce  Jockson 

John  Josperse 

David  Jessel 

Pilchard  Keone 

Porrick  Kei-Doguinord 

Williom  Kelley 

Kevin  Kenney 

P,ussell  Kimball 

Michoel  Klerr 


School  Of  Engineering 

Michoel  Klingloff 
Jeffrey  Krosofski 
Thomas  LoFlomme 
Jeff  Shun  Lai 
Cynrhio  Lompke 

Poul  Larson 
John  Liprak 
Douglas  Locke 
Thomas  Lockwood 
Mori-;  Lombard! 

Lori  Lynch 
Charles  Mochlin 
Roberr  MocKoy 
Roy  MacKinnon 
Joseph  McDonough 

John  McMullen 
Chrisropher  McNulry 
Stephen  Messenger 
Srephonie  Miroglia 
Connie  Mirchum 

Nick  Molloy 
Anrhony  Monr 
Francis  Moore 
Bruce  Morehordr 
John  Morin 

John  Morrison 
Perer  Morr 
Jill  Mosher 
Carol  Munroe 
Keirh  Murphy 


School  Of  Engineering 

Michelle  Nodeou 

Karhleen  Noughron 

Kevin  Nicoll 

John  Oskirl^o 


Deborah  Page 

Corl  Pedersen 

Roberr  Pike 

Giro  Pourrahimi 

Seon  Pioce 

Corlo  Pioy 

Morr  Pioerdon 

Poul  Red-io 

P.ichQrd  Roberrs 

Sreven  B,od-;wood 

Gerard  Rooney 

Roberr  Roors 

Frank  Russo 

Ellen  Sable 

Donna  Solvucci 

Corrmelo  Sonraniello 

Rodney  Sossamon 

Mark  Schodenhouffen 

David  Sd^lier 

Douglas  Schmidr 

Timorhy  Sheehon 

Thomas  Sikoro 

Anronio  Silvo 

Poul  Simmons 

Moni  Sobhian 


School  Of  Engineering 

Robert  Solomon 
Irene  Srerhobhokri 
Dianne  Srrom 
Joseph  Surron 
Noncy  Swofford 

Abdolloh  Tormimi 
Charles  Thursron 
Toni  Tron 

Corherine  Tummonds 
Yoichiro  Uchishibo 

Richord  Unkel 
Srephen  Wall 
Michoel  Vebber 
George  Websrer 
Keirh  Wesrgore 

King  Wong 
Berry  Woodman 
Mary  Wrobel 
Bruce  Zenlea 
Paul  Zimmer 


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Don  Lendry 

The  1981-82  Collegian  Staff  Members 


Les  Bridges 

John  Hite 

RSO  Office 

Judy  Gagnon 

Blanche,  Nancy,  Barbara,  Ann  Marie 

Ed  Levine 

David  Cline 

Vince  DeWitt 

Jim  Waldron 

Josten's  American  Yearbook  Company 

Delma  Studios 

Phil  Sitbon 

John  Kurdziel 

Gershon  Sirot 

Gerry  Schneider 

Dudley  Bridges 

Leslie  Hyman 

Hillary  Noke 

Photo  Coop 

Lenny  Pagano 

Danny  Legor 

June  Kokturk 

Bob  Bershback 

Associated  Press 


Dario  Politella 


Collegian  Graphics  Staff 

Jim  Floyd 


1982  INDEX 

Carol  G.  Pfeiffer 

Stephanie  J.  Porter 

ThOlO^rOiP^V    Bduor  John  D.  Bunting 

V\55lSlOiini   tdUOr  Dean  Thornblad 

^\i5lino55   MOinOi^or  Rita  L.  Caprino 

V\S5l3l,0i^l   MOinO^tyf  Michael  Altneu 

Lopv  Bduor 
V\n.  l)irt/Cior 
Wows  l^ift/cior 
Tt/Opit/  Piftycior 

Susan  Karp 

Renee  Cantor 

Brian  Sullivan 

Sheila  Davitt 

6pOri<5    OlfoClOr  Stephen  Freker 

V\55l5lOiini    ^IfoClOr    Jim  Floyd 

Copv  Id/rutyrs: 

Diane  Clehane 
Robyn  Cooperstein 
David  Cline 
Ed  Levine 
Randi  Marcus 


Duncan  Millar 
Nancy  Nutile 
Karen  Zueike 
Terry  Bellifiore 
Lenny  Pagano 
Fadi  Shawish 
Jane  Puskas 
Ginny  Michaud 
Meg  Starkweather 
Suzanne  Peters 
Chris  Hardin 

Karen  Monteiro 
Suzanne  Peters 
Roni  Smith 
Marybeth  Hebert 
Tracey  MacDonald 

Heidi  Levine 
Matt  Brennan 
Karen  Gilbertson 
Warren  Gagne 
Ben  Marsden 
Anne  Casner 
Dan  Droullete 
Vince  DeWitt 
Jim  Waldron 
Steve  Thomas 
Patty  Gorman 


Editor's  Note 

The  1982  INDEX  is  to  serve  many  functions  for  the  University  Community  —  one,  as  a  reminder  of 
college  life  and  of  the  1981-1982  academic  year;  and  two,  as  a  resource  for  the  individual  to  learn  more 
about  the  many  opportunities  available  to  the  student  at  the  University  and  in  the  community. 
Becoming  involved  in  the  many  diverse  activities  can  only  enrich  one's  education  and  awareness. 

Many,  many  people  have  contributed  to  the  production  of  the  1982  INDEX,  and  the  staff  owes  an 
incredible  amount  of  thanks  to  you  all. 

—  To  the  University:  the  students,  the  faculty,  the  administration,  thank  you  for  allowing  the  INDEX 
the  opportunity  to  participate  and  record  the  many  events  that  occurred  this  past  year. 

—  To  Don  Lendry,  Dario  Politella,  and  Phil  Sitbon,  thank  you  for  your  continued  guidance  and 
support  of  the  1982  staff. 

1  would  like  to  express  my  fondest  wishes  and  gratitude  to  the  staff  members  of  the  1982  INDEX. 
Thank  you  for  sharing  all  of  your  friendship,  dedication,  creativity,  and  spontaneity. 

Finally,  I  owe  personal  thanks  to  Don  Lendry  and  Les  Bridges  for  aiding  and  abetting  an  insane 
editor,  and  to  the  sisters  and  pledges  of  Kappa  Kappa  Gamma  —  without  you  all  1  would  have  surely 
slipped  off  the  deep  end! 

On  behalf  of  the  1982  INDEX  staff  —  thank  you,  enjoy  the  book,  it  is  all  of  the  frustrations  and 
excitements  of  the  1981-1982  year  condensed  into  288  pages  —  and  more. 

Best  Wishes, 


Carol  Graham  Pfeiffer 
Editor,  1982  INDEX 




